Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1030

At the same time, Ning Feixuan, Chen Ziyang, Lu Shaoqian and song Shuling also followed the reputation.

Under the protection of a middle-aged man and a white haired old man leaning on crutches, a young man in black came with a long march!

The young man in black has thick black hair like a waterfall. His long hair behind his head is tied up with a silver wire. It looks like a knife cutting axe. His handsome and resolute face is full of domineering.

Like all the stars supporting the moon, he has a king's temperament of heaven decorated nobles. Lu Shaoqian and Chen Ziyang, who claim to be the world's most influential figures, are also eclipsed in front of him!

"What an amazing temperament! He must be after the nine families! "

Song Shuling, a powerful woman with a fierce vision, has broken the mystery in one word!

Compared with Lu Shaoqian and others, Su Fangfei, Shen Xinghan and Zhang Tao's mother and son, who have seen Meng Ran's jade and glass body, are surprised, but obviously not so surprised.

Although the comer is extraordinary and has the king temperament like the emperor in ancient times, compared with Meng Ran's real body, he is just an ordinary child.

The difference between the immortal and the ordinary is clear at a glance.

At this time, Gao Junwu and Shen Xingyun, who recognized their identities, bowed down and saluted without hesitation:

"Gao Junwu and Shen Xingyun have met Mr. Wan! I've met Lin Tianren

Lu Shaoqian, who also recognized the identity of the visitor, was about to get up and salute. The rest of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of his fiancee's salute. There seemed to be a flash of suspicion in the bottom of his eyes.

"Yanjing Wanjia has always been the backer of our Lu family. Wan Chengzhi and I have only met once. How could Xing Yun know him?"

How did Lu Shaoqian know that his ambitious father-in-law had already married a family in Yanjing. In order to march into Yanjing, he even married his daughter Shen Xingyun to Wan Chengzhi as a concubine!

A green cap has been quietly worn on his head

"Lu Shaoqian met Mr. Wan!"

Although he was confused, Lu Shaoqian, who claimed to be the prince of the south of the Yangtze River, did not dare to show any disrespect in front of Wan Chengzhi.

Lu Shaoqian knows better than anyone that the real prince of China has always had only one person, and that is his wanchengzhi!

If you offend Wan Chengzhi, don't look at him. The Lu family is known as the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River, and its assets are close to 100 billion yuan. Just one word from Wan Chengzhi will bring the Lu family down!

The strength of Yanjing's second largest family is already comparable to that of a small country!

At this moment, the most complicated look is Ning Feixuan and Chen Ziyang.

For a long time, Chen Ziyang regarded Meng ran as his own big trouble and wanted to get rid of it quickly.

Especially after he found out that the goddess whom he had been in love with for a long time actually fell in love with Meng ran, Chen Ziyang did not hesitate to deviate from the right path and practice evil skills, but also wanted to kill Meng ran!

However, at the moment, he finally saw the prince of ten thousand families who had an engagement with Ning Feixuan. Chen Ziyang's nameless jealousy was burning in his eyes.

The fingers burned by Ning Feixuan's thunder and lightning power were even more tightly clenched into fists. If Ning Feixuan was not on the scene, Chen Ziyang even wanted to urge the demigod power in his body to eradicate the great trouble in one fell swoop!

"Wan Chengzhi, you don't want to take Xuan Mei from me! Don't think about it! "

Before his trip to Taihu, Chen Ziyang had no power to stop the marriage between Wanjia and Ningjia, but now he is fearless when his power of "seizing Yuanjue" has soared to the semi divine realm!

Even if the old man with white hair on crutches is one of the top ten in China, he is not Chen Ziyang's opponent!

Just as Chen Ziyang's killing intention soared, Lin Lao, who was following Wan Chengzhi, wrinkled his white eyebrows, as if sensing something. He whispered to Wan Chengzhi:

"be careful, there is something wrong."

However, Wan Chengzhi waved his sleeve robe and said: "there is Lin Lao and Fei Xuan present. Chengzhi wants to see. Who dares to make a mistake?"

Language down, Wan Chengzhi's eyes all fell on Ning Feixuan's body, unscrupulously looked at Ning Feixuan's fury body wrapped in leather clothes.

At this moment, a cold, heartless and murderous voice sounded in Indifference:

"if you dare to take another look, I will gouge out your dog's eyes now!"