Stuck With The CEO

Chapter 403

"I\'ll leave my daughter to you. Treat her well, otherwise..."

"Come on, let\'s go."

The hasty advice was interrupted by Gu duo\'s eyes and a very impatient sentence. She directly took Ling Han\'s arm and walked towards the end of the red carpet and the priest\'s direction.

Thinking of the attitude of the father and daughter, Ling Han couldn\'t help frowning.

"Ye Huanyan didn\'t care about you very much. No one came."

Gu duo\'s voice came from the side of his body, which was a bit agitated.

Ling Han suddenly has an idea in his heart. He originally guessed that Gu duo wanted a perfect wedding, but at the moment, he feels that no one is more anxious than her to destroy the wedding.

No one came

This is not directed at ye Huanyan. To put it bluntly, ye Huanyan is a shield.

What she really hopes is that Gu Si will come in the new year.

Ling Han hooked the corner of his mouth, "I don\'t know if Gu Si has been here for many years. Yan Yan can\'t come today..."

Gu duo frowned and said in a low voice, "impossible."

"She drank too much last night and should not be awake by now."


"You are in a hurry."

Ling Han suddenly grabbed her eager hand and forced her to follow him to the priest.

From the beginning, Gu duo didn\'t plan to complete the wedding successfully. She expected that there would always be someone to destroy it, whether ye Huanyan for Ling Han, Gu Sinian for his sister\'s lifelong happiness, or even Ji Xiaoyue for her best friend.

But at the moment, it\'s already a part of the oath, and the church gate is still quiet.

The church is solemn.

The pastor\'s voice reverberated in the church, and his fluent English and gentle tone added a sense of solemnity. "Mr. Linghan, would you like to marry Miss Gu duo voluntarily, regardless of birth, old age, illness, poverty, wealth..."

"I will."

No hesitation, the answer is very simple, but there is no feeling.

After he answered, he clearly saw Gu duo\'s eyebrows shaking.

"Miss Gu duo, please..."

After the pastor asked, all eyes fell on Gu duo, "I... i..."

Ling Han looks forward to it. He guesses that Gu duo will destroy the wedding even if no one is needed.

But at that moment, her eyes were full of hatred, and she said, "I do."

This answer made Ling Han frown.

The priest is still talking about a long monologue. Gu duo and Ling Han look at each other coldly, as if laughing at him and himself.

Look, on a day like this, none of the people we are looking forward to is here.

"I seem to be a little late?"

A clear female voice sounded from the church gate, and a tall figure came up against the light. She looked calm and cold. She was dressed in a dark green dress with a waistband. She was very slender.

"Why are you?" With Gu duo\'s voice obviously shrunk, people looked to the door. Her long chestnut brown hair was draped on her shoulders. She walked up the red carpet step by step, but she only stood in the center of the position, and didn\'t step forward. In her tone, she was a bit mocking, "why, you are looking forward to someone else to break your fight

Happy wedding? I can\'t bear to expose your intention to show someone? "

From Linghan\'s point of view, it was obvious that Gu duo\'s eyes were shining like nothing. "He asked you to come, didn\'t he? What about other people? "

It is self-evident who he refers to.

Fu Yingxiang sneered, "he went back to four seasons villa last night. By the way, he took his fiancee with him."

Gu duo\'s eyes stagnated, and the light he had expected disappeared. He murmured, "it\'s impossible..."

"What\'s impossible? You think this was five years ago? Do you think he will tolerate women like you again and again? Don\'t forget that you have nothing to do with him

Not lovers, not brothers and sisters.

Fu Yingxiang pinches Gu duo\'s most painful part to say every word, but her face is a kind of calm look, which makes people feel a sense of compassion from the perspective of God. Gu duo\'s face turns pale. She suddenly runs towards Fu Yingxiang and screams, "impossible, impossible, impossible..."

Fu Yingxiang frowned and leaned slightly, then snatched her hands that stretched out to pinch her neck. She faltered and fell to the ground. Her veil was scattered and her crystal clip fell to the ground.

There was an uproar.

Gu duo\'s mother rushed up first, held her daughter and screamed at Fu Yingxiang, "who are you? Sabotage on purpose? Nobody cares? What about security? " Gu Duo is ungrateful. He overturns her to the stage. Regardless of her cry, he grabs Fu Yingxiang\'s skirt and says, "I don\'t believe what you say. Originally, he is not afraid that I am really married to Ling Han. His sister can\'t be happy in this life, and his most precious nephew can\'t be happy in this life

No father? " A figure on the stage shook. Nephew? Father? He quickly returned to his senses, took Gu duo up from the ground and roared, "what did you say? Who do you call the noisy father? "“ Ha ha ha ha ha Gu duo\'s shoulder is grasped by Ling Han, and he gives out a crazy laugh, which is more and more miserable“ Ha ha ha, you still don\'t know? Ha ha ha... "Fu Yingxiang looked at the red Ling Han, frowned and pulled him up." I\'ll deal with the things here. Go to find Yan Yan. " Ling Han looked at her suspiciously. Fu Yingxiang raised her eyebrows, "don\'t believe it?" Why don\'t you believe it? Even if ye Huanyan and Gu Sinian are present, they may not be able to make the wedding a mess. The scene is in chaos. Gu duo\'s parents were supposed to come up to inquire about the situation, but they were all restrained by the people Fu Yingxiang brought. Later, they didn\'t know what caused the trouble, so they had a big fight under the stage. They tried to persuade each other to quarrel with each other, and the scene was chaotic. See this scene, Ling cold heart a horizontal, picked the white bridegroom\'s breast flower on the collar, got up and ran out of the door. In this chaos, Fu Yingxiang squats calmly in front of Gu duo and looks down at her like a lotus out of mud“ I know what you\'re thinking. Just like five years ago, you\'re waiting for her to take you away from the wedding. This time, you\'re much better prepared than last time. You know that the ashes don\'t pose a threat to him, and you want to use them? "“ There\'s no way he won\'t come“ Look what this is. " Fu Yingxiang\'s mobile phone rises, and a photo comes into Gu duo\'s eyes. Ji Xiaoyue and Gu Sinian took a group photo at the airport yesterday evening, with the following passage: "there was a little problem in their journey around the world, but now we are on our way again! Here we are, Mauritius. " Gu duo has never seen Gu Sinian smile that gentle look. He took the woman\'s shoulder and showed a sincere and satisfied smile“ No... "After a scream, Gu duo grabs the mobile phone and smashes it into the distance. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.