Super Cute New To Marvel

Chapter 412

At the same time when EMP blew up, some agents, police and even soldiers outside the White House also turned their faces and killed their colleagues who were still joking a few minutes ago.

Although the security of the White House has always been the responsibility of the secret service, because such scenes are too rare, there are many foreign dignitaries and celebrities. Even in order to entertain these guests, the buffet originally scheduled to be indoors has been moved to the lawn.

The guests alone are in a mess, plus their bodyguards. That's a mess. The secret service, the FBI, the SAR police, the Divine Shield, the security company, private bodyguards, the National Guard, the Marine Corps, and several lines of defense from inside to outside can basically be said to be mixed, and even people in the same position don't know each other. Therefore, when the first shot is fired, We all looked at the people around us with great vigilance. When we saw someone raising a gun, we had to think about whether the other party was a friendly army. The Hydra soldiers had no such concern at all. All of them had installed pupil indicators in advance. The friendly army showed that there were green marks. If there were no marks, naturally they were the objects to be cleared.

The first line of defense on the wall outside the White House is the responsibility of the Special Administrative Region police and the National Guard, and there are also the most insiders among them. With the crackling sound, dozens of unlucky people who haven't figured out the situation fell first, and then the responding loyalists pulled out their guns and fought with the hydra, However, the hydra, which had been prepared for a long time, would not be blocked by these weak resistance. Rocket launchers, grenade launchers, as well as a large number of smuggled and self-made xs1 heavy power armor, mercilessly ran over the resistance loyalists.

Walking over the corpses on the ground, the Hydras in battle formation began to attack the second wall.

"This is the castle. The eagle is in danger. Call all units and departments and support immediately! Repeat, the eagle is in danger. We need support! "

The originally happy banquet scene was in a mess. The panicked guests fled into the building under the cover of secret service and s.h.i.e.l.d. agents, and pierce also mixed in. The s.h.l.d. agents he brought pretended to fight outside, and then fled to the bottom shelter of the White House with the unknown president and officials.

At this time, both the chaotic loyalists and the Hydra have completely completed the division of the front. There are not many hydras who can mix into the inner circle. Some people didn't jump back because of the order. Therefore, finally, the Loyalists reluctantly blocked the Hydra out of the iron gate by relying on the heavy firepower from the internal arsenal of the White House.

The unbelieving Hydra xs1 power armor tried to open a breakthrough by relying on iron fist and brute force. As a result, snipers deployed at the top of the White House fed good juice with anti equipment rifles. The design mark of SVG 20 (I invented) anti equipment rifles produced by Stark industry is to break through the armor of emperor 620 heavy police armored vehicle produced by atlas, This type of armored vehicle is most famous for its defensive power. The armor can resist the 12.7mm high-speed armor piercing projectile fired within 100 meters. It was once very popular in third world countries, which also made the U.S. military have to send Barrett, which has been equipped with troops, to ordinary infantry as precision rifles, and then replace other elite with large snipers of 20mm caliber.

These xs1 power armor equipped by Hydra soldiers is only a monkey version of AST type. It is OK to block general machine guns and bomb fragments. It is terrible to be hit by 20mm high-speed armor piercing bullets.

Because of the high-speed force of the warhead, after penetrating the armor, the original sharp warhead will lose its penetration and explode directly. Therefore, there will be a fist sized hole in the front of the hit xs1 armor, but the back is intact, and the operator inside will be beaten into a ball of paste by the broken warhead.

After more than a dozen xs1 armor were paralyzed, the sniper shifted the target and began to hit the Hydra soldiers behind the wall and the car. The bullets unkindly tore the cement and pierced the steel, and then hit the target in two or directly into a blood mist.

However, the loyal snipers were not complacent for long. The defeated Hydra soldiers automatically implemented the standby plan. The mortars secretly transported into Washington were unloaded from the car. Then, when the assembly was completed and the ranging was completed, the Hydra directly fired more than ten cloud bombs at the top floor of the White House.


In the desperate cry of snipers, fierce sparks exploded on the top floor of the White House. The temperature field and fragments instantly cleared the unlucky sniper team above. They also swallowed up the pipes, air conditioners and other facilities placed on the roof of the White House, and even the building walls were blasted with cracks.

"Forward!" After the obstruction was cleared, the remaining Hydra soldiers immediately came forward to blow up the door and the wall. Although the White House defense considered the possibility of blasting at the beginning of the design, the Hydra soldiers used the aluminum thermal bomb, the cousin of C4 bomb.

With the sparkle of Zizi, the closed door lock turned into molten iron and flowed down, followed by the power armor. The 7.62mm machine gun and rocket were used to eliminate the blocking fire from the building.

"Bang!" The incoming and outgoing rockets dragged the white tail flame to break through the glass and door, and then exploded. The roaring fire dragon swept out. The sound was loud. The flying bullet rain fell on the wall, doorpost or body in various angry curses. The Marines stationed in the White House tried to drive the enemy out by relying on the two xs1 power armor they had, However, the two xs1s were set on fire as soon as they walked out of the gate. After eating countless bullets, grenades and rockets, the first and last attempt of the Marine Corps was declared a complete failure. The White army pants were blackened by fire and red by blood.

"Keep moving!"

After completely suppressing the firepower of the main building of the White House, the Hydra brought more troops. These are the elite mercenaries brought by Malik. They will participate in the battle inside the building and the battle to clean up the surrounding buildings.

Compared with the battle outside the house, the indoor battle is more cruel. The loyalists who have no way to retreat cling to every room and corridor. Shotguns and demolition hammers have become the main speakers. Even Hydra has used poison gas bombs and directional blasting explosives to flatten the resistance.

At first, the Loyalists could use the terrain to block, but as the personnel were constantly divided and surrounded, they were often forced to fight each other's bullets with fists and gun butts.

An hour and 37 minutes after the EMP blast, the defense of the White House officially collapsed, and the last surviving agents had to be pressed underground for a final struggle.

President of the United States, danger!