Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 986

Faced with the reply of the girl with long hair, song Shuling and Su Fangfei are both full of fog. They don't know where this little girl, who looks like Meng Ran's age, can't make such a guarantee.

But thinking of this mysterious girl and her own Xiaoran, they are all martial arts, so the beauty of Suda is a little relieved, and she has recovered her normal elegant and dignified temperament.

"Aunt Ling, let's go to the people's hospital first and see what the man is doing. Maybe things are not so bad. If the people's hospital can't cure it, we will transfer to another hospital. The medical level of China Sea and Yanjing is comparable to that of the United States. There must be hope. "

Su Da Mei, who quickly calmed down, said calmly.

She is indeed the first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River who helped song Shuling to create Fenghua Group. Even at this time, she can still make the most accurate judgment.

Song Shuling also looked at Su Fangfei with relief and said, "Fangfei is really understanding. Her beauty and character are one in a thousand. She is also close to Xiaoran. It's a pity that Xiao Ran's wooden head doesn't understand? I have to worry about it. It seems that I have to find a chance for them to get along with each other. "

In Song Shuling's heart, Su Fangfei is her daughter-in-law, who can't take it away. But today the company suddenly burst into the little girl, song Shuling on her impression is also very good.

Think of the baby son's marriage, the strong woman was a little embarrassed.

"It's all right. I'd better find Xiaoran first. This child is really not a worry. Chang'an has to deal with him a few more times."

Tell Long Ma a few words, the two beauties, big and small, soon got on the bus and rushed to the first people's Hospital of Beijing.

In front of Fengsheng company building, a cold girl wearing a tight white T-shirt and full of green silk fluttering in the wind watched the car carrying song Shuling leave.

The mysterious girl's limpid pupil gradually revealed a touch of sadness.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she had a glance, just because she felt a few unexpected breath!

"Besides martial arts, there are also practitioners of Dharma? incorrect! Why is his breath so motley? "

I saw the mysterious girl stirring her mind, and her huge spiritual strength rushed out from the front of the building and roared away in all directions!

Every street, every high-rise building and even the filthy urban sewers in Beijing are shrouded in her mind!

In addition to the place where Ping Lao and Yin Qingxue lived in seclusion, all the plants and plants in the whole city of Jinghua are presented in the girl's mind!

In the face of such a complex and huge information, the mysterious girl just drooped her eyelids, relying on the power of divinity to forcibly capture the information of all martial artists in Beijing!

She saw a slightly old Audi A6 coming towards the development zone. Although the Audi A6 was old in style, the license plate hung on it made the mysterious girl's eyes awe.

Beijing a99999!

"The ninth five? It's the car of Wan family Prince Wan Chengzhi that my mother mentioned. "

In a whisper, she glanced at the two masters on the car at random, and the mysterious girl no longer paid attention to it.

Even the peerless man in the top ten of the heaven list is as light as duckweed in the eyes of young girls.

From the beginning to the end, he failed to find his whereabouts had been exposed in the eyes of a young girl!

In the mysterious girl's reversion room, another luxury car came into view.

This time, however, her face changed.

"Well? It's strange that the fan in his hand has a familiar smell to me! "