Stuck With The CEO

Chapter 402

Deep at night, after a night of obsession, she finally fell asleep.

Ling Han stroked her cheek, brushed her hair back, and looked at this face which was very different from before. It was beautiful, but only when he closed his eyes could he see that it was a little gentle.

There was a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Looking back on those years, I did too little for her and hurt her too much.

Gu Sinian\'s warning reverberated in his ears, and his heart was torn by the beating of reality.

He once felt that she and her mother owed him. Jiang Meilan destroyed Wen Qingwan, his family and the people who loved him most in the world. Before he had time to go to the culprit to collect the debt, he found that the culprit had gone deep into the Loess and become a handful of ashes.

So he took it for granted that his mother\'s debt should be paid by his daughter. He was paranoid and blamed all the faults on ye Huanyan.

But later he gradually realized that she didn\'t know about those things.

Later he knew more, she was not even Jiang Meilan\'s daughter.

So five years ago, his revenge full of resentment now seems to be a joke, and he is ashamed.

When he wanted to make up for it, he found there was nothing he could do.

She is reborn from the ashes. She has a prominent family background. She has doting parents and brothers. She has many friends. Her career is booming and even has children.

She doesn\'t need him, or just occasionally, physically.

No one in the world is more qualified to say that she doesn\'t need to get married.

Marriage is a shackle and a burden to her.

I\'m used to the days when birds are allowed to fly in the sky. Why?

And I can do, really not much.

Therefore, since there is something he can do in front of him, how can he not do it? At least, he can change his inner peace a little.

His hand crossed the smooth lines on her back, shrunk her, slowly opened her eyes, and murmured, "no, OK, I\'m sleepy."

He didn\'t have this intention. He was disturbed by her clever coquettish tone. Suddenly, he felt the abnormality of his body. He turned over, lifted her waist up and bowed in.

Ye Huanyan was so "attacked" when she was asleep. She couldn\'t help but snort bitterly. Dissatisfied, she stretched out her hand behind her and waved, "don\'t..."

Ling Han sped up and yelled her name. Her voice was hoarse and charming. "Yan Yan... Yan Yan..."

Ye Huanyan was drunk and tired. She let him toss herself and knead her head round and flat. For a while, she was awake and began to be in a trance.

A night of indulgence, wake up when it is daybreak, no one around.

The smooth and white arm stretched out from the quilt, touched the mobile phone at the head of the bed, looked at the time lazily, and then tossed down from the bed the next second, "damn..."

Ye Huanyan got up, washed and changed clothes with the fastest speed, and then rushed to the wedding scene.

The hotel is very close to the suburban church, also for the convenience of the wedding.

According to the wedding process, the bride and groom go to the airport for honeymoon directly after the wedding and will not return to the hotel.

That\'s why ye Huanyan thinks it\'s damned that she overslept today.

She doings of ghosts and gods to the door of the mausoleum.

In the church, Ling Han doesn\'t take the wedding seriously, so there are only a few relatives and friends here symbolically. On the contrary, there are too many people on Gu duo\'s side. Except for those who care for her family, none of them are present. Her cousins on the other side of her family fill the church to the brim.

In the dressing room, Gu duo\'s biological mother Wen Lan is directing several stylists to arrange her wedding dress. Her eyes are all red.

"What are you crying about? It\'s a good day."

Next to him was Gu duo\'s real father, who was in his early fifties. He was wearing a stiff suit, but he was frowning all the time. His face was very rigid and serious

Wen Lan glanced at him and said with a cry, "if you didn\'t have to send the child to take care of his family, would it have been delayed for so many years? If you don\'t find a good son-in-law, your daughter\'s life will be ruined by you. "

Gu\'s father glared at her displeasantly, "what do you know? If it wasn\'t for my daughter\'s care of the family these years, do you think our family can do so smoothly? If I didn\'t take care of my family, would I make enough money to buy those jumbled jewelry bags? "

Wen Lan was roared by him, and for a moment she couldn\'t find any words to refute. She turned to her daughter and said, "don\'t listen to your father\'s nonsense. No one loves you more than your mother. I hope you have a better environment when I sent you away..."

"Come on, don\'t be hypocritical." Gu duo was numb after listening to their quarrels, nagging and even shirking responsibility for a long time. Parents didn\'t look like parents, expecting their daughter to look like a daughter. She sneered at this,

"Go out. I think I\'ll be quiet. When time comes, I\'ll go out myself."

When the couple heard her daughter\'s cold voice, they were all stunned. Especially Wen Lan, a little angry in her eyes, quickly took her husband out. After they left, Gu duo stood up and asked several stylists in the dressing room to go out. Then he went to the window alone and his eyes were clear. Do some of these people really wish themselves well? A smile rose from the corner of her mouth. Time is almost up, someone knocked on the door outside, "Miss Gu, it\'s time to enter. The ceremony is about to begin." Snow white skirt, in the spiral stairs, step by step down, she took her father\'s arm, step by step stepping on the tune of the wedding march towards her bridegroom. For her, it used to be something to look forward to. When she was young, she thought that what she was looking forward to was a wedding. Later, after she had really experienced a wedding, she found that what she was looking forward to was actually the person standing in the middle of the red carpet waiting for her. It\'s not the person who was five years ago or the person who is now. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.