Super Doctor

Chapter 1001

Looking at the Jun Bo who was about to spurt blood, Xu Ze smiles, as if he didn't say anything just now. Then he went on: "old general, please be sad and happy, but your sun's future has not been done. Please calm down a little... Otherwise, it's bad for your health when you are happy and sad...

after that, Xu Ze smiles and accompanies several people Gradually, some old people who couldn't help smiling turned away.

Some old people were still in a heavy mood. They were satirized by Xu Ze in Ming Dynasty. Looking at Jun Bo Lai's spitting blood on his face, his mood was really relieved. When he recalled what Xu Ze was thinking, he was still in such a relaxed mood...

on the contrary, several generals accompanying Jun Bo turned pale It's gloomy. I don't know how to feel in my heart...

anyway, Junbo came here and was very angry. Looking at Xu Ze who was leaving, he took two deep breaths with cold eyes. Then he said in a cold voice: "xuze... Don't think that it will be good for you to make some remarks. You have to remember that you are not a general now... You are not a fart now, so you don't have to I will let you and the people around you feel pain in the future

Hearing this naked threat, Xu Ze's step was stopped. After the upright figure was slightly stiff for a moment, he slowly turned around and fixed on looking at Jun Bo with a cold smile on his face. In his warm eyes, he gradually began to show a trace of coldness. The faint smile rarely disappeared on Junlang's face also began to disappear.

"What? Brave general Xu... Do you know that you are afraid? " Looking at the hate smile on the other side's face finally disappeared, Junbo Lai finally felt that he was out of breath and laughed. He looked around triumphantly at his subordinates and said, "look... You see, our General Xu has a time of fear... Ha ha ha..."

the generals beside him laughed and looked at Xu Ze's eyes flashing Some inexplicable light, some vague sympathy, some vague satire, and some vague envy...

the man beside him was gloomy and was about to speak, but Xu Ze slowly raised his hand to stop him.

"Comrade junbolai... As a senior leader of our army, don't you think what you said just now is quite inappropriate?" Xu Ze said faintly: "this makes me very disappointed with you..."

as soon as Xu Ze said this, Junbo's old face was not forbidden to be slightly red. In his capacity, he even threatened others in public, which was indeed a bit of a loss. But at this time, he did not care what, cold voice sneered: "my grandson is dead, I also worry about what, surname Xu... You don't think I can't get evidence, this matter is even, I won't just let it go!"

"I know..." Xu Ze nodded his head indifferently, then fixed his eyes on Junbo, and then looked at the generals around him. Finally, he turned his eyes back to Junbo and said in a slow voice: "however, comrade junbolai, I have a few words to tell you..."

"I said not long ago that my strength is stronger than ordinary people Xu Zesheng was as cold as iron and his smile was like a knife: "maybe some people are secretly laughing when they hear this, but I want to tell Comrade junbolai that it is true!"

"The position of lieutenant general is just an empty title, but what I really rely on is never this... Everyone who dares to provoke me, the consequences are just like that of Jun Da Shao, which is very serious..." Xu Ze grinned indifferently. After finishing this sentence, he slowly turned and left.

looking at the young and upright figure, he dropped a few words, walked steadily and straightened his spine His back, like a proud winner, walked away slowly. He felt a serious provocation and contempt of Junbo. After a long pause, he turned red. Finally, he did not care about his reserve. Facing his subordinates beside him, he laughed and said: "who does he think he is? It's ridiculous and ridiculous to dare to speak out now

"Yes, I don't know the depth of it..." they all agreed.

Listening to the chorus of his subordinates, Junbo came here and snorted coldly, and slightly eliminated some of his annoyance.

Mr. Li frowned slightly and looked at Xu Ze beside him anxiously and said, "Ozawa... This Junbo has always been a bit narrow-minded. Now that you don't have the position of lieutenant general, you should pay attention to it."

"Ha ha..." Xu Ze smile, and then look at the worried face of Mr. Li and Mr. Tang said: "grandfather Li, grandfather Tang... Don't worry, Junbo to him dare not do anything, I take care of him later do not dare to do anything to me!"

After hearing this, Mr. Li and Mr. Tang looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. However, they were relieved. They knew Xu Ze well. So even if Xu Ze resigned this time, they just tried their best to save it and help Xu Ze minimize the influence. They knew that Xu Ze was not an impulsive person There is a reason for everything.

"In fact, this is not the case. Why do you have to resign from the military post? It's not easy to be a lieutenant general! In fact, even if you are wronged, you will still be able to keep it! Why are you? " Think of this, Mr. Li is still a little sorry, lieutenant general ah... That is a general!Seeing that Mr. Li mentioned this, Mr. Tang's face was also full of flesh ache. Looking at Xu Ze, he said, "yes... Why are you?"

Xu Ze chuckled and said, "Lieutenant General... The virtual rank of the general is actually of no use to me, but a fetter;

" as both grandfathers know, although I have a lieutenant general, I have no real position, and with my temperament, I will not be willing to take up a real post. In addition, even if I become a general in the future, I will not have any idea of climbing to the top, because these are unlikely and not what I really like... And my identity is destined not to sit in that position! "

"But... Although your identity is special, as long as we operate well, it is not impossible!" One side of the old man Li naturally knew what Xu Ze meant, and then he frowned and said in a deep voice.

"No, it's not what I want!" Xu Ze smiles and shakes his head and says: "I've been busy for the past two years. I've seen through it... I just want to be carefree in the future. I really don't want to be so complicated!"

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