Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1028

"The voice is..."

Su Da's face was startled. She seemed to think of where she had heard the cold voice. It was as cold as ice that would not melt for ten thousand years.

"Who are you?"

At the same time, Shen Xingyun turns to Lu Xingqian.

I saw that the crowd around the original area was spreading towards both sides like a wave!

All of a sudden, a woman and two men came face to face.

The first woman, with long elegant wine red hair, a black and shiny tight leather coat, outlines her hot and perfect S-shaped figure.

Especially the delicate facial features without a trace of defects, perfect to suffocate. Perfect interpretation of "angel face, devil body"!

"Stop stop! You Who are you? "

These three people's aura is too much, especially the leather girl, which gives people the feeling of being too cold, gorgeous and domineering, like an iceberg queen who refuses to be seen thousands of miles away, which makes people afraid.

In front of her, this police station's Guo captain, even the words are not clear.

But he saw a muscular man in a black vest, all over his body as fierce as a dragon, and came forward from behind the girl in leather.

"Don't Don't come here! You What are you doing? " When Captain Guo saw the fierce looking high army, he instinctively showed a trace of fear.

However, Gao Junwu took out a black wallet and shook it in front of Captain Guo. Seeing the identity written on the wallet, Captain Guo, as if he had seen some incredible existence, bowed down without hesitation and worshipped all over his face!

"What is the situation?"

This scene directly stunned captain Guo's subordinates and the onlookers.

Gao Junwu waved his hand and said with a still expressionless expression: "there is nothing for you here. Quickly demobilize the masses, destroy all the monitoring records, and do not let out any information! Otherwise, I don't have to tell you the consequences

Captain Guo, who had already wet his uniform with cold sweat, replied, "yes!"

Immediately, he ordered his men to quickly dismiss the people around him

"Dada Da Da!"

The sound of the high-heeled leather boots at the foot of ningfeixuan on the tile floor is like drumbeating, repeatedly beating the heartstrings of people in the hall.

As soon as she stepped into the hall, Ning Feixuan looked around, and finally her eyes fell on Su Fangfei and song Shuling.

Su Fangfei, who also recognized Ning Feixuan, was full of surprise and said, "Miss Ning, it's you!"

Ning Feixuan quickly came to Su Fangfei. She was always cold. At the moment, she was ashamed. To Su Fangfei and song Shuling, she apologized:

"Miss Su, aunt song, I'm sorry, Feixuan is late!"

I'm sorry to say that this well-known woman captain of China in Eurasia has bowed deeply to her second daughter!

Su Fangfei was shocked. "Miss Ning, what are you doing? I'm fine with aunt Ling. Don't worry

At the same time, Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun also recognized Chen Ziyang who was following Ning Feixuan.

Lu Shaoqian rushed forward and held Chen Ziyang's arm tightly, as if he had caught a straw. He was ecstatic:

"Ziyang! You came just in time Then he pointed to song Shuling and said with hatred on his face: "Ziyang, help me catch these bitches!"

Not aware of the terrible disaster he has caused, Master Lu looks at Song Shuling with a defiant look.

At this time, a cold voice that seemed to freeze the soul suddenly sounded:

"you want to die!"

Ning Feixuan turned her head angrily. In her beautiful eyes of sky blue, the filaments of arc beat and twinkled. Her body was A-level thunder and lightning. She swept towards Lu Shaoqian like a blanket!

Chen Ziyang's face changed greatly, but it was too late to stop it.

"Xuan Mei! No