Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1052

This sudden scene, no one has responded.

Only the pupil of the master of heaven shrinks. He has been paying attention to Meng siran all the time. He even doesn't find that there is a trace of real yuan fluctuation in Meng Silan!

Just that scene, it seems that there is an invisible hand in the void, born to Shen Xinghan a slap, seems to have nothing to do with Meng siran.

"Am I really worried? No matter how powerful she is, I can't be oblivious to my semi divine cultivation. "

The whole ICU, only Su Fangfei is sure that this slap is what Meng siran did!

Others do not know Meng siran's accomplishments, but she clearly remembers that long Ma suffered heavy damage before. This mysterious girl who looks like a fairy is the culprit!

Even the dragon and horse that surpasses the real dragon and Phoenix, she doesn't put it in her eyes, how can she care about her life and death of Shen Xinghan?

"Who! Who is hiding in the dark! Get out of here

The jade cheek is red and swollen, the burning Shen Xinghan on the face, roars toward all directions way, did not realize at all, the person that hands hands is far in the horizon, near in front of the eyes.

"Now Xiaoran is not here. I'm afraid no one will be her opponent. Don't let Shen Xinghan irritate her!"

With a firm mind, Su Fangfei quickly persuades the public, and secretly winks at Zhang Tao's mother and son, and signals them to leave as soon as possible.

Although Ning Feixuan and others have doubts in their hearts, seeing that Su Fangfei and song Shuling have opened their mouths, it is not good to oppose any more, and they leave the intensive care unit one after another.

At this time, in such a large intensive care unit, in addition to Liu Sheng's floating snow on the hospital bed, only Su Fangfei and Meng siren are the two daughters.

At the moment when she passed Meng siran, Su Fangfei stopped her pace and stared at Meng Silan's young face, and she was determined:

"I know it's you who hurt Xiaoyi. Although I'm not a warrior, and I don't know how strong your cultivation is, if you want to harm Xiaoran and aunt Ling, you should step on my body first

With a resolute word, Su Fangfei turned and left. She was extremely beautiful and charming.

Looking at the graceful back, Meng siran's clear and deep eyes add a touch of complexity.

"If you could be selfish and take him away from his mother, how could it have led to today's tragedy?"

In a trance, Meng Si ran seems to think of his beautiful mother, the most garrulous sentence.

"Xiaosiran, who would you choose if your aunt Fangfei argued with her mother about your father?"

Gradually, Meng siran's eyes reflect a Dragon Robe figure, and then the whole person is filled with hatred and killing intention.

"Do you know how many people died because of you?"

"I will not let the tragedy happen again! Never

The mysterious girl whose mind is blinded by resentment and resentment is actually forcing the injured spirit to use the power of divinity to perform soul searching!

"Liu Sheng piaoyue, I don't care what relationship you have with him, but since you know his whereabouts, don't blame me!"

After a word, Meng siran's surging power of mind, like a turbulent wave, went straight to Liu Sheng on the hospital bed, drifting snow!

The secret art of soul searching is that a monk, with the help of his own mind, forcibly invades other people's minds, reads memories, and is vicious and domineering.

The spirit of those who have been performed soul searching skills will suffer heavy damage even if they are at the same level. Light amnesia or dementia, heavy even by the power of the mind burst to death!

Liu Sheng piaoyue is now heavily injured. Her life is like a candle in the wind. She can't bear the secret art of soul searching. The result waiting for her is:

she will die! 1