Super Doctor

Chapter 1032

With Xu Ze's current ability, there is a knife in it. Under Philip's defense, it is not difficult to kill each other. At least Xu Ze can be so sure.

However, he has just killed six S-level elite of the blood clan. If Philip dies again, the blood clan will be in great trouble this time.

Of course, the trouble of blood clan is big, which doesn't concern him. It's just that once people care about more things, there are always some obstacles in doing things, and the more things need to be considered. Xu Ze is a person who is afraid of trouble, so in order to avoid trouble, he must consider more.

Once Philip is killed, the strength of the blood clan will be greatly damaged, which will make the power of the dark world instantly unbalanced. The werewolves will soon gain the upper hand and even take the position of speaker. Once this happens, the whole dark world will be in chaos for a long time.

Accordingly, once the dark world is in chaos, the checks and balances that have been maintained with the Vatican will lose control, which will give the holy see an opportunity to occupy a great advantage, and even threaten the stability of the East. Although China's current strength does not need to be afraid of these, it will be more or less troublesome;

and Xu Ze, who believes himself to be just, will certainly be in trouble at that time You have to take some responsibility on your own initiative.

So, as Xu Ze, he didn't want that kind of chaos to really appear, and he owed a lot of gratitude to Reddy. Therefore, he killed six S-level blood clans with a ruthless hand. After removing the possible threat, he didn't want to kill people at will, just wanted to let these guys retreat.

In fact, he had been prepared for today's events. Even if he deliberately indulged in the occurrence of this incident, he was also very clear that once the blood clan knew the existence of Lin Yumeng, it was absolutely impossible not to be seduced, and today is a great opportunity to give the blood clan a warning.

Of course, this warning must be properly worded for the above reasons.

But now it seems that it's really not easy to achieve this proper word... Xu Ze thinks that he really underestimates the attraction of Lin Yumeng to these blood clans.

Philip in the field of vision quickly completed the transformation of the full moon. As a top level blood clan of SS level, he was basically a guy who really discovered the genetic ability of blood lineage.

tremble with fear, but Philip can't be like the legendary pile of small bats, but the huge meat wings that come out of his spine still frighten people, simultaneous interpreting the hideous face and turning the teeth on the tip of the teeth. It is really very frightening.

even Xu Zeshen, Sun Lingfei, looks at the dreadful floating in the moonlight and slowly waving the huge wings. Old man, at this time, he was also scared to look pale.

"Hoo... Wings... As expected, the records are true. After the full moon of these top rank blood clans, they can really grow such a pair of wings... It's strange and frightening..." Xu Ze pursed his mouth and murmured in secret.

In the vision of glasses, there are several other pictures in front of us, which is not too surprising.

Class a blood clan is transformed into a full moon, just like old Philip. His eyes are protruding, his lips are turned up, and there are some strange patterns on his face. Then his teeth are pointed, and his nails are growing a lot. Of course, the most important thing is that his strength has also risen a lot...

as Lin Yu, who directly faces six A-level blood clans, his strength has risen a lot Meng classmate, but there is no fear in his eyes at this time. Some are just a little bit more and more excited.

Of course, Xu Ze didn't notice this. He just looked at Philip, who was flapping his wings slowly in the air and was getting more and more powerful. He was ready to deal with this old guy's attack at any time.

Xu Ze took a light breath. At this time, the ring of his right hand also began to flash red light. He was ready to hit the old man hard. Otherwise, he could not guarantee that Lin Yumeng could support for too long under the attack of six A-class blood clans who were transforming themselves into full moon.

At this time, Philip slowly flapped his wings, and his momentum also reached the top. With a flash of blood in his eyes, a sharp tooth, and a low roar, he bent down and rushed down. Suddenly, there was a long roar from below...

hearing this roar, Philip in the air and Xu Ze below were stunned;

Xu Ze felt how familiar the sound of the roar was At this time, it is just like the long wind in the sky.

"Isn't it?" Hearing the excitement in the howling sound, Xu Ze's heart leaped suddenly and said in surprise: "can this little girl also transform into a full moon?"

"But don't become as ugly as these guys..." Xu Ze touched his nose, his heart was a little empty.

With the flash of the image in the vision of the glasses, the knife showed the positive image of Lin Yumeng before Xu Ze's eyes.

Under Xu Zena's helpless and suspicious gaze, Lin Yumeng in the vision of glasses slowly began to have some changes.

At this time, all the people, including the A-class blood group, all stopped their movements one after another. They also looked at Lin Yumeng, who was more and more amazing with the sound of the roar. I don't know how this half blood clan can transform into the full moon, and... What kind of she can become."It's ok..." after a few seconds, with Lin Yumeng's roar gradually stopped. Looking at Lin Yumeng in the vision of glasses, Xu Ze finally slowly breathed a sigh of relief and secretly congratulated him.

Because Lin Yumeng has obviously completed the transformation of her full moon. In addition to some strange and charming patterns on her face, her four small tiger teeth are particularly white and long, and her fingernails have become long and sharp, there is no big abnormality. In Xu Ze's feeling, it is still quite tasteful...

compared with that article, it is quiet The lovely Lin Yumeng has become more and more charming and attractive after her transformation...

Xu Ze's mind was fixed at this time, and others had changed. Now Lin Yumeng has also changed. It seems that it is not a big problem to deal with the six A-class blood group after transformation.

Now he also has enough attention to deal with Philip, an old man who doesn't know how to advance and retreat...

Philip, who was flapping his wings slowly in the air, was also frightened by Lin Yumeng's transformation. However, there was more excitement in his eyes at this time. Now, naturally, he would not let go of such a magical half blood race. He must get it To...

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