Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 983

"She She's Xiao Ran's girlfriend! "

Su Da beauty was so excited by song Shuling's bold conjecture that she almost couldn't breathe. Her voice of shock rang through the whole office hall.

This time, it seems that the whole Fengsheng company people want to be crooked

"I'll go. It's Shaodong's little girl friend I said how the little girl was so bold, and when she came to the company, she yelled for the young director. "

"It seems that this little girl should be about the same age as Shao Dong, with one in a thousand looks and figures. In this way, it is possible that she is Shaodong's girlfriend?"

People have been talking about it. They are obviously very interested in this kind of gossip.

Even the two front desk girls were covering their mouths and snickering. They were all old people, but they still couldn't help feeling:

"it's really bold for young people to fall in love now!"

"The little girl has come to see her. It seems that she is the romantic debt our young Dong has caused outside..."

People's ridicule and comments gradually spread to song Shuling's ears.

Song Shuling and Su Fangfei are OK. Although they can't hang on their faces, they can't stop shouting at most, and they will soon stop.

But the mysterious girl with long hair and slender body could not help shaking. Even with her elegant nature like lotus, she could not help but emerge a few strands of black lines on her forehead.

She did not expect that her elder, who had never met before, mistook herself for that man's girlfriend

"That's right. They're just pregnant women. How can they guess that I'm not a person in this time and space."

Silent a sigh, mysterious girl calm face, a touch of sadness flash away.

"Mom, I will stop this happening, I will!"

"Xiaoran is really a child. The next year's college entrance examination is coming. If you don't take the time to study hard, you'll also get into this romantic debt. All the girls come to visit."

Although she murmured discontentedly, song Shuling obviously did not blame the mysterious girl at all, but motioned her secretary to disperse the crowd.

Holding the mysterious girl's hand and chatting with each other, she seems to be choosing her future daughter-in-law

Looking at the two people sitting on the sofa, Su Da Mei Ren and Long Ma are all staring at each other. I can't believe it.

Although Su Fangfei doesn't believe that this enigmatic girl will be her little cousin's girlfriend, she is still a little jealous when she sees song Shuling's intimate appearance with her.

"Then I'll call you siran. Don't look out. Just like Fangfei, call me aunt Ling."

Song Shuling handed the sugar coffee she had just made to the girl with long hair. She said with a smile that she was obviously fond of the girl.

"You say coincidence is not coincidence. Xiaoran's surname is Meng, and you're also surnamed Meng. You want me to say that you are really predestined..."

The girl with long hair, who had put down her worries a little, turned cold in her face. She put her coffee aside and said indifferently:

"I'm Yin, not Meng."

"He is him, I am me, and I have nothing to do with him."

As soon as the girl uttered this sentence, Su Fangfei's eyes suddenly became chilly, and she could not help but show some hostility and vigilance.

This cousin Meng Ran is very good at observing words and expressions. From the girl with long hair walking into Fengsheng company to now, she is almost sure that there is either a great misunderstanding between this mysterious girl and her cousin, or there must be a blood feud between them!

As long as song Shuling mentions Meng Ran's name, the mysterious girl's eyes will show a surge of hatred.

Even if she conceals again good, also by Su Fangfei keen capture.

But Su Fangfei really did not understand that although her little cousin was a little cold tempered, he was not an evil doer, and how could he provoke his enemies for no reason?

Just as Su Fangfei wanted to ask, the front desk of the company received an urgent call