Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 759

"Even the elder is not an opponent of this person. If he comes to the door, you think you and I can block this person together!"

"This son is cruel in nature. Obviously, he had a grudge against my Shen family. In front of my Shen family, he deliberately killed the third elder and the elder in order to demonstrate against us!"

Every time Shen Tiannan drinks, Shen Ronghang's face turns pale.

After three sentences, the face of the second master of the Shen family was no longer half bloody, and his whole body was cold.

"Hum! Gu Ruojun, this bastard, is clearly taking our Shen family as a gunner! If Meng ran really comes to the door, he will never die with my Shen family, and the result will be that both sides will be hurt. "

"What do you think of Gu Ruojun's government when he arrives?"

Shen Tiannan is standing with his hand in his hand, coldly examining his second younger brother.

Shen Ronghang was sluggish for half a second, and immediately realized that he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, "this old man, he wants to sit down and collect fishermen!"

Shen Tiannan sneered, "can it be just a fisherman sitting there?"

"By then, you and I have already exhausted the real yuan with Meng ran, and all the Shen family's experts will lose ten of them. How can he waste such a good situation in vain?"

Shen Ronghang seems to have thought of something, his face immediately a piece of iron green, gnashing teeth of the way, "damn! Does Gu Ruojun still want to annex my Shen family? "

Shen Tiannan, with his arms around his chest, did not answer, but sneered.


Shen Tiannan deserves to be a hero of a generation. He has completely seen through Gu Ruojun's calculation!

After the Wuyin villa incident, Gu Ruojun invited Shen Ronghang to have a secret talk. The purpose of the conversation is to unite the forces of the Shen family to deal with Meng ran!

Shen Ronghang was not willing to submit the Shen family officials to a young man. After being provoked by the family think-tank, they reached a consensus and combined the strength of two martial arts families to assassinate the first person in tianbang!

However, Shen Ronghang still can't figure out why Gu Ruojun knows the secrets in the ancestral hall.

"Elder brother, the secrets of the ancestral hall are known only to you and me in the Shen family, except for the deceased elder. Where did Gu Ruojun know it?"

Shen Tiannan couldn't think of this problem all the time. He could only say to himself, "it may have been leaked out by the third elder."

At the mention of ancestral ancestral hall, Shen Tiannan's face immediately became cold and frigid. With a wave of his sleeve, the doors and windows in the attic were closed at once, and there was no wind.

At this time, Shen Tiannan said: "second, the existence in the ancestral hall is just a legend left by our parents. Our Shen family's century old foundation can never believe in such a nihilistic existence."

"What's more, with the passage of a hundred years, no living creature can live forever..."

For a long time, the ancestral hall of the Shen family is taboo. No one is allowed to enter the ancestral hall except the annual meeting of the Spring Festival.

Even if Shen Tiannan, the head of the Shen family, wants to enter, he must get the consent of Shen chuanting, the great elder.

Shen Ronghang is a strong man of heaven and man after all. Although he knew that he had been schemed by Gu Ruojun, his face gradually returned to normal. He interrupted his elder brother's words and said in a deep voice:

"brother, the legend may not be false. I once found a letter under the memorial tablet of the ancestral hall."

"Oh? What letter? " Shen Nan is a little surprised.

However, Shen Ronghang urged his internal power. He actually showed the vigorous spirit of martial arts master, covering himself with Shen Tiannan and completely isolating himself from the outside world.

A few minutes later, with a bang.

The vigorous Qi of Shen Ronghang's bodyguard suddenly burst into pieces. Shen Tiannan, the owner of the Shen family, was pale and pointed at his second brother with trembling fingers. He lost his voice and said:

"I said, it's just a legend! crazy! You madman