Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1090

"Vampire? Isn't that the only monster in the movie? Is there such a terrible monster in reality

Song Shuling, a strong woman, looks at Fang rubing's eyes. She is full of fear. She can't help but hold Su Fangfei and step back.

At this point, it was this keen minded woman who could not help doubting Fang rubing.

So far, all kinds of signs are pointing to Fang rubing. As long as we can find out whether Fang rubing is a vampire, everything will come to light!

After all, Fang rubing is just a young girl in her early twenties. She does not have Meng Ran's calm mind after thousands of years of human vicissitudes.

At the moment, song Shuling didn't want to believe in herself, and her tears were already turning in her eyes.

"Mother, sister Su, you believe me! Bing fan is not a vampire, and will not betray his teacher! "

Su Fangfei looks worried. She and Fang rubing have been on the phone for many times because of their "aura" sales. She has an excellent impression on each other. However, she feels that Fang rubing doesn't seem to be a person who betrays her cousin.

And for his apprentice, Meng ran mentioned Su Fangfei many times. Although Fang rubing has poor talent in practice, he is as tough as iron. He is very satisfied with Meng Ran's vision.

"Ning captain, I think there must be some misunderstanding among them. Bing fan doesn't seem to be a person who will betray Xiaoran."

Ning Fei Xuan whispered to Ning Fei Xuan.

"Xiaoyi! The teacher came to Jiangnan with Xiaoyi, which can prove it for me After a long time of hard thinking, Fang rubing finally thinks of the cute little guy.

Dragon and horse, a super living creature that transcends all living beings, is far more intelligent than human beings, and it is bound to prove Fang rubing's innocence.

"Xiaoyi? Who is he? " Ning Feixuan hesitated.

"Well It is a pet kept by Xiaoran. Now it is in Fengsheng company, and it can really... "

Long Ma's identity is too special, even Ning Feixuan, Su Fangfei also dare not confess to it, can only vague words.

However, hearing that it was just a pet, Ning Feixuan, who did not know the existence of Longma, shook his head without hesitation and refused: "no! How can a pet prove it? "

At the same time, Shi Shi ran came with an attractive figure of cheongsam.

It was Shen Xinghan, the second miss of the Shen family who had heard the fight before.

"Bingfan? You were hurt. What's the matter? "

"Shen Xinghan? How did you get here? Isn't Liu Sheng floating snow? Oh, no

Ning Feixuan, who had an instant reaction, couldn't catch the ice under her. Her body moved quickly and ran towards the intensive care unit.

However, how can Ning Feixuan and others know that Chen Ziyang, who has been hiding in the dark, has been aware of it as early as she triggers the lightning power!

Especially when he saw Shen Xinghan leave, he was overjoyed!

Last night, Chen Ziyang wanted to wait for an opportunity to kill people.

What's more, Su Fangfei and Shen Xinghan are keeping close watch on Liu Sheng's flying snow, and Ning Feixuan is also guarding them.

Even with Chen Ziyang's semi divine cultivation, it is impossible to kill Liu Sheng and Piaoxue unconsciously.

But now it's different!

Now there is only one little nurse in ICU. Ning Feixuan, Shen Xinghan and others are all attracted by Fang rubing, which is the best time for Chen Ziyang to start!

Chen Ziyang, dressed in a large black robe and covering his face, flashed across the corridor as if in the dark!

With a flick of his fingers, a green air galloped out. With a bang, the surveillance camera on the corridor was blasted to pieces!

"Well? What's the matter? "

Liu Sheng is in the intensive care unit to take care of the little nurse girl, heard this sound, face dew doubt, can not help but get up and push the door out.

However, at the moment when she opened the door, she felt a piercing cold wind, and before she could react, she saw a red blood line darting from her neck!

The scarlet blood instantly dyed the ground red. The little nurse, who had just been employed for two years, fell to the ground with a despondent sound.

Her face was full of fear, and her eyes were full of fear. In her pupil, which was infinitely dilated, she gradually reflected a black robe figure!