Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 410

"Let's go to the space station for three weeks? What happened? "

Cheap dad and cheap mom looked at each other. Their long lost son finally went home. The family could have a reunion dinner. As a result, Fisher asked them and some family members to go to the sky shield before picking up the knife and fork.

"Sky shield has just completed the repair and expansion, and the entertainment center planned by Kate has been completed. Max group is planning a package for a 7-day space tour. It's very kind of you to experience it first and help me comfort the servicemen!"

Fisher cut a lamb chop and put it in his mouth.

"Space tourism, that's very interesting!" Fisher's old father thought that he had never visited the gunboats and warships that Fisher had tossed over the years, but he had never been to outer space.

"Just our family?" Unlike her old father, Mrs. Adams has other concerns.

"Well, yes, Kate and Margaret will come with you!"

"That's great! Who else will be with us? "

"There will probably be more than 200 people!" Fisher thought about it. The servants, housekeepers, security teams, chefs, pilots, all of these had to be more than 200 people together.

"I'll send the raider to pick you up. Just these two days, pack up and go! Then you can write a travel report and talk about the shortcomings and needs to be improved! "

"Ah, destroyer, I think of the days when I fell in love with your mother on the John Paul!" The old father immediately came to the spirit. Although he had been in the Navy for less than five years, it was hard to hide his love for ships. After all, if it weren't for the pregnancy of the Admiral's daughter, maybe he could be an aircraft carrier captain now.

"Yes, you were transferred by Captain Hansen to the engine room to screw in the screws, then called me and cried to go ashore?" Mrs. Adams said mercilessly.

"Needless to say! I want to think about what I want to take to space. Oh, yes, I have to take my tea set with me and drink afternoon tea on the open viewing platform only separated by a glass curtain wall under the starlight. It must be very comfortable! "

"It's hard not to support!" Fisher shrugged and threw the leg bone from the plate to Prescott, who was sloshing at his feet.


Now that he has got the script, Fisher, who thinks he is the best supporting actor, must add some drama to himself. He has ordered the closure of the Washington headquarters building planned by the hydra. Of course, the external excuse is that there are design hidden dangers in the building and some walls are cracked, so the head office staff take a three-month leave first, as well as the New York office, All civilian personnel are either dismissed or dispatched. In short, the atlas institutions in Washington and New York have been empty in three days. Of course, only civilian personnel are left. About 400 armed personnel remain in these two places for security and other reasons. In addition, there are thousands of combat robots dormant in the headquarters building.

Of course, he will appear on the street on time, driving a black limousine, stuffed with three advanced assassination combat robots in the trunk, and bring his own subwoofer to play the flower of hope and khaki anytime and anywhere.

Atlas's personnel transfer surprised Hydra at first, but soon they calmed down. They collected some information and showed that these employees had a holiday. Therefore, hydras responsible for preparing the assassination could only envy the treatment of others and lament that there were so many idle people. It was convenient for them to do things.

To Fisher's surprise, however, not only was he running, but half of the combat effectiveness of the alliance was not on the east coast. Stark and Bruce Banner ran to Iraq with their families. Stark wanted to explain to little pepper that his $3 billion model was not an iron model, while Bruce was alone to watch the fun and eat dog food, Patton took his family to Kentucky to prepare for Christmas. Pitro went back to his hometown to visit his parents. There were only the lonely American team and the black widow in New York, so the Hydra changed his action plan and sent more people to ambush him.

"Shit, these guys look up to me!" The bald man who sent the message at any time informed Fisher as soon as he got the message.

"Send four more assassination teams, dozens of people, and equipped with attack drones and armored vehicles. I have a grudge against you!" Fisher took a breath, but fortunately he was fully prepared and prepared the emergency team according to the ratio of one to one hundred, otherwise he really couldn't help it.

On the other side, Hydra's preparation is coming to an end.

"Ten minutes after the start of the ship reading style, a UAV responsible for aerial photography detonates its mounted tactical pulse weapons and paralyzes the whole fleet. Teams deployed in various positions will attack key positions such as the White House, the house of Representatives and the Pentagon. At the same time, the combat forces will launch an assault on the paralyzed ships together with insight warships and control these ships within half an hour, It is expected that within 24 hours, we will control all key departments in the country! "

"Nuclear weapons and North American air defense command, this is the highest priority. If necessary, we can destroy the White House! We must get the button of nuclear weapons! " Malik's eyes were fierce. It seemed to him that killing a president was like crushing an ant.

"I see. At that time, the National Guard will block the whole Washington, D.C. to ensure that no one can leave. In addition, the cleaning of the Divine Shield Bureau will be carried out simultaneously!"

"Well, yes, pierce has always done very well. In addition, I want you to control all orbital defense guns at the first time. If atlas warships enter the atmosphere, they must be shot down immediately! I want the whole east coast to become a no fly zone, okay? "

"Yes, sir! In addition, Mr. Pierce said that he would be an insider in the White House to ensure that our actions are safe! "

"Good, everybody!" After listening to all the reports, Malik nodded with satisfaction, then got up and picked up the glass in front of him.

"Everybody, the new world will be written by us, all for Hydra!"

With Malik's action, countless figures stood up in the huge conference room. They included old people, young talents, men and women, but now they are all part of Hydra.

"All for Hydra!"