Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 817

"Eat the gun!"

"Into the elephant!"



"Go handsome!"

When sol entered the door, Fisher and the Legion were engaged in a chess duel of master level. The one under a God and a supercomputing robot was equal in strength. The degree of tragedy made those professional chess players shake their heads and sigh.

"Shit, two stinky chess baskets, fart? Find a factory to work! "

Of course, in Sol's eyes, their seriousness was like Asgard's craftsman carving. He didn't dare to bother directly. Instead, he hung the axe and an umbrella on the shelf, then sat next to Fisher, lifted the teapot, and looked at the soldier on the chessboard with Fisher.

After thinking for two minutes, Fisher issued a micro command to let his soldiers take a step forward, and then he was killed by the Legion.

"What a fierce duel. Let's continue another day!"

Fisher felt the sweat on his head. One said that his chess was really smelly, but he installed the chess of the Legion. As an intelligent tactical robot with supercomputing host, the Legion could kill Fisher within ten steps, but it was very difficult every time.

After all, Fisher also knows his level, so if the Legion loses, he must be beating a bunch of computer experts in the face. The Legion's hard win over Fisher shows not only the excellence of experts, but also the high level of Fisher.

You see, there are few robots that can behave like the Legion this year. The last one who can flatter so comfortably must be Nick Frey.

When Fisher finished playing chess, sol popped out the spout, gulped down the mellow black tea, and then touched his mouth to explain his intention.

"Well, Fisher's good brother, the father of the gods, wants you to go to Asgard with who!"

"Then who is who? How do I know who you're going to call? "

"That's it!"

Sol stood up, raised his hands, pressed them on his head, wiped them from front to back, and then raised his head.

"I can't understand what you've learned. Do it again!"

Fisher held back his smile, then continued to arch the fire and let sol do a very magical imitation show.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

He was a little embarrassed. Sol simply stood up, followed the look of Haila, took a few cat steps, then stroked his hair and threw out his two handed sword.

"Well, isn't it very similar!"

"Yes, especially!"

Fisher looked at the legion with a bad smile.

"Did you record it?"

"It has been saved. Send it to Ms. Haila!"

"No, no, no, brother-in-law, don't!"

At the thought of Hella fighting with herself, sol simply hugged Fisher's thigh and began to cry.

Although sol can now open with Haila, he can't stand the Yin hand under Haila when they fight. It's a little fun to stab his eyes and poke his little brother. Thor is also a man, and there are also things that men will be afraid of.

"Don't worry, I won't show Haila. I'll see it myself!"

"That's good! Or let rocky imitate it next time, he will learn magic and learn more like me! "

Facing the possible danger, sol simply sold his poor little brother.

"Let's get down to business first!"

"What's the problem with Odin coming to me at this time? HeLa, I've done it for you. Asgard shouldn't have any big enemies? "

"This can't say no!"

Sol's tangled scratch head.

"The evening of the gods should also be counted, but my father is not very worried at present. Instead, he is ready to expand the rainbow bridge! It's not like dealing with war! "

"This is not without a problem! But you should be able to solve it! If it doesn't work, I'll shoot him. Sol, I'll tell you, all the fear comes from the lack of firepower. If the rainbow bridge can kill that thing with one shot, do you believe Odin has straightened out the gods in the morning? "

"You're right. No wonder my father wants to rebuild the rainbow bridge!"

"It's not the evening of the gods. Your father specially called Haila. I guess he's going to reach a consensus with your sister!"

"This is not impossible!"

Although with Fisher's human shaped firecracker, Hella doesn't want to kill Asgard back and cut Odin's dog's head in three days, the two sides really belong to the kind of old and dead, that is, frega is kind and sends some special products Hella likes from Asgard from time to time. Otherwise, Fisher estimates that Hella and Asgard can confront each other until the end of the world.

Now Odin takes the initiative to put forward that it is estimated that Odin is ready to take another step back for his daughter. After all, Haila has become like this. He has an unshirkable responsibility, that is, he doesn't know that Odin is ready to take that step back.

"I'll take him back. The throne of Asgard must be mine!"

Hella, who didn't know when to arrive, stared at sol, then crossed her legs and sat in the other party's position, forcing sol to stand aside and look at his sister awkwardly.

"How many years have you been thinking about the throne? If you want to be an official, I'll give you an imperial governor. You don't do it. When it comes to territory and population resources, the governor is better than any king! Women's opinion! "

"What do you know!" Hella wanted to stare at Fisher, but she finally held back and just patted Fisher on the leg.

"How much I paid for this position! Why are you still helping that dead old boss? "

"I'm just talking about things!" Fisher gently pulled Hella's hand and put it in his palm.

"You have to give your two little brothers a chance! You see, rocky has worked hard to be a king. The ruthless sealing machine is suitable for being a king! Just give me an honest husband and son! "

"Who gave you a baby!" Haila was proud and charming, but her left hand subconsciously touched her lower abdomen.

"But you reminded me that I should not only be the king, but also my children in the future! This is my bottom line! Go back and tell Odin! "

"Ah, what about rocky and me?"

"What do you think? Without your share, get out. If you don't get out, I'll kill you!"

The imperialist hooligan quickly exposed her true face. She kicked sol into the rainbow bridge and didn't forget to say hello to frega for me.

Sol can only rub his ass, and then appoint Qu Baba to find his mother. At the same time, he hasn't forgotten to convey Hella's greetings.

"You see, your sister is actually a good child. What a pity!"