Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 411

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! "

"Bang bang!"

Nick Frey stepped onto the balcony of his office, took a breath of air conditioning, and looked up at the sky.

Although it is called the Christmas ship reading style, the actual date was set on January 1, 2014. Finally, there were 11 countries participating in the ceremony, and a total of seven ships were sent out. One thing to be explained in advance is that when the Ao dogs of various countries drove into the US airspace, everyone found that everyone secretly loaded weapons on it.

The Americans inserted two atlas railguns. The British put six nuclear bomb launch pods and then plugged two tridents. The remaining four holes were stuffed with wood because they had no money. The French German joint ship put two destroyer turrets with their jointly developed proton impact gun. This thing can launch long-range ion beams, but because it is an experimental model, So it's not certain whether you can fire.

It is said that the scene was very embarrassing at that time, but fortunately everyone was shameless, so the embarrassing atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and then came to the world where generals talked about yellow violence.

When the American people saw that the government was so successful, they immediately felt that America was great again. The streets and alleys became a sea of joy again. Customized fireworks never stopped all day.

"The atmosphere is good!" Nick Frey nodded and looked into the sky in the distance. There was an hour before the ship reading ceremony officially began. All the spacecraft participating in the ship reading ceremony had been in place at the open sea, and thousands of cameramen and UAVs had also been in place.

"In 50 minutes, the president will speak at the White House. Everyone cheer up. Today is a big day!"

"Yes! Sir! "

After carefully checking the combat readiness of the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the special agent's equipment, and confirming that he could send people out immediately if there was a problem, Nick Fury walked back to his office.

At the same time, a large number of military cards carrying the heavily armed National Guard drove on the streets of Washington and New York, but the civilians were not surprised. These National Guard soldiers just huddled in the military card, and a few people stuck their heads out of the car and puffed at the flower world outside.

Thirty minutes before the speech

Outside the White House, the secret service, which is responsible for the president's security, has set up a cordon three blocks away. Fully armed snipers are in place on the roof. Police cars, ambulances and fire engines also stop in the distance.

At 1:00 p.m., after President Eisley, who had no sense of existence, announced the start of the ship reading ceremony, a group of Special Administrative Region police and secret service agents stationed outside the presidential palace took the lead to leave their posts. They walked to the armored vehicle parked on the roadside and took out all kinds of heavy equipment. Although 100000 question marks appeared in this process, But looking at the bright national flag and organization badge on other people's shoulders, everyone took back their confusion and turned to pay attention to the fleet slowly coming from one side of the sky.

"Dear viewers, it's our America that takes the lead..." the hosts and reporters from various TV stations are eloquent in the live studio and the scene, talking about all kinds of unconfirmed warship data. Next to them are several white haired experts, sipping coffee and talking all kinds of coquettish words. It seems that everything is peaceful, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging.

"The fleet has entered the airspace over the special zone!" In the distant underground base, everything was monitored. The Hydra soldiers shouted.

"Prepare to launch the attack UAV and shut down the system in a minute!" The Hydra commander in charge of command looked at the big screen.

In the center of the screen is the maple leaf, a large ship from Canada in the middle, and there is a countdown in the upper right corner of the screen.

"The UAV starts. It's one minute before it detonates!"

"The system is offline, everyone, get ready for action! All for Hydra! "

"Long live the Hydra!"

With the cry of almost lifting the roof, the bright underground hall suddenly went into darkness, leaving only two emergency lights emitting red dim light.

Commander Hydra took out his mechanical watch, then looked at the time above and silently counted down in his heart.






Journalist Eddie Bullock told his good brother venom about the scene n years later. He was filming warships flying overhead with his colleagues in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Because he was worried that the shock wave would affect the ground, these spacecraft were cruising at a slow speed at a height of 1000, Then he saw that a circular UAV above the Canadian ship suddenly exploded, and then it seemed that a shock wave centered on the UAV burst, including all the spacecraft flying in the echelon, except the last s.h.i.e.l.d. transport ship.

The Washington city directly below the fleet was also included. Eddie only saw that the street lights suddenly burst neatly, and then all the electric equipment around him disappeared. Cars, stereos, mobile phones and cameras all lost their response.

"What happened?"

Flustered passers-by looked around in panic. Many police and agents on duty also looked at each other. Until there was another earth shaking dull sound in the direction of the White House, and then a mushroom cloud rose in the air, the passers-by on the street began to flee in all directions as if they had pressed the start button.

The military cards parked at random on the street also changed. The tarpaulin was lifted, and the heavily armed soldiers jumped down, then formed a tactical formation and rushed to the nearby government important place.

After the guards and agents stationed in these institutions lost their unified command due to the EMP attack, they were still looking around to find out what had happened. Then they saw a large number of national guards wearing exoskeleton armor approaching quickly.

"Hey, man? What happened? Why don't those ships move! "

Then the guards and agents responded with the sound of rifles screwed on suppressors.

"Poof poof! Poof poof! "

After bursts of gunfire, the bloody agents convulsed and fell down. Then their bodies were dragged away by the soldiers and hid in the shade, while the rest directly knocked open the door and rushed into the building to control all the staff inside.

"Who are you? Stinky soldier, get out! " Senior government officials who did not know why loudly scolded the soldiers who broke into their office. As a result, they were killed by bullets the next second. Behind the desk, the panicked female secretary screamed and climbed up from under the desk and was also knocked to the ground.

"Here!" After controlling the whole building, the leading officer took a flag from his body and handed it to the soldiers around him.

"Hang it up!"