Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1050

The visitor is a girl with long hair, who is only 15 or 16 years old, but her height is close to 1.6 meters.

She stepped on a pair of white canvas casual shoes, with her tight white T-shirt and light blue denim shorts, showing the youth of the girl incisively and vividly.

The most striking is the girl's beautiful long hair hanging to her buttocks, and the red dot in the middle of her eyebrows, which is like the finishing touch.

It is like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks among people.

"Who is it?"

Ning Feixuan, Chen Ziyang, Shen Xinghan and others, almost at the same time stand up, staring at the coming people, as if facing a major enemy!

Only because the girl appeared without any sign!

Let's not say that Ning Feixuan, who is famous for his A-level ability in Eurasia, and even Chen Ziyang, a semi God level strong man, has not noticed it at all!

Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang couldn't help looking at each other. Their shock fell into each other's eyes.

However, when the public saw the girl's face, they could not help but marvel at each other.

Ning Feixuan, who has an angel's face, feels ashamed of herself in front of the girl.

Let alone Shen Yiru, Shen Xinghan and others.

Just as these martial artists looked as if they were facing a great enemy, song Shuling, a strong woman, saw a girl with long hair. Her face, which was full of sorrow, was instantly replaced by a color of surprise.

"Si ran? Why are you here? "

Song Shuling quickly stepped forward, took Meng siran's hand, and directly pulled her to the public. She warmly introduced her to the audience and said:

"to introduce you, this is Xiaoran..." Song Shuling, a powerful woman, said half of the words, which seemed to be a little tangled.

But heard Meng Si ran lips light, such as mountain spring general cold voice, leisurely ring out: "classmate."

Seeing that this mysterious girl admitted her relationship with Aizi for the first time, song Shuling looked at Meng siran unexpectedly, and then nodded with a smile: "yes, she is Xiaoran's classmate, and she is about the same age as Xiaoran."

Ning Feixuan and others looked at each other, and Zhang Tao couldn't help looking at Su Fangfei with a puzzled face.

The nerd scratched his head and whispered: "sister Su, don't you think she looks like Xiaoran?"

When this was said, people's eyes fell on Meng siran's small face. Ning Feixuan, who had seen Meng Ran's jade glaze body, was even more startled. They felt that the girl and Meng ran were carved in the same mold!

Like! It's so similar!

Contrary to the shock of the public, Chen Ziyang, who was silent, quietly used his magic power to pry into Meng Silan's secret.

However, a strange scene happened!

Chen Ziyang only felt that his magic power was like a bullock entering the sea without any reaction!

Chen Ziyang, who didn't believe in evil, gathered his magic power to his feet, then passed through the ground and quietly extended to Meng Silian's feet to peep.

As a result, the whole girl was like a bottomless pit. All the magic power of Chen Ziyang was absorbed, without any reaction!

"No way! Even martial arts myths can't absorb my magic power out of thin air! What kind of monster is she? "

As if he had seen the fabled Arabian Nights, the whole man was shocked beyond measure, and his brain was numb.


In just over ten seconds, Chen Ziyang had poured out half of his magic power. Without exception, he was absorbed by Meng Silan!

At this moment, the preacher of Tianshi Taoism, who was strong enough to sweep the south of the Yangtze River, looked at Meng siran's eyes as if he were looking at a monster. He could not say a word any more