Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1095

Ning Feixuan looked at the fashionable little beauty and asked with some uncertainty:

"are you Hua xuan'er?"

After taking off her sunglasses, the little girl in the shorts showed a pretty charming cheek. Then she took Ning Feixuan's arm and said with a smile:

"sister Ning, I haven't seen you for a few days, so I can't recognize xuan'er?" Hua xuan'er pursed her lips and pretended to be aggrieved.

"Ziyang, are you hurt? What's going on? "

The skinny monkey, carrying the advanced laptop computer and medical box in both hands, exclaimed at the blood stains on the corner of Chen Ziyang's mouth.

Chen Ziyang gave a bitter smile and explained to the skinny monkey a little.

"Master Huajing? Is a master of this level a Luo Man The thin monkey, whose face was full of dignified color, could not help muttering.

Ning Feixuan and others also have no clue, can only helplessly shake his head.

"Captain, I will use the golden needle to cross the acupoint to suppress the injury for Ziyang, and I will go to see elder brother Gao later." After a few words of explanation, the thin monkey picked up the medical box and helped Chen Ziyang to leave.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce you." Ning Feixuan reproached herself, and then introduced to song Shuling and others:

"this is the second young lady of Mu family in Jiangbei, and also Meng Ran's confidant, Mu Qingya."

"This is Hua xuan'er, the little princess of the Hua family in Yanjing. Xuaner, you may not be familiar with her, but you must have heard of her brother, that is, Hua Xiaoshen, Hua Mingfeng, who is under 40 years old

This speech, not only is the bookworm Zhang Tao, is also the female strong person song Shuling is the eye one Lin.

At present, these two beautiful girls are the apple of the eye of the powerful family!

Song Shuling and others are about to salute, but who knows, Hua xuan'er and Mu Qingya lift song Shuling up almost at the same time. They are both shy and respectful, as if they have met their elders.

"Xuaner, Qingya, have met aunt song."

This scene, however, made this woman confused.

Song Shuling is no longer the third young lady of the Song family at that time. It is not necessary for these two ladies to salute themselves.

"Fei Xuan, are they?"

Ning Feixuan, the iceberg queen, had a smile on her face and explained in a soft voice:

"Auntie, xuan'er is a fan of Meng ran. She dreams of becoming a teacher all day. Qingya is Meng Ran's confidant. They knew each other well in Jiangzhou. Meng ran also saved the life of her grandfather, general mu'an. "

After Ning Feixuan such an explanation, everyone is the face dew suddenly.

Su Fangfei was more gentle: "aunt Ling, Miss mu Xiaoran has mentioned it to me many times. It is his few good friends in Jiangzhou who have helped Xiaoran a lot."

After that, Su Fangfei nodded her head slightly toward Mu Qingya, virtuous and dignified, gentle as water.

"Oh, it turns out to be Xiaoran's good friend. My family Xiaoran is used to mischievous things. You have caused a lot of trouble to miss mu. Thank you very much."

Finally, song Shuling, a powerful woman, looked lovingly at Mu Qingya. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was. It was almost like choosing a daughter-in-law.

Song Shuling stares at her pretty face, which makes her face more and more ruddy. She waves her hands again and again.

"No, no! Meng Ran has never bothered me. I have always been the one who made trouble for him. On the other side of Tai Lake, if it was not for saving me, Meng ran would not have... "

The more Mu Qingya said, the more painful her heart was, her face was full of guilt and grief, and her tears in her eyes were more like turbulent waves.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry It's me. It's me who killed him. I'm damned... "

Hearing the sound of "pa", Mu Qingya slapped herself in the face. She knelt down in front of song Shuling and burst into tears.

"Qingya, what are you doing?"

People are shocked, song Shuling is quickly Mu Qingya to help up.

"Qingya, don't blame you, don't blame you! But he's not dead

The second lady of Mu's family, with tears in her eyes, felt like a dream. Her tears suddenly stopped. She held on to song Shuling's arms and said in a trembling voice:

"Meng Meng ran he, really It's not dead