Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 816

Although he drank vaguely, sol remembered what Odin said and asked fisher to come to Asgard for dinner.

The next day, after climbing up from the table of the tavern, sol couldn't even care about personal hygiene, so he hurried to call Heimdal.

Asgard's elevator administrator diligently pressed his switch, that is, he inserted his guard sword into the control core of rainbow bridge.

It's said that Heimdal doesn't like this job very much. After all, he sometimes stops here for a few days. Although his body can carry it, the boring feeling is hard to erase, but he still adheres to it because of the rigorous training and loyalty he has received for hundreds of years.

But fortunately, after rocky took office, he increased financial subsidies for high-risk industries. Anyway, Odin's money is not white, and he also granted heimdar a vacation for decades. It just seems that black millet has no time to take a vacation at present.

Rainbow bridge takes sol back to Asgard first. He is going to see his mother first and find trouble for his silly brother by the way.

The resplendent palace remained, but it was deserted. Only new enchanted weapons and large shields were installed, and patrols with shiny armor walked through the tall corridor.

Now most of Asgard's military strength has been transferred, leaving only a small number of veterans and most recruits guarding the homeland. Yes, rocky has a new title, Asgard recruiter training officer.


As Thor yelled, he walked through the corridor full of interior officials and intelligence directors, and then roughly kicked the heavy door open.

"Come on, my dear brother! Look what I brought you? "

Sol took out his little alien yellow book and a pile of food and drink, and piled it on the three meter big desk in front of rocky.

Looking at the mess of his papers and scrolls, rocky rubbed his hair and showed a rather ferocious smile.

"I'm working, your highness. Would you please go out first?"

"Ah, this!"

Sol glanced at the officials waiting outside the door. These people are not only from Asgard, but also from the radiation areas of Asgard traditional forces such as Warner Heim. These areas are also under the jurisdiction of Asgard, and naturally they should obey Rocky's orders.

As the Regent of the Kingdom, rocky can't live very well these days. When Odin gave him the Regent, rocky swore that at least the people under his rule could not live worse than Odin's period, otherwise he would never be able to hold any position in Asgard.

In fact, as the God of tricks, rocky does not lack the wisdom to govern the country. If Odin doesn't force him to take an oath, rocky may really mess up Asgard by buying vegetables on the street.

But now, Loki, who works hard to govern, gets up earlier than chickens and sleeps later than owls every day. Even so, the life index and happiness of residents in Asgard's jurisdiction can be on the same level as Odin.

Just like sol is growing up, rocky is constantly maturing. Now, although sol disturbed the documents on his desk, he still accurately found the sheepskin roll he wanted to cover.

"It looks like you're doing well here!"

"Yes! Enjoy the treatment of the king, the majesty of the king, the power of the king, and do the king's work at the same time! "

Rocky looked at his silly brother. He suspected that sol chose to run away with an axe because he knew that Asgard's throne was busy.

Who says sol is a fool? This guy is smart enough to die, okay!

"Now it seems that my father's decision is very wise. I can fight for the country as much as I can, and you can give full play to your strengths. We all have a bright future!"

"Yes, the father of the gods is always right!" Rocky looked at sol helplessly and spread his hand.

"Now that you've seen me, can you go? I have to inspect the newly established comprehensive elderly care center today! "

"Ah, well, I'll go, rocky. Like my father, I love you very much!"

"Uh huh! I know, everyone knows, but you don't! "

Rocky looked at sol who had turned and left, then picked up the feather pen and looked at the documents in front of him. After a few seconds, he took out the characteristic fruits from Sol's gifts and tasted them a little.

After sol left the palace hall, he went to the bedroom and visited his mother who was learning earth square dance with a group of ladies. When he saw the other party laughing happily in the music, sol was also very happy to go to the earth.

"Is my Fisher brother there?"

Because he had been to Fisher's new manor long ago, sol asked Heimdal to impolitely put the coordinates on the lawn that Fisher spent a lot of money on maintaining, ignoring the Asgard Raytheon landing area specially opened up for him.

Then he was pressed to the ground by twenty forbidden soldiers waiting in the dark. Then the forbidden soldiers poked explosion-proof electric batons on him.

"Ah ah..."

As an invincible Thor, after so many years, sol will still tremble subconsciously when facing the earth's electric shock baton.

But fortunately, he reacted quickly. After being electrocuted for a few times, sol broke away from the strong people's difficulties of the forbidden Army soldiers, then raised his axe and shouted at the forbidden army who had been half surrounded.

"Wait a minute, see clearly, I'm your good friend, sol!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. sol! You cut your hair and we didn't recognize it! "

The captain of the forbidden army, who was nervous because of a sudden visitor, found that the other party was half his own. After all, he was the boss's cheap brother-in-law. He waved his hand, motioned his men to evacuate, and then came forward with sol to find Fisher.

"Boss, I'm drinking tea in the back garden. Shall I take you to find Ms. Haila first?"

"Ah, this!" At the thought of his sister's ferocious look at the weak chicken, sol scratched his beard.

"Forget it, you'd better find Fisher first. It's the same with him anyway!"

They walked along the path to the rear of the manor. On the way, sol felt the breath of many psionic people in the manor. Many people were even comparable to the female martial god Legion in that year in terms of strength.

"Where did Fisher find so many experts? And he used it all as a security guard? This is too deep! "