Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1091

As soon as he stepped into the intensive care unit, Chen Ziyang, without raising his head, burst out several green air, destroying all the surveillance cameras just installed in the four corners!

"Boom, boom!"

The violent explosion noise, the orthopedic hospital monitoring room, is wearing headphones, staring at the computer screen of the security guards, Sheng Sheng shakes out tinnitus, dizziness and swelling.

"No! Something happened in the intensive care unit! Inform Miss Ning

Instant reaction over the security captain, look changed, without hesitation to call Ning Feixuan, report the situation.

At this time, Chen Ziyang, who had destroyed all the monitoring equipment, slowly took off his black robe and hat pocket, revealing his elegant and handsome face full of sneers.

At the moment, he is already in his hands!

As long as you kill Liu Sheng piaoyue on the hospital bed and practice the "swallowing method and seizing yuan decision" to devour Luomen and other experts of the Kate family, no one knows about it!

Even if the old man in the same vein of Taiji wants to testify against himself, there is no evidence to prove it!

Chen Ziyang, like an emissary from hell, walked step by step to Liu Sheng on the hospital bed!

Dao Dao's Green Qi gushed from his body and gradually gathered into a volleyball sized energy ball in his palm!

This energy ball, which is purely condensed from Chen Ziyang's genuine Qi, is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it would explode at any time!

The terror power contained in it is no less than a medium-sized shell!

Don't say that Liu Sheng, who is still seriously injured, is this hospital building. I'm afraid it will be destroyed by more than ten floors!

Looking at the Japanese woman with even breathing and ruddy face on the hospital bed, Chen Ziyang clapped down without hesitation!

The surging Qi, just like a tsunami, suddenly hit Liu Sheng and piaoyue!

"Bitch, die for me

In her heyday, Liu Sheng's accomplishments were not more than half divine, and she was no less than Chen Ziyang. Now she is seriously injured, just like a lamb to be slaughtered. She can only be trampled and ravaged!

Chen Ziyang's face gradually showed a wild smile, and then more unscrupulous laughter.

With this blow, you can finally get rid of your own troubles!

"Sister Xuan, from now on, nobody can stop me from being with you! No one can! Ha ha ha ha! "

In Chen Ziyang's wild laughter, the turbulent energy ball hit Liu Sheng's body.

However, at this time, the incredible thing happened!

Liu Sheng, who should have been unable to resist and was doomed to die, was covered with a golden body shield!

In the face of Chen Ziyang's semi God level strong man's peak strike, this golden mask is emitting thousands of golden awns. At the moment when they touch each other, there is no sound or collision!

This golden mask, which protects Liu Sheng's body, seems to be elastic. It is Shengsheng's attack on Chen Ziyang's peak and fight back!

In the same way, give back to others!

"This How could that be possible? "

Chen Ziyang's dark pupils reflect the size of a volleyball ball, and the whole person looks like he was struck by lightning!

Chen Ziyang can only release a light blue vigorous Qi to protect his body. However, how can this hasty release of vigorous Qi protect his body against his peak blow?

With a click, Chen Ziyang's body protecting vigorous Qi was like a mirror, smashing!

Then Chen Ziyang, like being hit by a huge hammer, flew upside down and smashed the whole ICU wall!