Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 815

Anyway, Howard himself has seen the world. Although the expected president is completely different from what he got, he still successfully completed his first return performance.

His answer is clear-cut, logical, infectious and passionate. Just as he fooled Congress to pay in the past, now he is also fooling reporters and local officials present.

After arriving in the Central African Republic, Howard first took out his mobile phone and scolded stark, and then spent a short time reading the introduction of the Central African Republic.

Like other African countries in the past, there are few leaders who can do practical things. Before taking office, they deceive the people one by one, and various policy platforms emerge in endlessly. As a result, after taking office, they have become a kind of people who only know sustainability and fish for money.

The most famous here naturally belongs to bocasa. Howard also heard of each other's name. After all, they are people of the same period, or bocasa is a little younger than Howard.

Howard also knew about the other party's claim to the throne in Central Africa, but at that time, he only thought it was a very funny thing. Until now, he has been brought here by his pit father and son.

Now, he is the president of a country and concurrently serves as 18 ministers. He has more than 1000 elite armed forces. Although this strength seems not enough in the Central African Republic, don't forget who sent Howard.

Just as France is still defending its position in Africa, Fischer has also supported his agent in Africa. After all, before atlas has opened up other star areas, Africa's mining oil is an important source of support for his development strength.

Although Fisher reduced his military investment in Africa after the opening of other war zones in atlas, his previous solid foundation is still there, just like those black soldiers standing guard outside the door. They all grew up eating atlas relief food.

Of course, compared with military personnel in other regions, these black soldiers are very bad, even worse than the correctional stormtroopers transferred from prisoners and killer mercenaries in kepru. After all, the latter receives more military training than the former eats cassava.

However, in Africa, these black millet who can skillfully use infantry weapons, drive armored vehicles, and even fly around in ah6j bird helicopters that are basically invisible in atlas are rare. With them, Howard's life can be basically guaranteed. Of course, if there are other cruel people, these soldiers can't stop them, It doesn't matter. Atlas's trauma emergency team will arrive in three minutes.

"Money, money, money!"

Now that he has come, Howard has given up his plan to go home. Let alone anything else, he will work here for three months to see if he is a talent for governing the country and lay a foundation for the future. In this way, he may be able to turn the tables when he runs for president of the United States next time!

Howard, who has a clear understanding of China and Africa, knows what he should do first. Although this land has rich resources, the people are still poor, and the per capita GDP is even worse than their dog.

It's true that the Stark's dogs can earn thousands of dollars an hour when they go to the oil pipe live broadcast, but it's good for the black millet here to earn hundreds of dollars a year. You know, in the early years, several East African countries have obtained the support of atlas's professional team by providing mineral oil to atlas and renting military bases, At least a good foundation has been established for them. Countries with a better mix are now out of poverty and have officially entered the stage of food and clothing. Although Fisher was still cruel, he was very happy when he paid. As long as you give him the goods, the money is always a circle.

But the Central African Republic did not catch the bus. Poor infrastructure and backward technology are a hell start for every ruler, but for Howard, these backwardness are acceptable.

It's the beginning of the game!

Howard comforted himself.

Then he pulled his operation team and a large number of engineers from the United States. Even Howard moved into the presidential palace that day and sent stark photos of his uniform.

Stark, who didn't hear Fisher's words clearly, was very sorry that he cheated his father, but when he found that his father was ready to do a big job, he also cancelled his plan to persuade the other party to come back, but was ready to provide logistics support for his father. However, how did Howard make trouble there? Stark wiped his ass!

"Then what? The security forces must keep an eye on it!"

Stark told him on the phone that he didn't care about anything else. In case of an accident, he must ensure that his father can withdraw at any time. If necessary, his iron Legion can fly to the rescue site.

Then stark received the project plan from his father.

Howard's meaning is very clear. Now I'm short of everything. You can do it!

So the African construction Department of stark group was established in such a muddle headed way. The engineering machinery technicians kept running to Central Africa, including reservoirs, roads and hospitals. First, whether there are personnel or not, first establish the place, and then talk about other problems!

The stark group's action has also attracted the attention of the whole western world. We really didn't expect that someone would be a head of state, not to make money for himself, but to make money. However, looking at such a hot project of the stark group, many capital leaders' minds are also alive.

Now the great men have money and power, but they haven't experienced power. Otherwise, when Stark is tired of playing there, shall we take the plate? Not much. One person used to be president for three months!

Of course, we don't play for nothing, we give money, and it's still dollar, green USdollar!

Therefore, Howard inexplicably gave China and Africa a wave of long-term foreign investment. Although it is not much, it flows in a long way, which is enough to pay the salaries of civil servants and teachers all over the country.

"What, I'm still very good as president!"

The president, who has just been in office for less than three days, looked at the financial results that have turned losses into profits with satisfaction and said happily.

"I hope the position of president of the United States can be more challenging!"