Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1072

Du Xiaochen picked up the baton with one hand, almost at the same time, he promoted his body speed to the fastest state. In the eyes of the surrounding audience, the speed of the two hands over the baton did not slow down at all!

This kind of perfect and skillful cooperation has won thunderous applause and cheers in an instant.

It is the two sports teachers who coach the track and field team, who also applaud for the perfect performance of their favorite students.

"Xiaochen is in perfect condition today! It seems that today he can break the 4 * 100 meter relay race in our school and keep the record for more than ten years

This Du Xiaochen has a slightly blindfold slant bangs, ears are also playing earrings, tall, fashionable and handsome.

The most important thing is that the track and field team leader has a good family background. It is said that his parents are the company's boss level.

His shoes are not only the latest limited edition of this year, but also the autographs of famous American track and field stars.

This pair of running shoes, at least 200 thousand!

There is no doubt that such a high-level, rich and handsome person is the man of the day in foreign language schools.

As soon as he started the competition, almost all the girls in the school were looking at him, just like the fans who saw Korea and Europa.

In particular, class 5 hot beauty Liu Wen, is desperate to cheer for her boyfriend.

Even the vice principal on the stage couldn't help boasting to the "goddess of happy children" who was on the live broadcast:

"the man far ahead is Du Xiaochen, the leader of our track and field team. He won the first place in the track and field competition of high school students in Beijing last year, and he is also my favorite student

"Huanzi goddess" turned the mobile phone screen slightly to capture the track and field captain.

Sure enough.

The barrage was instantly "666," "I Cao, Niu Bi!" Coverage.

In the blink of an eye, Du Xiaochen has already run out of a full 70 meters, only 30 meters away from the final destination!

The two P.E. teachers, who are holding the stopwatch, are also full of excitement.

"Dawn! Faster! Faster! It's about to break the record! "

At this moment, the first place in the relay race has completely disappeared!

Even the fourth player of class 9, who is closest to Du Xiaochen, has been pulled 20 meters away. He can't catch up with him in any case!

Today, the whole foreign language school teachers and students' eyes, all fall on Du Xiaochen, the audience is full of cheering sound like a tsunami.

All of them are waiting for Du Xiaochen to break the record!

At this time, the third baton player of class 5, who was out of breath, finally staggered to Meng Ran's back, and handed the baton to the indifferent Meng ran with trembling palms.

However, at this moment, the embarrassing thing happened.

I don't know if this player's hand is too shaking, or Meng ran didn't catch it. In full view of the public, only heard a "pa", the baton fell to the ground

set the whole room roaring with laughter. It was a few of the Vice Chancellor on the high stage who felt a great face.

As for the student who handed over the baton with Meng ran, he ran off the field in a gray way, just like a rat in the street, for fear of being recognized.

Looking at the plastic track, the players in the remaining nine classes have completed the handover of the fourth stick and are making the final sprint.

Only Meng ran, in the face of nearly a thousand teachers and students ridicule eyes, is still if the eyes of Pinghu, indifferent as water.

Even Even at this point, people still can't feel a trace of tension in him, just like a wise old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life.

He looked indifferent.

This strange scene attracted almost everyone's attention.

It was only then that they found out that the young man's dress was not like coming to the relay race!

Not to mention his jeans shirt jacket has not been taken off, or a pair of white casual shoes under his feet, even the most basic running shoes have not changed!