Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1073

At this time, the only person on the playground who has not yet stepped out of the track is on the track.

It's Meng ran!

In the games, even if it is the last one, we should insist on participating in the competition. This is the most basic sports spirit.

At this time, Meng ran, in the eyes of all teachers and students, is already a broken pot type, not only does not have a sense of collective honor, and even has no determination to persist in running the race.

"Who is he? Why don't you even have a little sportsmanship? "

"Are all the boys in class five dead? How can such a consultant come to the competition? "

Many people feel baffled, do not want to participate in the game, why let yourself lose this person?

On the other side of class five, it's also fried.

At the beginning, the more than ten boys who were afraid to participate in the competition and were somewhat ashamed now seemed to have found a way out of their anger and began to speak ill at Meng ran.

"What a shame! Quit if you don't want to run. Why do you have to rely on it? "

"Bah! I used to have a bit of courage with him, but I didn't think it was a shameless thing

Seeing this scene, Liu Wen, who was originally envious of Meng Ran's figure better than her boyfriend, was elated and giggled.

Looking at the whole foreign language school, only Yin Qingxue believes in Meng ran from beginning to end. She is waving her white hands and cheering for Meng ran.

At the same time, AI Siying, the beauty host who has been staring at Meng ran, finally responds and says in surprise:

"is he going to compete with this group of students? But how could he become a student here somehow? "

AI Siying clearly remembers that Meng ran stepped on the Imperial military academy on that day, but she claimed that she was a student of Jianghua private high school. How could she change her status in a blink of an eye?

As if she remembered something, AI Siying's pink lips were wide open, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "it's broken! Is it because someone in this school has offended him? He's here to challenge! "

At this time, the surrounding audience thought that Meng ran was going to give up the competition, and there was a burst of booing.

In contrast, Du Xiaochen, the leader of the track and field team, is only one step away from the final destination!

At this moment, the whole school teachers and students seemed to have a tacit understanding. They all stood up from their seats and held their breath. They were all ready to applaud Du Xiaochen.

At this time, the original eyelids slightly droop Meng ran, eyes are finally more than a trace of grace.

He said to himself, "it seems that we can only use" Shenxing footwork. "

No one could have imagined that Meng ran was dazed because he was thinking about how to run.

With Meng Ran's current accomplishments, even flying in the sky is easy to come by, but Meng Ran has no idea about "running a race"

In addition to the "Shenxing footwork" in the ethereal practice, he couldn't find a second appropriate secret skill

With a firm mind, Meng Ran's white casual shoes gently stepped on the plastic track. The baton that fell on the ground was a leap in the air!

Just as the baton was still falling rapidly in mid air, Meng Ran's feet actually showed a wonderful footwork!

In an instant, Meng Ran's speed has increased ten times! Instant transonic!

Nearly a thousand spectators on the stage just saw the baton rising in the air, and then disappeared in an instant!

Looking up, I can only see a faint shadow on the plastic track like thunder!

The roaring strong wind will be the original full of more than dozens of meters Meng ran a figure, instantly blowing down to the ground!

Du Xiaochen, who is only one meter away from the finish line, has already appeared a smile belonging to the winner.

However, when he was about to rush to the red finishing line, he suddenly felt like a hurricane came from behind!

Then Du Xiaochen's eyes were dark, and the whole person was already caught in the air by the terrible speed of mengran's transonic speed!

And then "boom!

Du Xiaochen fell heavily on the ground, the track and field team leader looked up in a daze, but saw that the finish line had been knocked open!

And the man was Unexpectedly, should have been the last one Meng ran!

Nearly a thousand teachers and students who had stood up to congratulate Du Xiaochen were like ducks who had been choked by their throat and could not say a word.

"Win Won

Class five people are even more surprised, hot beauty Liu Wen's eyes will stare out.

At this moment, the huge playground was silent.

Nearly a thousand teachers and students are all with one expression, staring at the handsome young man with his mouth open enough to put a goose egg