Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1015

However, the strange thing is that Lin Laogang noticed this scene, but Chen Ziyang's real Qi fluctuation was quickly eliminated. No matter how he felt, there was nothing wrong with Chen Ziyang.

According to the principle, Chen Ziyang has not yet entered the realm of practicing Dharma, so it is impossible for his true Qi to fluctuate.

But how to explain the strange scene just emerged?

In the face of this inexplicable situation, even with the top ten accomplishments and insights of Lin tianbang, it is difficult to understand the key point.

In the end, we can only guess that it was caused by the magic weapon of protecting the body handed over by immortal daoxuan to Chen Ziyang, and he did not doubt the real cultivation of Chen Ziyang.


"Fangfei, why don't we call the police? I have already called Xiaoran's head teacher. It turns out that Xiaoran has been lying to me. He hasn't gone to school for a long time

Taking the elevator with Su Fangfei, song Shuling, who goes downstairs with her, says with deep worry.

"Aunt Ling..." At the moment, Su Da beauty is also in a mess. She is struggling to tell song Shuling about Meng ran.

But Meng ran told her again and again that before telling song Shuling and Meng Chang'an about her own affairs, she asked Su Fangfei not to disclose it in any case.

Otherwise, it is very likely to lead to death.

But now, her little brother's life and death is a mystery, Su Fangfei's heart has begun to shake, Su Fangfei already can't take care of so much, she just want her little ran safe, even if let her use her own life exchange, she is also willing.

"Fangfei, tell me what happened to Xiaoran? Did he socialize with some bad people in the society? You don't have to hide it for him. Is he in trouble? "

Song Shuling, a powerful woman, already suspected that Aizi had been led astray by those immoral people in the society and had done something against the law and discipline.

"For a while, it was Meng siran, who was of unknown origin, and Liu Sheng, a Japanese spy. If they were all related to Xiaoran, he would have made a big mistake this time!"

Song Shuling thought more and more wrong, and began to read fragmentary.

"Jiangnan Military Region But that Japanese woman is wanted by Jiangnan military region. Once Xiaoran has an affair with her, isn't it Don't you want to go to jail? "

With this in mind, song Shuling was shocked instantly.

If it wasn't for Su Fangfei, she would have fallen in the elevator.

"Aunt Ling, don't Don't worry. " Su Fangfei has no confidence in her words.

How can Su Da's beauty not worry when her beloved Xiaoran is missing?

However, as if she had not heard Su Fangfei's words, song Shuling kept opening and closing her lips and murmured in a low voice:

"Chang'an! I have to inform Chang'an immediately! "

"But But Chang'an is far away in the north of the Yangtze River, and he is just the director of the office of a small county government. Where can he speak in the Jiangnan military region? "

"Four sisters! Four sisters can help! Xiaoran is the nephew of four younger sisters. She will not let Xiaoran have an accident

In her anxiety, song Shuling is about to take out her mobile phone to call her four younger sister, but she finds that her mobile phone is not with her.


The elevator has already reached the first floor after the door rings. With the door open, Su Fangfei walks into the hospital hall with song Shuling in her high-heeled shoes.

However, when we met in the hall, Su was familiar with her voice

"What a familiar voice, is it Xue Longqing! "

Su Fangfei raised her head fiercely, and her face was full of salivation and sneer!