Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1054

"What did Lin Yesheng say last? What's the Yanjing chaos? What are you talking about

In the face of Ning Feixuan's inexplicable self talk, she is a beautiful lady of Su Da with exquisite mind. She is also full of fog. She can't think of any connection between them.

On the contrary, Zhang Tao, a bookworm, seems to have a strange look in his eyes, just like a question that has been buried in his heart for many years, and finally wants to be answered. He can't help but ask: "Captain Ning, what you mean by the great disorder in Yanjing, is it the May 5 catastrophe that was completely erased from the history books at the beginning of the founding of China?"

As soon as he said this, not only was Ning Feixuan, but also Chen Ziyang's face changed greatly. He quickly stopped and said, "stop! Don't mention it again! "

It was as if she had met some taboos that had long been buried in the tide of history. Ning Feixuan's face became extremely serious. On her perfect jade face, she was in deep awe and warned in a low voice:

"Zhang Tao, I don't care where you know about it, but don't mention it in the future! Now that Meng Ran has not returned to China, there are some taboos in China that you can never provoke! "

Seeing that Ning Feixuan looked so serious, Zhang Tao immediately nodded and agreed.

"It's a taboo in China. Even in my capacity as sister Xuan, I dare not say much. But wan Chengzhi's bodyguard is clearly Lin Yesheng, who ranks ninth in the sky list. He is a top expert who has been famous for decades. "

"But he previously called himself Xie Yesheng, and what he used was clearly the skill of Xiejia controlling swordsmanship, which should have been buried in the long history with Xie family."

Even Chen Ziyang, who has already reached the semi divine realm, can not help but show a deep fear when he mentions the words "the divine sword Xie family" and "Xie family's controlling sword technique".

"Ziyang, how sure are you that Lin Yesheng's swordsmanship is Xie Jiayu?"

Ning Feixuan asked in a deep voice, as if in hesitation.

Chen Ziyang did not want to reply, "ten percent! I'm sure that Lin Yesheng's real name should be Xie Yesheng, the descendant of the Shenjian Xie family! "

"The master once mentioned to me the sword technique of the Xie family, which was created by the ancestors of the Xie family eight hundred years ago! Our generation of martial arts and practitioners of Dharma are all seeking to refine the aura of heaven and earth and accept them for their own use. The more you refine the aura of heaven and earth, the stronger your skill will be. "

"But the ancestor of the Xie family is really a wizard of kendo. He actually did the opposite and used the refined spirit of heaven and earth to temper his own sword yuan! Just like in his own Dantian Qi mansion, Wenyang keeps a fierce sword! "

"Once this life sword yuan and its painstaking efforts are integrated, it can burst out several times, or even tens of times the power!"

The more Chen Ziyang said, the more he was afraid of Xie's family.

Even his real master, who ranked third in the heaven list, was grim when he mentioned the sword Xie family!

It can make a peerless man fear this, which shows how terrible the sword Xie family was 800 years ago.

As if he recalled something, the nerd Zhang Tao said in disbelief: "do you mean that the old man's last sword move was the one created by the ancestors of the Xie family eight hundred years ago!"

Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang both looked at Zhang Tao and nodded solemnly.

Chen Ziyang sneered at Zhang Tao and said, "you should be glad that your life is good. This Xie Yesheng is old and thin, and his body is too old to bear the power of that sword. "

"And in my opinion, he seems to have an old wound that hasn't been healed. In addition, Wan Chengzhi is on the scene. If he uses Xie's sword technique with all his strength, his power will never be inferior to the top strike of a strong man in the divine realm!"

"Don't say you and me, all the people present should be buried with them! He is no exception