Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1074

No one would have thought that Meng ran really won Du Xiaochen, and this is not just winning the track and field team leader alone, but winning the so-called most powerful class three!

Meng ran, with his own strength, chased back all the nearly 100 meters behind the first three bars in class five!

Next to the track, the two P.E. teachers, holding stopwatches, are looking at each other.

"Lao Wu, you Did you just see it? "

"See See a fart! This kid broke the record, okay! He just the speed, even if the Olympic Games 100 meters sprint champion, also absolutely can't do! Is this special or human? "

Because they are in charge of the track and field events in foreign language schools all year round, these two PE teachers know more than any other person on the spot. What does Meng ran mean just now!

Sound speed!

He's at a speed that's almost as fast as the sound of sound!

The earth's definition of sound speed is 340 meters per second. But Meng ran just this run, not even a blink of an eye Kung Fu, and even very likely to exceed the speed of sound!

"Lao Wu We, we seem to have found treasure

Mr. Wu, who can't help but react, slaps her thigh like a hungry wolf. She looks at Meng Ran's eyes with green light and yells at her throat:

"yes! With this boy in, what municipal and provincial track and field champion is directly the Olympic champion

Compared with European and American countries, China has always been weak in track and field events. But if these two P.E. teachers put Meng ran under his command, they could definitely win the gold medal of Olympic track and field in the future!

At the thought of this, the two P.E. teachers simply regard Meng ran as a treasure, for fear that others will take it away.

Compared with these two special minded PE teachers, nearly a thousand teachers and students watching the scene are all dumbfounded at the moment.

They originally stood up to applaud Du Xiaochen, the leader of the track and field team.

How can you blink your eyes? Du Xiaochen lies on the ground, and the final champion turns out to be the penultimate Meng ran?

Many people who despise Meng ran before are even more regretful. They have already made up their minds and have to flatter Meng ran.

As for the members of the track and field team of the school, although they are unwilling to do so, they already know that the team leader will be replaced after today.

Even around many girls, looking at Meng Ran's eyes, now already full of strange look.

Although Meng Ran is not the real body of sapphire glaze at the moment, his appearance is also pretty and endurable. He is tall and magnificent, and has an indescribable heroic temperament.

Some girls already have other ideas.

After a burst of silence, I do not know who took the lead in shouting a voice, and then the whole foreign language school, nearly a thousand teachers and students all applauded for Meng ran.

Du Xiaochen, who was just boasting that Du Xiaochen was his favorite student, quickly wiped the cold sweat on his face with a paper towel. Facing the two female anchors, he said with a strong smile:

"he He is the vice captain of the school track and field team It's also very strong. "

In the face of applause and congratulations from nearly a thousand people, Meng Ran's face was still indifferent, and he ignored Du Xiaochen's envious and unwilling eyes behind him, and walked leisurely to class five.

As soon as Meng ran returned to class 5, the boys and girls of class 5 flocked forward to congratulate Meng ran.

However, Meng ran did not even look at them, but stood quietly beside Yin Qingxue.

However, Miss Yin suddenly hugs Meng Ran's arm, and her picturesque eyebrows have turned into crescent.

"Xiaoranzi! I'm very satisfied with your performance today. I'd like to have dinner with you! "

In the face of Yin Qingxue, Meng ran changed his indifference, showing a smile and nodding slightly.

One side of the silent Liu Wen, at the moment heavy cold hum, hard to see Meng ran, with beautiful eyes, full of hate.

Just as Meng ran and Yin Qingxue are ready to leave, a burst of high-heeled shoes suddenly comes