Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1029


Whether it's Ning Feixuan's thunder and lightning ability that shocked Eurasia, or that terrible A-level threat, Lu Shaoqian, the ordinary body, can not resist.

Accompanied by Lu Shaoqian's scream, the young master Lu, who has just been a great master, fell to the ground.

His hair is like a steel needle, and his expensive custom-made suit has been burned out by thunder and lightning. There is smoke in his mouth, ears, and even outside. He is like a rickety shrimp, curling up on the ground and shaking.

However, even though he was so miserable, Lu Shaoqian did not show much fear in his eyes, but was more shocked and resentful.

"You How dare you hurt me! "

The beautiful blue eyes of ningfeixuan are filled with horror. For example, the slender fingers of green onion and white jade suddenly point to Lu Shaoqian, and the fingertips are even twinkling and dancing. They are actually converging into a lightning blade!

"Just because you insulted Auntie song just now. Don't say you hurt me. I'll kill you today. I'll see those old things in Yanjing who dare to blame me!"

With a word of indifference, Ning Feixuan's figure moves quickly, and the lightning blade aims at Lu Shaoqian's chest, and cuts it down!

Lu Shaoqian, who was frightened by the "crackling" electric arc on ningfeixuan's fingertips, did not dare to speak hard any more, and roared desperately:

"Ziyang, help me!"

Seeing that Ning Feixuan's thunder and lightning ability is about to hurt Lu Shaoqian, a white figure like a ghost, with the shadow of the road, moving horizontally!

It was a step across Lu Shaoqian's body!

When he heard the sound of "bang", Chen Ziyang put out his two fingers, and slightly clipped the differential two fingers. He actually sandwiched the lightning blade of ningfeixuan between his fingers!

"Sister Xuan, he is my best friend whom I have mentioned to you many times. Lu Shaoqian, the son of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, should be spared this time for my sake."

Chen Ziyang in white pleaded in a low voice. It seemed that he could not bear Ning Feixuan's A-level lightning power. His fingers had been burned by thunder and lightning, and his mouth was full of red.

"Ziyang, you!"

Seeing Chen Ziyang injured, Ning Feixuan was shocked. The lightning power on his fingertips dissipated in an instant. He went up to check the injury for Chen Ziyang.

At the same time, Shen Xingyun also helped Lu Shaoqian, who was a miserable and immature man, and injected his internal force into his body to delay his injury.

"Ziyang, is she your confidant

In the face of this enchanting leather girl, Shen Xingyun, who boasts that she is the most beautiful woman in the south of the Yangtze River, can't help but show a touch of amazing color on her peerless jade face.

Even Shen Xingyun had to admit that the leather clad girl was really a beautiful woman, and no wonder she was able to fascinate the outstanding descendant of Tianshi Taoism.

Ning Feixuan's face was stiff. She was trying to explain something, but Chen Ziyang chuckled: "Xingyun, Shaoqian, I'd like to introduce you. She is the leader of the Defense Department of the supernatural forces of China, and the eldest lady of the Ning family in Yanjing! Also is my immediate superior, I and Xuan younger sister since childhood childhood, Xuan younger sister is my beautiful confidant naturally

Chen Ziyang chuckled, but he took out two healing pills made by daoxuan immortal. One of them was taken by himself and the other was given to Lu Shaoqian.

At this time, when Zhang Tao heard the name of ningfeixuan, he was stunned, and then reacted to it in an instant. He said with great joy:

"ningfeixuan? Are you Ning Feixuan that Xiaoran asked me to find? "

Zhang Tao was about to move forward. At this time, he heard a crisp clapping sound outside the hall, and a gentle smile was heard:

"it's lively and lively. I didn't expect that Chengzhi was lucky to see such a lively thing before he left Beijing."

"The voice Is it him? "

Shen Xingyun, who was very familiar with the laughter, looked stiff, as if to see the Savior, and looked up fiercely!