Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1094

"It shouldn't be. Didn't Mr. Chen say that the murderer escaped by jumping out of the window? But on the monitoring record, why did not a suspicious figure appear? "

The nerd Zhang Tao scratched his head, but he couldn't figure out the key.

Ning Feixuan is also into silence, since childhood and Chen Ziyang childhood, she did not think of Chen Ziyang.

At this time, the door of the dean's office creaked open, but Chen Ziyang, who had changed a suit of clothes, came in slowly.

Ning Feixuan immediately got up and helped her. She said, "you have suffered such a heavy internal injury. Why don't you have a rest?"

Chen Ziyang smile, showing a gentle smile like spring breeze, gently patting Ning Feixuan's delicate jade hand, as if to express his feelings, looked at Ning Feixuan affectionately and said:

"I also want to rest for a while, but Xiao Gao is seriously injured and the skinny monkey is still on the way. How can I bear to let xuanmei deal with so many things by yourself?"

Ning Feixuan was Chen Ziyang this sudden love words, do some at a loss, conditional reflex like out of their own jade hand.

Su Fangfei, who had a clear glimpse of this scene, came forward to rescue Ning Feixuan and said:

"thank you, Mr. Chen, for your bravery in fighting back the gangster. Otherwise, Liu Sheng will lose her life."

Su Fangfei said this from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, yes, I can't imagine that Mr. Ziyang's Kung Fu is extraordinary in addition to his good looks." The nerd Zhang Tao complimented.

Chen Zi was modest on his sunny face and waved his hand slightly, saying that he did not dare.

At this time, Shen Xinghan on one side could not help but say: "Mr. Chen, can you tell us the specific situation in the ICU just now?"

Chen Ziyang nodded his head and said, "I had something to talk to xuanmei. I thought she was in the monitoring room. But as soon as I got to the corridor, I saw a shadow rushing into the ward. Then I heard a scream."

"When I rushed into the intensive care room, I saw a man in black standing in front of the hospital bed, trying to plot a plot against Liu Sheng and piaoyue. I slapped him, but his skill was too deep, and one palm hurt me badly. After Xuan Mei arrived, I just woke up."

In this explanation, Chen Ziyang was plain and had no trace of lying at all. In particular, he claimed to be in a coma at the end of the day, which made him forget the whereabouts of the man in black with himself.

No one can pick out a flaw.

Only Su Fangfei seems to be aware of something and can't help but ask:

"Mr. Chen, that is to say, before you were injured and comatose, the man in black didn't attack Liu Sheng? Then why didn't he kill Liu Sheng and piaoyue at one stroke? "

As soon as he said this, Chen Ziyang's fierce light flashed away in the deep of his eyes. He was actually killing Su Fangfei!

The surface is calm and explained: "it should be that he noticed the arrival of Xuan Mei, which I am not very clear about."

After that, Chen Ziyang coughed heavily and spilled a little blood on the corner of his mouth.

Ning Feixuan see this not from worry way: "son Yang this matter you don't worry, I help you go back to rest."

Two people are about to leave, a burst of rapid footsteps followed, the office door is pushed open.

Seeing two women and a man, he came in.

"Skinny monkey? Elegant? Why are you here? "


"Sister Fei Xuan."

In addition to the thin monkey and the Mujia Princess Mu Qingya, there seems to be another little beauty.

This little beauty looks just in her early twenties, wearing white bottomed hot pants, revealing her thin and long sexy legs.

Under the feet of a pair of brown leather boots, hair curled into purple waves, ears with diamond earrings.

a pair of beautiful eyes is painted with charming and pink eye shadow. The whole person looks beautiful and fashionable.