Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1027

Shen Xingyun has already guessed that the general's epaulet in Zhang Tao's hand is the one entrusted to him by Meng ran. Presumably, it is also the successor left by Meng Xianshi after his accident.

Shen Xingyun also planned to let Zhang Tao say it himself. But now that Meng Ran's life and death are uncertain, no one in Beijing can prove whether Zhang Tao's general's epaulet is true or not.

Even if it's true, Shen Xingyun can still stigmatize it as Zhang Tao stole it!

As long as it can't be proved that the epaulet is Meng ran, no matter how he defends Zhang Tao, it is futile!

Sure enough!

At the moment, Zhang Tao, who is slandered by Shen Xingyun, has lost his sense of propriety when he is shocked and angry.

Now, if Zhang Tao can't prove that the general's epaulet is genuine, they will be hard to get rid of today!

Even bear the charge of forging the identity of the lieutenant general!

With a horizontal mind, Zhang Tao actually moved Liu Chengwu and Ning Wenbin, two important officials of the country!

"Nonsense! Xiaoran told me that he was a general of Jiangbei military region, and the epaulet of General Liu Chengwu was handed to him by himself! At that time, there was Ning Wenbin from the special department, and Minister Ning was present! "

"They can prove it!"

As soon as Zhang Tao's voice fell, Shen Xingyun and Lu Shaoqian were both shocked.

Although they have heard of Ning Wenbin's name, they know little about the particularity of the "supernatural force Defense Department", even as Lu Shaoqian.

But Liu Chengwu is different!

As the general secretary of military affairs of several provinces along the Changzi River, Ling is the only one in these provinces! Liu Chengwu's name should be a thunderbolt!

Even if Lu Shaoqian is an idiot, he absolutely believes Zhang Tao's words!

Because no one dares to make a rumor about Liu Chengwu!

"Xingyun, this is This is... "

Lu Shaoqian looks at Shen Xingyun like a thirsty mouth, and seems to be asking for the advice of his virtuous wife.

Meng Ran has the hatred of killing his family and father in Shen Xingyun. However, in the final analysis, it is the personal enmity between Meng ran and Shen family. What has he to do with Lu Shaoqian?

Husband and wife are birds in the same forest. How can Lu Shaoqian not understand the truth of their respective flight in the face of disaster?

At this point, Lu Shaoqian has decided to give up. Even if Shen Xingyun blames himself for this, Lu Shaoqian admits that it is better than offending Liu Chengwu!

Lu Shaoqian has already understood that no matter whether Meng Ran is alive or dead, this person can not be provoked by himself!

Once those big people behind Meng ran are enraged, it will be a disaster to the Lu family who wants to enter Yanjing!

"Xingyun, please press the button for the moment."

Lu Shaoqian said tentatively.

However, Shen Xingyun, who is still staring at Zhang Tao's shoulder badge, turns a deaf ear.

For Shen Xingyun, now that she is in a dilemma, offending Meng Ran's family is a fait accompli. Then Shen Xingyun simply does not do two things and will capture song Shuling in any case!

As long as song Shuling is captured, even if Meng ran means everything, Shen Xingyun has a bargaining chip to talk with!

Worthy of being the queen of Beijing, such a city and courage, is really a female hero!

"Since you say that Liu Chengwu and Ning Wenbin can testify for you, please ask him out!"


Zhang Tao is not deep in the world after all. How can shenxingyun's rival be the city government?

"But how do you know that Gao Mingtao's elder sister has a weight?"

Shen Xinghan, with her eyebrows slightly frowned, helps Zhang Tao get rid of the encirclement.

"Miss Xingyun, since you doubt it in your heart, why don't you ask the two adults to prove it in person?" Su Fangfei, who has a delicate mind, is also tit for tat.

Shen Xingyun shook his head without showing weakness and sneered: "since you can't prove it, it's forging the epaulet and pretending to be a general!"

Even more angrily, he pointed to Zhang Tao and yelled: "Captain Guo! These people not only pretended to be generals of the military region, but also forged their epaulets! Arrest them all

Zhang Tao and others were furious.

It is Shen Xinghan how also did not expect, oneself this elder sister even arrived at this kind of situation, also want to spell a fish to kill a net!

"This bitch! How stubborn

At this time, the hospital in front of the hospital in charge of maintaining the order of the police station captain Guo, was not hesitant to take out a pistol, shot warning!

"Give it to me! Arrest all these lawless elements

At this time, the crowd outside the door, surprised to see a ten meter long blue lightning whip when the air raid!

Along with the sound of "Zi La Zi La", it was exactly hit on captain Guo's pistol!

Faced with the power of A-level lightning power, this special pistol instantly turned into a pile of scrap iron!

When they were in shock, another cold voice came from far and near, from outside the hospital hall!"I can prove that the general's epaulet in his hand is genuine!"