Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 987

Driving to the Development Zone Fengsheng company on the road, but see a luxury car racing past!

In the driver's seat, it is a young woman of double ten years old, with charming appearance and graceful figure. Who is Shen Xinghan?

"Star Han elder sister, how long can you get to Fengsheng there?" The bookworm in the back seat of the car asked with sadness.

"Soon. I'll be there in half an hour."

After looking at the rearview mirror and confirming that there was no suspicious vehicle behind him, Shen Xinghan leaned slightly and couldn't help saying, "Zhang Tao, we are all sensitive people now. Our master caused a great disturbance in the first World War of Taihu Lake. I'm afraid that the official side of China has secretly wanted us..."

After the battle of Shenjiazhuang garden, this dull and honest bookworm has obviously matured a lot.

Even without waiting for Shen Xinghan to say something, Zhang Tao already understood her meaning.

"Sister Xinghan, I understand what you mean. No matter what kind of attitude the Chinese government holds towards us, we must be the whereabouts that some people are eager to get. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao's tone is obviously much heavier.

"But before we separated from Xiao ran, he once said that Luomen's people would not let us go. Similarly, Xiaoran's identity has been exposed, and the situation of aunt Ling and sister Fangfei is also extremely critical. "

"We must get to Fengsheng company as soon as possible to ensure the safety of aunt Ling and sister Fangfei, and try to get in touch with Ning Feixuan and seek her protection."

During his talk, Zhang Tao's face was pale and his forehead was sweating, which was obviously caused by tension.

But Zhang Tao did not flow out of fear, his words are more clear. It can be seen that after being honed by the Shenjiazhuang garden, this nerd has made a lot of progress.

It was Shen Yiru, the mother of Zhang. Looking at her son's eyes, she could not help but marvel and praise.

As for Shen Xinghan, he was more surprised.

Obviously, she didn't expect that in a few days, this bookworm, who was originally rustic in her eyes, could also stand alone.

Even so, Shen Xinghan did not forget to remind: "Zhang Tao, I remember the master told you that this folding fan can be activated three times. Last time you dealt with brother Gu Ruojun, you have urged him once. Now that the whereabouts of the master is a mystery, you must use it with caution. Do not be impulsive until the moment of life and death. "

"Sister Xing Han, I understand."

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Tao suddenly felt the folding fan in his pocket, as if It seems that there is a slight tremor!

But when Zhang Tao took out the snow-white keel folding fan and unfolded it, the folding fan did not have a trace of abnormality.

"Am I too sensitive?"

Zhang Tao said to himself that the car was speeding towards Fengsheng company.

At the same time, in front of Fengsheng's door, with the help of divinity, she saw the mysterious girl with two big characters on the keel folding fan and whispered in a whisper:

"too ran? Is the name of the owner of this folding fan 'Tai ran'? Today, the aura of heaven and earth is almost exhausted. Looking at the whole earth, few people can refine it. "

"Is it that this man mistakenly got the secret treasure of the ancient friars? Why is there a familiar smell on the folding fan

Even with the long hair girl's cultivation and insight, it is difficult to explore the mystery.

Helpless, can only temporarily leave a God on Zhang Tao.

As the scene changes, it is the figure of a warrior, which is reflected in the eyes of the girl.

The middle-aged man was dressed in cloth, his long hair was tied up with a hemp rope at random, and the whole man looked untidy.

With only one divine thought, the mysterious girl has already realized that he is a martial arts master with the highest level of internal skills, and is also a martial arts master respected by the martial arts and Taoism circles of China!

However, for this mysterious girl whose cultivation can be called terror, even the martial arts in the divine realm are hard to enter her eyes, but the girl's face suddenly changes!

Even the impelling power of the mind was almost destroyed and dissipated!

Just because she saw the cloth man in front of him, it seemed that there was a handsome young man standing.

When the youth turned back, a name came out of the girl's mouth:

"adoptive fathe