Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 760

Just as the Shen family's pair of heaven and man argued over the existence of the ancestral hall, Jinghua City in Jiangnan province welcomed a big man in Yanjing city

On the West Bank of Jinghu in the suburb, there is a splendid club.

It is quite secluded and lonely around. The verdant green trees and red walls and green tiles contrast each other. The mottled walls full of age sense are full of green Parthenocissus.

In the dusk of the Jinghu Lake, the continuous autumn rain falls. In the sound of autumn rain, in front of the splendid club, there is a row of cheongsam beauties, holding umbrellas, looking forward to it.

"Sister Xingyun, it's raining. You'd better go to avoid the rain first. I'll take my sisters to meet the prince. With the prince's bearing, I don't think about it."

The same woman in cheongsam opened her mouth. At the moment, her white hand was holding an oil paper umbrella to cover the wind and rain for the woman in front of her.

Although the woman under the umbrella is with her back to the public, she can't see her face, but she is wearing a light pink Ru skirt and wearing a pair of jade bracelets on her wrist. She was a national treasure at the international auction on Hong Kong Island!

It's hard to imagine how noble her status would be for a woman who can carry such a national treasure jade bracelet on her hand!

Looking sideways, the figure of the woman with Ru skirt is exquisite and elegant. Her exposed neck is better than that of white jade. She has a noble temperament, which makes people can't bear to blaspheme.

I don't know what kind of "crown prince" in the maid's mouth would be.

"Here it is."

Ru skirt women's lips light open, an old Audi A6 ran into the public eye.

The parasol maid, seeing the car with a slightly rustic style, couldn't help muttering: "at least it's also the prince of Yanjing Wanjia. How can the car be such an old-fashioned Audi?"

"You see the license plate," she said softly

Although the maid was confused, she did not dare to talk back. She could only murmur and look at the license plate.

Only half a second later, the maid, who had been slightly arrogant, could not move her eyes any more, and heard her stammer:

"Jing a99999? Pass of Yanjing military region

"The ninth five? How dare someone hang this license plate number in Yanjing? "

Although the license plate number of 95 Zhizun is not common in all provinces of China, the richest person has the qualification to hang it.

But this is only for the provinces except Yanjing!

Anyone knows that as the capital of China, Yanjing not only gathers nine famous families, but also central giants!

Who dares to claim the honor of 95 in such a super metropolis?

This is a big taboo!

Once this kind of license plate is hung, it is very likely to attract the collective target of nine families!

Therefore, in the impression of the upper class figures in China's provinces, no one in Yanjing has dared to hang the license plate of "95 Zhi Zun" so blatantly in the half century since the founding of the people's Republic of China.

No wonder this maid from the Shen family in the south of the Yangtze River was so shocked.

Ruskirt woman looked at the slowly stopped Audi A6, a faint smile, "the whole Yanjing, I'm afraid that only he dares to be called the 95's respect."

As the woman's voice dropped, a middle-aged man in black came down from the back door of the car.

This middle-aged man in black, just as soon as he got off the bus, the woman in Ru skirt felt a terrible pressure coming!

"Martial arts master!"

Before the shock of the Ru skirt woman disappeared, the middle-aged man in black respectfully stepped forward like a servant and opened the door to welcome the people in the car to get off