Super Doctor

Chapter 1029

"Dear father, members of Parliament..."

Reddy nodded respectfully to hippola, and then looked around at a dozen members of the blood clan Council.

The blood clan Council is not a dark parliament, but a decision-making body within the blood group. These more than ten members decide the future and direction of the whole blood clan, and make final decisions on all the problems faced by the blood clan.

A news that the blood clan Council received this time made all the members extremely excited. A magical half blood clan appeared in the East. This half blood clan was just an ordinary weak Terran woman half a month ago, but in a short period of more than ten days, it became a half blood clan that did not fear the sun at all, and its strength was comparable to that of S-level masters...

although specific They could not confirm the source, but the member who received the news was very sure of the authenticity of the source, because according to the investigation conducted by the blood clan Council in the East, the matter is quite reliable.

All the people are staring at this matter excitedly. It is only out of fear of the East that we have this meeting to discuss the feasibility of this matter.

Reddy is a rising star in the blood clan Council and the most outstanding expert of the younger generation. He is also the most valued lineage of speaker hippola. He is also a blood member who occupies a senior position in the dark Council. His opinions have always been highly valued.

Therefore, all members of the blood clan are looking at Reddy to see what he thinks.

"The appearance of such a half blood clan is indeed a great opportunity for our blood clan, so we must not let it go..." Rady slowly glanced at the people and suddenly said in a deep voice: "but... We should pay attention to the existence of Xu... He is definitely not easy to provoke, so I hope you can pay attention to this point!"

"Xu?" Hearing the name, other members of Parliament began to murmur, and even hippola's eyes flashed a light of dignity.

"So, if we are going to do something to this half blood race, we must pay attention to his existence..." here, Reddy sighed and said, "if we can avoid conflict with him, it's best not to have a direct conflict with him until the end."

It can be seen that Reddy has paid so much attention to the mysterious young master of the East, but those members of Parliament nearby are not angry, especially one of the old people is even more disdainful;

"well, Reddy... I agree with your suggestion!" At this time, speaker hippola suddenly but suddenly agreed with Reddy's words, which made more than a dozen councillors around him slightly stunned, especially the old man.

As a noble kindred, when would he pay so much attention to an oriental, especially when the speaker of Parliament hippola should pay so much attention to that Oriental, which makes him feel strange.

As a SS blood clan, no one deserves too much attention unless facing the Pope of the holy see or the head of the order of the light, or the deputy speaker. Even if the other party is also a SS class, why does hippora agree with Reddy and attach so much importance to the Oriental.

Xibora glanced at the crowd lightly and said in a deep voice: "we want to carry out this plan, but Xu Ze must pay attention to him. He is... Very strong! At least... If you can't disturb him, then don't disturb him, and I or Philip have to make sure there's a person involved in this project! "

Then, looking at the old man sitting at the top of the table, hiborah said with a slow smile, "Philip, this plan is very important to our family. We must make sure that one of us is involved to avoid accidents."

"Yes, my lord speaker, as you wish..." Philip rose slowly and bowed slightly.

Hippola nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "now that the other party has left China and entered North Africa, this is our good opportunity..."

"therefore, we should seize this period of time to complete this plan as soon as possible, so that our blood clan can appear in the sun, from then on, the ethnic group will shake up and control the whole world, and then we will try our best to complete this plan ”

"it's the honor of... Your Excellency... The blood clan. It will be more brilliant because of your wise decision..." the representative stood up and exclaimed excitedly.

Looking at those excited councillors slowly dispersing, Reddy stood quietly and did not leave...

"what? My son... Anything else? " She noticed the silent Reddy, then slowly rose from her seat, looked down at her son, and asked slowly.

"Father... If..." Reddy looked up at the speaker of Parliament, hesitated for a moment, and finally said in a slow voice: "if I can, I can ask Xu for some blood of the half blood tribe..."

xibola twisted her eyebrows slightly, then looked at her son and said in a deep voice: "we respected him before because he represented the whole East We need to reach some agreements through him... But now that half blood clan is far more important to us than the whole East, and now the East is unlikely to tear up the agreement with our dark world because of him! "Shebola slowly stepped down from her throne, walked to Reddy, patted her son on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "and my son... As long as we get the half blood, maybe we don't have to worry about the eastern attitude at all..."

Reddy nodded, but after a flash in his eyes, he said, "but father... I" We must not despise Xu... I feel that he is quite terrible! "

"Of course... My son, if the plan starts, Philip and I will certainly have a person to participate in. With us, you don't have to worry about... Ordinary human SS Level masters are hard to threaten us in the middle of the night, and I will suggest choosing a full moon night action..." hippola patted her son on the shoulder again, and was very satisfied with his prudence Then he turned and left.

"OK... My father!" Reddy nodded slowly. He was a little relieved by his father's arrangement, but he still felt a throb in his heart when he thought of the gentle and harmless looking young man.

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