Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1096

For Meng ran, Mu Qingya has endless guilt and regret in her heart.

In Wuyin mountain villa in Jiangzhou, due to his own stubbornness and distrust, Meng ran cut off all the feelings with the Mu family in Jiangbei with one sword. From then on, he became a stranger.

At the time of Taihu in Wuzhou, even though he had been engaged to Hua Mingfeng and even though he had broken off his love affair with Meng ran, Meng ran did not hesitate to fight against Luomen and more than ten experts of the Kate family, and he fell down in the dark.

From then on, Mu Qingya's heart broke with Meng Ran's death.

She did not know whether she would marry Hua Mingfeng. She only knew that if she could not die with Meng ran in this life, she would only be a walking corpse. Life is not like death.

If Hua xuan'er didn't insist on visiting her idol's mother, Mu Qingya would never have the courage to come to Beijing.

But at the moment, I hear the news that Meng Ran is not dead. Mu Qingya's broken heart seems to heal slowly. She just wants to see Meng ran again in this life!

On the one hand, there is no regret in this life!


Mu Qingya is not an outsider naturally. Ning Feixuan also explained the process of something for her.

Mu Qingya also firmly believes that Meng Ran is not dead. She is just like a little daughter-in-law who has just passed by. She respects and cares for song Shuling.

As for Fang rubing, Su Fangfei, Mu Qingya and others testify for her. Ning Feixuan is not good at forcibly detaining her, so she can only be operated on first.

However, Fang rubing has been closely monitored by someone. Unless Meng ran returns, Fang rubing still can't completely clear his suspicion.

After Chen Ziyang's jinzhendu acupoint, the skinny monkey also quickly visited Gao Junwu. However, Gao Junwu's injury was too serious. Even the top-notch medical technique of jinzhendu point could only relieve the pain for him.

As dusk falls, the brightly lit city of Jinghua is full of dark tides and dangers, and a school of mountain rain is about to come.

Orthopedic hospital, Dean's office.

"First of all, the troops stationed in Wuzhou have searched Taihu Lake all over, but have not found Meng Ran's whereabouts. Second, according to Shen Xinghan, she has a mantra under Meng ran. If Meng ran dies, she will surely die. Combined with these two points and the intelligence collected by our department, Meng ran did not fall. "

"But now his whereabouts have become a mystery. In my opinion, it is very likely that he should have been rescued, and he is still in a coma. Otherwise, they will definitely return to Beijing to visit Song Shuling and others, and will never abandon them. "

On the desk, there is an advanced notebook computer.

At the moment, Ning Feixuan is through this notebook, and special department Minister Ning Wenbin video call.

In the video, Ning Wenbin is dressed in a black suit. He is brave and brave. His eyes seem to have a great strategy. He can be described as a combination of wisdom, elegance and bravery.

It is worthy of being a great nation that has spared no effort to protect China for decades!

"It's wonderful that Meng Ran is not dead! Fei Xuan, before Meng Ran's return to China, you must not divulge this news again! Now the Luomen masters are still hiding in the south of the Yangtze River. I am afraid that once they know it, it will be bad for Meng ran. "

Ning Wenbin's eyes flashed and said in an unquestionable tone.

"In addition, I suspect that Liu Sheng Piaoxue joined Luomen and had another plan. She is suspected to know Meng Ran's whereabouts. Recently, Liu Sheng piaoyue has been assassinated for a long time, which just shows that someone doesn't want her to talk. "

"What's more, second uncle, Wan Chengzhi also came to Beijing. Yesterday, he was in the people's Hospital and had a conflict with song Shuling and others. His bodyguard Lin Yesheng, whose real name is suspected to be Xie Yesheng, even used Xie Jiayu's swordsmanship! I suspect... "