Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 982

Miss Yin, who successfully fooled the next gorgeous jade pendant and accepted Meng Ran's younger brother, was in a good mood. For Meng Ran's straight eyes, she was obviously not as embarrassed as before.

The most complicated mood in the room is Ping Lao, the contemporary master of Tai Chi.

"Miss, this boy is of unknown origin. He has no ID card, let alone his school status. How can I transfer to a foreign language school without any reason? "

Old Ping frowned.

However, Yin Qingxue didn't care about it. She took Ping Lao's arm and shook her coquettish way:

"Ping Lao ~ ~ you are the most capable old man. Even our headmaster is respectful to you. You should do your best and take pity on the homeless little ranzi. "

"If you just talk to our headmaster a little, you can let xiaoranzi go to our school!"

Even though he was a famous Chinese Dixian in the world, he couldn't bear his young lady's coquettish appearance. He nodded helplessly and agreed.

However, Ping Lao's eyes fell on Meng Ran's body very obscurely.

"No matter whether this son is reincarnated or not, he can fight with Shen lingcang, which shows that his skill is comparable to the divine realm. If he is willing to protect her, she will be safe. "

Although I can't figure out why the young lady has a good feeling for this young man, now Meng Ran has lost all his memory. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is the most suitable bodyguard.

"Well, I'll leave him with the young lady for the time being. It happens that I'm going to go back to Yanjing to see Chen daoxuan's child. The safety of the young lady will be left to him for the time being."

Since the first people's Hospital in Beijing met with the preacher of the Heavenly Master's road, the old man's anger has been lingering for a long time.

Hundreds of years ago, Taiji and Tianshi Taoism were famous in China. All the practitioners in China admired it, and the two schools fought openly and secretly.

As a result, the master of Taiji at that time, the immortal Sanfeng, who was powerful and powerful, actually insisted on giving up the title of the leader of Huaxia Taoism to Tianshi Dao.

However, nowadays, the descendants of the Heavenly Master doctrine not only practice sorcery, but also regard people's life as grass root and kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Even the old man, who had long been indifferent to the world, was furious.

If it was not for Yin Qingxue, he would even rush to Yanjing all night to ask for an explanation from the head of the Chinese Taoist school.

Now that Meng Ran is guarding Yin Qingxue, I believe pinglao will leave Yanjing soon.


Beijing Development Zone, dozens of stories of modern office buildings, the atmosphere is particularly tense.

A group of Fengsheng employees, who were busy with the company's affairs, are now gathered in the office hall, chatting and talking.

People's eyes, are falling on the office hall of that girl like water green lotus, pointing.

There are even many employees who are not afraid of the trouble, and have already called for the police to arrest the girl who has never known the origin and forged the ID card.

"Fangfei, I always think that this child is not a bad person. Is there any misunderstanding between her and Xiaoran

The strong woman with black glasses, deliberately lowered her voice and whispered to Su Fangfei.


"Ah? Misunderstanding? "

Long Ma and Su Fangfei's voices almost ring at the same time.

Song Shuling is devoted to business and has no knowledge of the martial arts. But long Ma and Su Fangfei are well aware of the horror of the mysterious girl in front of her.

If she has any misunderstanding with Meng ran, I'm afraid it's not so simple to talk about

"Aunt Ling, she..."

Su Fangfei hesitated. Her intuition told her that this mysterious girl must have countless ties with her little cousin.

However, Meng Ran's life and death are uncertain and her whereabouts have become a mystery. Su Fangfei can never reveal any news.

When Su Fangfei was in a dilemma, song Shuling, who seemed to think of something, suddenly realized: "is that kind of relationship between you and Xiaoran?"

As soon as this statement was made, Su Da's beauty and mysterious girl's face changed.

The mysterious girl thought that the elder might have guessed his identity. Her face was so elegant that she showed a trace of tension.

As for Su Fangfei, she took song Shuling's arm and asked nervously, "aunt Ling, what is the relationship between her and Xiaoran?"

Song Shuling's eyes have been looking at this mysterious girl. The tense look on her face is completely exposed in Song Shuling's sight.

Soong Soong is sure to have her own guess!

But heard song Shuling to Su Fangfei, whispered: "I think, she's probably Xiaoran's little girlfriend!"