Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 758

Shenjiazhuang garden, No.1 loft villa.

As the imperial study of the Shen family leader, no one can step into it without Shen Tiannan's permission, not even his own daughter.

It was almost dusk, and there was no setting sun. The sky over Shenjiazhuang garden was dark and oppressive.

At this time, the No. 1 attic is full of lights, and the dazzling lights are shining on the two Xiaoxiong figures, towering and domineering.

Shen Tiannan! Shen Ronghang!

Shen family has a family of two heavenly beings. In the martial arts world, no one knows that no one is not respected.

I believe that even if Lu Hongyuan had the support of Yanjing family, he would have won the position of the first family in the south of the Yangtze River by Shen Tiannan's means and family background.

"Second, you shouldn't have an affair with Gu Ruojun behind my back."

The owner of the Shen family, wearing a black windbreaker tied with silver silk, stood in front of the attic window with his hands on his back. Looking out at the prosperous and beautiful Shenjiazhuang garden outside the window, the flame seemed to be beating in his eyes.

Behind him, Shen Ronghang, the second master of the Shen family, stood with his hands tied and his face was not willing.

"Elder brother, we can not revenge Shen Zhenhua against those legitimate masters, but we must take revenge on the third and the elder! No one can cheat my Shen family in Jiangnan! Even if he's the number one in the sky

Shen Ronghang spoke in a sharp voice, and his unwillingness turned into ferocity, just like a raging lion.

The second master of the Shen family is not only Shen Tiannan's biological brother, but also the 13th most outstanding man of heaven in tianbang. His cultivation is only half a step short of Shen Tiannan.

He and Shen Xingyun are the right and left arm of Shen Tiannan, which shows how important his position is in the Shen family. It is absolutely the existence under one person and above ten thousand people.

Now the Shen family, I'm afraid only this second master Shen, dare to be angry in front of Shen Tiannan.

However, Shen Tiannan seemed to have expected that his second younger brother would say so. He turned his back to him and sighed:

"second brother, you still underestimated Gu Ruojun's Chengfu."

Shen Ronghang frowned. He couldn't figure out what he was referring to. He shook his head and said, "brother, you've been thinking too much. His accomplishments are just at the bottom of the sky list. Even if he has other plans, he can't threaten you and me."

Shen Tiannan said coldly:

"what do you know! The outside world thinks that Gu Yunming's rubbish is a think tank for his family. In fact, Gu Ruojun's old boy is the real one! He has a deep mind, and the city government is unfathomable. In terms of his wisdom, even I would be inferior to him. "

"With his city government, why do you think you want to take the initiative to provoke the first person in the sky list?"

Shen Ronghang is not aware of Li, "why?"

Shen Tiannan suddenly turns around and stares at his second brother's tiger eyes and says, "he must have known the secret of the ancestral hall!"


At this time, there seems to be thunder in the rolling lead cloud.

The whole Shenjiazhuang garden is shining as bright as day. The silent and strange ancestral hall of Shen family is more gloomy and terrifying. There is an unusual smell everywhere

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Shen Ronghang felt as if he had been hit by a fatal blow. He staggered at his feet, but he stepped back three times in a row. His lips trembled. He could not set up a channel: "how could this be possible?"!? The clan ancestral hall is the secret of our Shen family for generations. He can never know it! "

"Impossible? Besides the presence in the ancestral hall, why do you think Gu Ruojun thinks that we Shen family can deal with Meng ran? "