Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1092

"Shua La, Shua la..."

With the noise of the bricks and stones turning, the smoke and dust all over the sky, suddenly came a strong cough.

An embarrassed figure, from the wall of the rubble rushed out.

Chen Ziyang, who failed to be assassinated, was hit hard by his own peak. At the moment, the corners of his mouth kept overflowing with scarlet blood. His broad black robe was even more dilapidated. His handsome face was covered with dust. The whole person looked extremely miserable.

"Damn it! Why? Why? What the hell is going on here? "

Angry Chen Ziyang, his eyes seemed to burst out flames, one hand will be the other side of the wall, Sheng Sheng smashed!

Chen Ziyang's various plans, but also to explore the location of each camera installation, the right time, place and people, he Chen Ziyang all calculate.

But I didn't expect that it was a failure in the end, even if it was to urge his own peak strike, still unable to kill Liu Sheng piaoyue!

What's more, Chen Ziyang couldn't think of it. Where did Liu Sheng's body protecting mask come from?

It's easy to block the top attack of a semi divine level strong man. That is to say, the cultivation of the man who left the protective mask for Liu Sheng's flying snow must be a martial art myth!

"Is it the old bastard of Taiji?"

After thinking about it, Chen Ziyang could only blame Ping Lao for this. Where did he know that Liu Sheng's body protecting mask was left by Meng siran!

At the time of Chen Ziyang's resentment, a burst of burst of empty voice came suddenly!

"No! It's xuanmei. They're here

Chen Ziyang, who was seriously injured by his peak blow, was too late to escape.

His mind moved. Chen Ziyang took the black robe off his body. Then he pinched out a magic formula of fire and burned the damaged broad black robe into ashes!

Then he smashed the window glass with one hand, creating the illusion that someone was escaping from the window.

After finishing all this, Chen Ziyang put on a look of being hurt by the murderer, leaning against the corner, coughing violently.

At this time, first aware of something wrong Ning Feixuan, has been the first to arrive.

"This Ziyang? Are you hurt? "

Looking at the dust and bricks in the intensive care unit, Ning Feixuan's face changed greatly.

Especially when she found Chen Ziyang, who was dying in the corner of the wall, she was full of worry and rushed to check the injury for Chen Ziyang.

"Sister Xuan, cough I I'm fine Don't worry about me. Go after the man in black

Chen Ziyang, pale as a sheet, coughed up a mouthful of blood. He held up his seriously injured body and pretended to be righteous. He pointed to the broken window, indicating that the murderer had jumped out of the window.

At this time, Shen Xinghan, Su Fangfei and others came late.

"What just happened? Mr. Chen, are you hurt? "

Everyone was shocked and began to care about Chen Ziyang.

"I Cough My personal safety is small. You don't have to worry about me. Go and see how Liu Sheng is doing with the snow. "

Chen Ziyang waved his hand, a pair of bold and heroic appearance of ignoring life and death. He also said solemnly to Ning Feixuan who was supporting him:

"sister Xuan, please arrange someone to thoroughly investigate Jinghua City! The man in black was also slapped by me, and he was seriously injured. He must not be allowed to escape from Beijing! "

Everyone was moved by Chen Ziyang's awe inspiring appearance, especially the nerd Zhang Tao, who took the initiative to help Chen Ziyang up and sincerely advised: "Mr. Chen, you are seriously injured, let's send you to have a rest first!"

However, Chen Ziyang pushed Zhang Tao aside and wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth. He said in a righteous and solemn way:

"no way! Liu Sheng's flying snow is related to Meng Tianren's whereabouts. There must be no accident! We must find out the whereabouts of the murderer as soon as possible! "

As soon as the words fell, Chen Ziyang once again spat out a large mouthful of blood donation. The whole person was depressed and fell into the arms of Ning Feixuan