Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1053

Beijing orthopedic hospital, President's office.

An old man with bald hair and reading glasses is reporting the security situation of the hospital to ningfeixuan.

"President Hu, the patient in room 1604 is a wanted fugitive in Jiangnan province. I came here from the province to investigate her case. Now that there is a complete martial law in Wuzhou, there has been an unexplained explosion in Jinghua City recently, and the people's hospital has been reduced to ruins. I don't think I need to say more about the seriousness of the situation? "

Standing in front of the window, with both hands behind her back, it looks like a ningfeixuan, which looks down on the whole orthopedic hospital through the window, and says coldly.

Behind her, the old man with balding hair was all wet with sweat, and he kept wiping the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief.

In the heart is a strong complaint: "my aunt! You are my ancestor! Liu Sheng is a Japanese spy! All over Beijing, it is said that the people's hospital was hit by a bomb because of Liu Sheng's falling snow. "

"Why do you How can we bring this evil star to our orthopedic hospital? "

President Hu, who is also a well-known figure in the medical field in the south of the Yangtze River, is now crying in a hurry for fear that the orthopedic hospital will repeat the mistakes of the people's hospital.

Although it is a strong complaint in the heart, but on the surface, President Hu dare not have the slightest dissatisfaction. Just now, he already knew the identity of the leather girl in front of him. He also received a phone call from the provincial department, asking him to cooperate fully with Ning Feixuan.

Now, President Hu is really dumb and eats Coptis. He has a hard time.

Yes, the old man replied respectfully

"But But Captain Ning, this Liu Sheng's identity is too special. Our hospital is short of manpower. In case What I'm talking about is that in case something goes wrong

This old man who has lived for most of his life is trying to test Ning Feixuan.

"You just have to be responsible for the security of your hospital. As for Liu Sheng, I'm in charge. The two provinces in the north of the Yangtze River and the south of the Yangtze River are already sending people here at the same time. Don't worry. "

President Hu, if amnesty, repeatedly thanks, "thank captain Ning! I still have work to do, so I won't disturb captain Ning for a rest. I'll leave first. "

As soon as he got out of the office, President Hu gasped heavily and was wet all over his body. He even said to himself with a lingering fear:

"it's terrible! This woman is so terrible! She was only in her early twenties. How could she have such a terrible momentum! Compared with her, Zhuang Shubin and Lu Hongyuan are nothing but farts

Not long after President Hu left, Zhang Tao, Su Fangfei and Chen Ziyang walked into the dean's office.

As soon as he saw Ning Feixuan, Chen Ziyang couldn't help saying, "sister Xuan, do you remember what Lin Yesheng said at the end of the people's hospital?"

Ning Feixuan suddenly turned around, the face appeared unprecedented dignified, "you also thought of it?"

Two people seem to have a tacit understanding of the general, the same look at each other, tacit.

The nerd Zhang Tao was confused by these two people's inexplicable words. He didn't understand: "Captain Ning, is there something wrong?"

Recalling the horror of that family, Ning Feixuan sighed:

"for half a century, Xie family, the God sword that caused the chaos in Yanjing, is really going to make a comeback?"