Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 985

"What did Xiaoran do in the Shen family?"

Song Shuling did not know that Zhang Tao's biological mother was Shen Yiru. What's more, they did not expect that this honest and honest bookworm would have such a complicated life experience.

The most important thing is that song Shuling has not yet heard the news that the Shen family has been destroyed. Otherwise, even song Shuling, who is known as the "red rose of the business community", will never be able to withstand the blow.

At this time, the mysterious girl, who had been silent for a long time, felt a trace of impatience in her heart when she saw the two elders' anxiety. After hesitation, she finally said slowly:

"so he went to Wuzhou."

"Don't worry, he will be ok now, otherwise, how could he..."

Otherwise, how can you meet your mother in the summer vacation next year? The second half of the sentence, of course, the mysterious girl did not say it.

Now she has not realized that some things in this time and space have deviated from the original track.

She thinks that she can prevent Yin Qingxue from meeting Meng ran, and she will not expect to meet her. The acquaintance of Meng ran and Yin Qingxue is inexplicably advanced!

In the dark, the track of history drifts quietly

"Oh, yes! Si ran, you must know where Xiaoran is now, right? Tell Aunt Ling, who is really worried about him

At first hearing that the girl with long hair opened her mouth, song Shuling was stunned. She immediately responded and asked in surprise.

The tears on Su Fangfei's face also stopped abruptly, and she was dubious about the words of the girl with long hair.


One side of the dragon horse, is also a neigh, like a black gem general bright eyes full of confusion.

Long Ma does not understand that even if it is connected with Meng Ran's mind and spirit, now it is unable to feel Meng Ran's place. How can this ferocious woman know?

Long Ma didn't know that Meng ran had been saved by the master of Taiji. He left a trace of his original life on him, which can not only isolate the outside world from prying, but also play a role in monitoring Meng ran.

If it is not for pinglao, mengran and Longma, who are in Beijing, will not be able to interact with each other?

Faced with the hopeful eyes of the elder, who had just met across time and space, even though the long haired girl's accomplishments were astonishing, she could not help but feel a little nervous.

The voice was very unnatural: "if I know where he is, how can I come here to find him?"

"I'm sorry, I really don't know where he is, but I can assure you that he must be safe now. You don't have to worry."

After plucking up the courage to say this, the girl with long hair fell into silence again, but the light from the corner of her eyes was a glimpse of the strong woman's side face.

"She is really as kind and kind as her mother said If I did kill him, then Then... "

The girl with long hair can't imagine, and can't imagine, how sad this elder who has incomparably intimate feeling will be.

"My dear daughter, you don't know that my mother followed him. When she went to see her elders for the first time, she was very nervous."

Her ears seemed to ring back the words of that beautiful woman.

"Aunt Ling came from the Song family in Yanjing. She was the" red rose of business "in Yanjing. After breaking off the relationship with the Song family, he went to the south of the Yangtze River alone and started from scratch. With his own efforts, he created the Fenghua Group. "

"In the face of such a strong woman, how can I not be nervous? I was really afraid that Aunt Ling would not let me be with him. "

"But later, when I met aunt Ling, I realized that she was not only a strong woman, but also a great mother and a kind and kind elder."

"I even feel that Aunt Ling treats me ten times and a hundred times more than the family in which I raised me."

"My dear daughter, if aunt Ling were still in this world, how happy would she be to see your granddaughter?"

Imperceptibly, a drop of clear and flawless tears, since the long hair girl's eyes silent slide.

Looking at Song Shuling's worried cheek and the slender fingers of a girl with long hair, she clenched her fist.

All this will not change the mind of the mysterious girl, even more firm her belief in killing Meng ran!

"Mom, as long as you kill him, you can avoid the tragedy and save everyone! I must kill him! "

"It must be!"