Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1051

Chen Ziyang did not dare to spy on Meng siran any more. He was afraid that his magic power would be absorbed by Meng Silan.

The whole person is more like a frightened rabbit, even do not dare to look at Meng siran.

"What is the matter! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! How old is she? It can't be a martial arts myth! "

At the moment, in the face of this awkward atmosphere, Su Fangfei, who is understanding and understanding, takes the lead in breaking the deadlock and even asks in a somewhat puzzled way:

"Si ran, what do you mean by" let me come "

When Su Fangfei opened her mouth like this, people also recalled that although she was full of doubts about the girl who claimed to be Meng Ran's classmate, she could only suppress it because of song Shuling's face.

In the face of people's confused eyes, Meng siren whispered: "I can continue her life for her."

Meng siran's voice is not big, even very light, so light that even the powerful woman can't believe her words.

"Siran, you You're not kidding? Do you know how to cure? "

Song Shuling, a strong woman, clutched Meng siran's arm tightly, as if to see the straw, full of ecstasy.

In the face of the elder's fanatical eyes, Meng siran felt embarrassed for the first time. She did not dare to look directly into song Shuling's eyes. She lowered her head slightly and whispered "um".

"Great! That's great! If Liu Sheng and piaoyue could be saved, wouldn't it be possible to know the whereabouts of Xiaoran? "

The strong woman who has been afraid of her son for such a long time can finally put down a big stone hanging in her heart.

"Auntie song, do you really believe her

Ning Feixuan is full of vigilance and looks at Meng siran. Her intuition tells her that the girl's appearance is too coincidental, just like It's like listening to their conversation!

"What is the purpose of her doing this?"

If not for song Shuling's face, according to Ning Feixuan's iron blooded and merciless character, I'm afraid that Meng siran will be arrested and her identity will be thoroughly investigated.

Facing Ning Feixuan's suspicion, song Shuling said with a smile:

"Feixuan, I know what you are worried about. But now Liu Sheng is flying snow even tonight can not survive, can only dead horse as a living horse doctor. Besides, I believe xiaosiran, maybe she can really save Liu Sheng and piaoyue! "

Su Fangfei also echoed, intuition told her that this mysterious girl, must have countless ties with her little cousin!

Now, Ning Feixuan can only nod, but he asks, "OK, how do you plan to save it? It's afraid that she will be hurt by the medicine

But Meng siran did not intend to answer Ning Feixuan, just to the people light way: "you all go out, come in an hour later."

"No! Why should we listen to your little girl film!? Liu Sheng has half a breath of snow. If you take the opportunity to kill her, will she not die? "

Shen family second Miss Shen Xinghan, immediately retorted.

Ning Feixuan also felt bad, "if you want us to leave, you have to tell us, how do you plan to save her? I don't think you have anything with you. How can you make us believe you

In the face of people's suspicious eyes, Meng siran is still a light word, "believe or not, what do you do with me?"

After that, he turned indifferently and turned his back to the public.

Shen Xinghan sneered: "good arrogant little girl."

However, as soon as her voice fell, she only heard the sound of "pa" and a bright red palm print appeared on the jade cheek of this Miss Shen family, and half of Shen Xinghan's cheek was instantly red and swollen.

At this moment, the whole ICU was dead.