Stuck With The CEO

Chapter 401

Las Vegas, five-star hotel top floor suite French window, a woman wearing a pink bathrobe, carrying a glass of red wine to the man\'s side, "have a drink?"

Ling Han looked sideways. "I\'m familiar with you. Do you know how much you can drink?"

The woman didn\'t care about his indifference. "Don\'t forget, two days later, you are going to marry me. I sent out all the invitation cards. At that time, my biological parents, your grandfather\'s family and your brothers and sisters are coming. I\'m not going to play with you."

"I\'m curious. Why do you want this wedding? Simply want to be angry with Yan Yan and me, or do you just want to show Gu Sinian? "

"What do you think?"

"What do I think?" Ling Leng laughed, "no matter who you want to do it for, I\'m afraid you can\'t do it. It\'s just plain tossing."

"Yes? Ye Huanyan heard that you and I are going to hold a wedding here, but are you still coming all the time? Is it me or she

"She\'s here to film." Ling Han corrected, "well done in France. What are you doing in Las Vegas? She didn\'t set this scene in her original script. It\'s a lot of trouble. Some people don\'t appreciate it. I feel sorry for her. "

"After all, to say these words to me is just to make me feel sorry for her. In fact, you just want to see her resent the wedding, or even destroy it. But what\'s the significance for you? It\'s your pleasure to see others fall in love but can\'t be together? "

Ling Han frowned and looked unhappy.

"Whether it\'s my fun or not, you have to finish the wedding with me. Only when you get on the honeymoon plane with me after the wedding will I give you something."

"And then?"

"And then? Then it\'s none of your business. "

Gu duo picked up his glass and went to the side with him, overlooking the busy streets of Las Vegas. "The world is beautiful. Looking at you guys and girls around me, I feel like I\'ve lived in vain."

The remaining light of Ling Han\'s eyes fell on her side face, which was similar to that of Ye Huan Yan. She could not find her charm all the time. She was also in her thirties. In front of her eyes, everything in the woman\'s mind seemed to be paranoid.

On the eve of the wedding, ye Huanyan knocked on the door of Linghan\'s hotel room and leaned against the door, showing a teasing smile.

"What are you doing?"

"If you\'re asking me why I\'m here?"

Ye Huanyan flashed into the room, sitting on the sofa, raised his eyebrows, "I just checked in this afternoon, if you want to ask me how to come here? I\'ll tell you I\'m here to ask for an invitation


Ling Han\'s face sank a few minutes, "you get married, don\'t invite me is not appropriate?"

Ye Huanyan blinked, "after all, I\'m your ex-wife..."

"I\'ll explain to you after the wedding."

The previous fire in the alley has basically solved all the problems. Even if either of them didn\'t explain what happened before, the five-year knot in their hearts shows signs of loosening.

"Explain what? Explain how Gu duo tried to threaten you to have a wedding with her? "

Ling Han frowned. Ye Huanyan had already picked up the red wine glass on the table and poured half a glass of red wine. She slouched off her shoes and leaned on the sofa. "She threatened you with my brother\'s son\'s ashes?"

He sipped his mouth and didn\'t speak. He didn\'t have to think that he was right. "Just a little trick can threaten you. I always thought you were... Invulnerable."

When she described him, she hesitated for a moment about how to use words. After that, she looked at him carefully. Suddenly, the man in front of her was different from the ruthless man in her impression.

Ling Han is standing in front of the sofa, but his height of 1.87 meters is in front of Ye Huanyan.

He always owes ye Huanyan an explanation about the wedding, but whether such an explanation is really important to her or not, he has no confidence at all now, her dazzling return, and the child with whom she has no idea, all of which make him frustrated to the extreme.

This evaluation of invulnerability seemed to him a mockery.

He looked at her, then lowered his head, voice is not big, "invulnerable is immortal, Yan Yan, I\'m just an ordinary person."

Ye Huanyan\'s eyes flashed a slight look of consternation, for a long time, difficult way, "in fact, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don\'t have to be involved."

Even if Gu duo puts forward unreasonable suggestions to him, he can flatly refuse, because she is not a person who cares for her family, and her friendship with Gu Sinian is not so good. There is no need to let Gu Sinian\'s weakness become his weakness, which is very unreasonable.

"So what do you think you have to do with me now?"

Ling Han raised his head slowly, as if stimulated by the sentence "it has nothing to do with you". His eyes were full of red blood, but not anger, but deep sadness.

Ye Huanyan Leng Leng, suddenly standing barefoot on the carpet, will be another cup inside also poured red wine in front of him, "drinking things, I still like to drink with you."

The sadness lingered in his eyes. He took the glass and drank it with his head up. Ye Huanyan Leng Leng, hesitated, "you drink slowly." Five years is too long, or five years ago hurt too deep, she now light appearance, always can change into a sharp blade at any time, a knife in his heart. He missed ye Huanyan, who boldly recognized his love in front of him five years ago, who climbed into his bed in a desperate way, and who loved him and loved her no matter how much he did to embarrass her. But he knew that in a poor life, she couldn\'t get it back. Ling Han\'s drinking capacity is not good. After two glasses of wine, he feels dizzy and his steps are flighty. Ye Huanyan embraces his neck and shakes slowly in front of the French window with the rhythm of the music, with satisfied expression“ Hello, actually we\'re doing very well now, don\'t you think? "“ You just like it. " Low voice, as always. He finally gave up his obsession with her and became obedient“ The ashes of the matter, my fourth sister said package in her body, you don\'t go... "Yan Yan, do you want to remarry with me?" He asked suddenly. When speaking, ye Huanyan only felt a force coming from her waist. Around her waist, she lifted her whole body to his chest, smelling the fragrance of red wine and the faint smell of tobacco on him, which made people intoxicated. Ye Huanyan frowned and his voice was a little small. "It\'s not different whether you get married or not, is it?"“ I can give you a grand wedding. It\'s a hundred times more grand than this. All my relatives and friends will admit your existence. Is that ok? "“ In fact, there is no need for this. Linghan, we are very good now. " Ye Huanyan\'s eyebrows drooped, she worried, in fact, marriage for her, is no longer a matter of their own, she also considered noisy. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.