Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1093

Su Fangfei and others checked the situation of Liu Sheng's floating snow and found that she had not had an accident, so they settled down.

Shen Xinghan and Su Fangfei are in the intensive care unit around the investigation, in addition to the destroyed monitoring equipment, there is no discovery.

At this time, the security brigade of the orthopedic hospital and President Hu with presbyopia glasses came one after another.

Just as a group of security personnel were cleaning up the room, Su Fangfei, who was about to leave, inadvertently glanced at the corner of the wall, as if there was a touch of unburned ashes!

"What is this? What's the residual temperature? It should have just been burned down. "

Su Da beauty is about to call out Ning Feixuan, who is holding Chen Ziyang away. She doesn't know what she thinks of. She stops at once.

"Liu Sheng piaoyue was assassinated when he lived in the people's hospital. Today, Shen Xinghan had just left for a while, but something happened again. There can never be such a coincidence in the world! Unless... "

Taking advantage of the crowd's inattention, Su Fangfei, with a delicate mind, took out a package of paper towels from her pocket and quietly collected the ashes. She did not know that

About half an hour later, in the office of the director of the orthopedic hospital.

President Hu, with bald hair and presbyopia glasses, is reporting the latest situation of the orthopedic hospital to ningfeixuan.

"Captain Ning, miss Liusheng's diagnosis has come out. She is in good health and has not been affected by the attack."

Ning Feixuan nodded slightly, but turned her eyes to the tall and burly security captain and frowned:

"has the surveillance video been transferred out?"

Facing Ning Feixuan, who was like an iceberg queen, the originally tall security captain felt like a mountain of pressure and said in a trembling voice:

"sorry, the assailant seems to know the hospital's monitoring system very well, and he has destroyed all the surveillance cameras before he attacks. It's just a little bit of a blur. "

After that, the video was broadcast on the computer at the dean's desk.

Su Fangfei and others came to watch.

In the picture, there seems to be a black shadow on the empty corridor, like a ghost! Then the picture is replaced by snowflakes, and the image disappears completely!

"How fast! At least this kind of cultivation must be a great master of the realm Shen Xinghan said with a dignified face.

Zhang Tao and others took a breath of cold air one after another. Now Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang are all injured.

If this great master of Huajing is killed by force, no one can stop him except Zhang Tao's real dragon folding fan.

When everyone is full of worry, Ning Feixuan's blue eyes are staring at the computer screen all the time.

"Play that picture again!"

The captain of the security team was stunned at first, and then quickly followed suit.

"Play it again!"

"Play again!"


In the eyes of people's surprise, this less than a second picture, Ning Feixuan full see seven times!

"Fei Xuan, what's wrong?" Song Shuling, a powerful woman, couldn't help asking.

However, Ning Feixuan seemed to have never heard of it, but murmured in a low voice: "why do I always feel this figure? I seem to have seen it somewhere..."

This time, everyone was surprised. Only Su Fangfei instantly remembered the handful of ashes in her pocket, and her eyes suddenly became chilly.

At this time, the city public security brigade called.

It turned out that Ning Feixuan asked the public security brigade to transfer all the monitoring records around the orthopedic hospital just now.

As section after section of monitoring records were uploaded to the computer in the office, the scene around the hospital was also reflected when the attack occurred.

After a full hour, the people with sour eyes looked at each other with strange faces.

Only before and after the incident, there was no suspicious figure in the monitoring records!