Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1031

He is like a star in the capital of May.

How many people dare to talk to him like this?

Although he was a little angry in his heart, Wan Chengzhi's face was still calm and gentle. He even teased and laughed at Ning Feixuan: "Feixuan, you and I have been engaged for a long time. Now we are getting married. In front of so many outside faces, you should give your husband a little bit of thin face..."

However, without waiting for WAN Chengzhi's voice to fall, he was surprised to see that Ning Feixuan's jade finger was a little higher in the sky. A blue thunder and lightning power was sweeping across the sky and attacking Wan Chengzhi's chest!


At first, I heard the old man with white hair snorted coldly. He leaned on his crutches and gently pointed at the tile floor. It was like a stone entering the lake, and an invisible ripple immediately appeared in the void!

The invisible ripples like water waves collide with the snake like lightning of ningfeixuan. It seems that the shell is coming out of the chamber, and the hospital hall suddenly explodes!

Suddenly, the hall of the hospital is full of thunder!

A pale white smoke from the collision of the two forces exploded, like a circular cloud in the mountains, and spread around, sweeping the whole hospital hall!

"Be careful!"

Gao Junwu, like a formidable enemy, drank violently. His palms folded together, his legs bent slightly, and he took him as the center. The tiles within three feet were immediately shaken up and suspended into the air!

These dozens of square tiles, all filled with the internal force of Gao Jun and Wu Qiang Heng, are piled up into a brick wall in the void!

In an attempt to resist the vigorous Qi afterwave produced by Lin Lao and Ning Feixuan's duel.

Although Gao Junwu is a super soldier in a special department, his internal cultivation has reached the peak, and his physical body has been trained to become a master's body.

However, the old man Lin standing in front of him is a perfect man of heaven!

It is one of the top ten heavenly beings!

Even if Mr. Lin only urged a successful force, he was not able to resist it.

Sure enough!

The moment when the vigorous air afterwave touches the ceramic tile wall, it is like a typhoon passing through, and the whole wall turns into a piece of powder!

The ceramic tile powder carrying the power of heaven and man, with the blessing of Lin laozhiqiang's real Qi, is like a submachine gun bullet, tearing the air and shooting at Gao Junwu and others!

Gao Junwu, who stands in front of the crowd, has blue veins all over his body. His bronze muscles turn into gold in an instant! Height is suddenly increased to 2.5 meters!

With his palms folded, his black vest has been burst. Now his whole body is shining with gold, just like the Buddha was born!

Seeing this scene, old Lin raised his drooping eyelids slightly and said in surprise: "Oh? The forging technique of Tantra? It's interesting, but it's still just pediatrics. "

Old Lin's surprise flashed away. Just as he shook his head slightly, the powder of ceramic tiles turned into a shower of bullets, which had already hit Gao Junwu's gold body!

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

At that time, there was a sound like rain beating banana.

At the same time, Ning Feixuan, Shen Xinghan, Shen Yiru are also decisive, each hand to resist.


All of them didn't reach the master's level. They immediately vomited vermilion!

Zhang Tao's jade talisman, as early as a battle in Shenjiazhuang garden, was completely broken.

Although the keel folding fan sleeps quietly in Zhang Tao's pocket, but due to the limited use of the folding fan, Zhang Tao clenches his teeth and never uses it until he reaches the critical point of life and death.

Although Shen Yiru was behind him, Zhang Tao was also affected. He gushed blood from his mouth, and the whole person's breath was instantly withered.

It seems that the residual wave of vigorous Qi will hurt Su Fangfei and song Shuling. But a foot in front of the two girls, there seems to be a transparent virtual shadow emerging silently!