Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 984

"Hello, this is the front desk of Fengsheng company. Who is calling?" The elegant voice of the front desk girl in a proper suit and uniform sounded.

However, the anxious voice on the phone made the front desk girl look pale.

"Well, director Nie, I know. I'm going to inform Mr. Song." After hanging up the phone in a hurry, the front desk girl ran to song Shuling's office in spite of the high-heeled shoes she stepped on.

Bang bang bang!

"Come in."

Su Fangfei, who was interrupted by the sudden knock on the door, said absentmindedly.

As soon as the front desk girl opened the door, she gasped and said anxiously:

"Mr. Song, it's not good! President Nie of the people's hospital called and said that there was an explosion in the people's hospital last night. It happened to be your niece's intensive care unit! "

The front desk girl's voice did not fall, such as Su Fangfei who was struck by lightning. Her teacup fell to the ground with a "click" sound, and porcelain pieces and water stains splashed all over the floor.

However, Su Fangfei, who turned a blind eye to this, rushed forward, firmly grasped the arm of the front desk girl, and asked with a weeping voice:

"is there anything wrong with her! Tell me if there is anything wrong with her

Song Shuling was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and she also got up and asked in a scorching voice.

Although the front desk sister didn't know what was going on, from the anxious look of the two women, it was very important for them to judge who was in the intensive care unit.

Without hesitation, he replied, "President Nie just said that your niece's daughter has not been hurt, but It's just that... "

In the middle of the conversation, the front desk girl was embarrassed, some of whom were difficult to speak.

"But what? Say it

Su Da Meiren's anxious tears are almost falling down, because the young woman in the intensive care unit, who has never met before, is related to Meng Ran's life and death!

The girl at the front desk gave song Shuling a timid glance and said in some embarrassment:

"President Nie said that Mr. Song's niece was seriously injured. They They can't cure it. President Nie also said that it is very likely that she will not survive tonight, so please go to see her

One breath will finish these front desk girls, quickly stand aside, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe a breath, for fear of causing fire.

"Can't it be cured? Even Nie Qianli can't cure it! "

At first hearing the sad news, Su Fangfei felt her heart broken, as if her slender body could no longer bear the weight of her broken heart and fell down.

"How are you, Fangfei? Didn't you fall? "

As soon as song Shuling's face changed, she quickly stepped forward to help Su Fangfei up.

"Aunt Ling I shouldn't let Xiaoran go to Wuzhou. I shouldn't let him go! " Su Fangfei, who was already exhausted, couldn't bear it any longer. She hugged song Shuling and cried bitterly.

If Liu Sheng is dead, Su Fangfei will completely lose the news of Meng ran. Su Fangfei can't bear it.

At the moment, the sad news of Liu Sheng's flying snow is like the last straw that crushed the first beauty in the south of the Yangtze River.

Heart Meng ran of her, only feel Fang heart crack like pain.

"Xiaoran went to Wuzhou? When did it happen? Why didn't he tell me anything? Fangfei, do you know something? Tell me what's going on here

Song Shuling finally responded, holding Su Fangfei's white wrist tightly and asking anxiously.

"Aunt Ling I Two days ago, Xiaoran told me that he would accompany Zhang Tao to the Shen family in Wuzhou, but I didn't expect that... "

Su Fangfei burst into tears.

Song Shuling was stunned at first, and then her face changed greatly. Her vocal cords trembled and said, "Shen family in Wuzhou? The second largest family in Jiangnan Province, Shen Tiannan's Shen family! "