Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1016

In the hall on the first floor of the people's Hospital, four people stood side by side.

Three men and one woman, except for the middle-aged man in cloth, the remaining three are all dressed in bright clothes and have extraordinary manners.

These three people are well-known figures in Beijing's upper class society. They are regular visitors to the interview, whether they are television media or newspaper news.

Even the beautiful woman, who wore a luxurious beige dress and a long jade finger with an expensive diamond ring from Lu Shaoqian, had several relationships with Su Fangfei.

Su Fangfei is more aware of this woman's deep thinking, far from the surface of this look gentle and quiet.

The more such a woman, the more ruthless, to be ten times more terrible than men!

Lu Shaoqian, the prince of Lu's group, Shen Xingyun, Queen of Jinghua, and Xue Longqing, the playboy who coveted himself for a long time, saw these three people coming together, and Su Fangfei immediately "cluttered"!

"They didn't come for Xiaoran, did they?"

Before, in the coffee shop in love at first sight, facing Xue Longqing, who had a bad intention, Su Da Mei Mei had no choice but to take out her younger brother's status as Mengxian master in Jiangbei to frighten him.

As a result, he not only learned that his younger brother had fallen in Taihu Lake, but also exposed Meng Ran's identity.

In retrospect, Xue Longqing's bodyguard named "Uncle Shen" insisted that Meng ran had destroyed the Shen family!

Thinking of Shen Xingyun, the queen of Beijing, who is also the daughter of Shen Tiannan, the head of the Shen family, Su Fangfei's worries become more intense.

"It's broken! It's because I was too flustered and exposed Xiaoran's identity! "

While Su Fangfei is secretly blaming herself, song Shuling on the side obviously also notices Lu Shaoqian and his party.

If song Shuling had never severed her relationship with the Song family, even the ten Lu Shaoqian would not be qualified to let her have a look at it with her noble status as the third young lady of the Song family.

But now, song Shuling is just the female boss of Fengsheng company. Facing the three top figures in the political and business circles in the south of the Yangtze River, even if song Shuling is disgusted, she has to take the initiative to say hello.

"It turns out that Lu Shao and Xue Shao are here. Isn't this miss Xingyun from the splendid club? It is really a beautiful and beautiful country. Do you have any friends in the hospital? "

I know that these three people are not good at all. Because of the Fuhua Hotel, song Shuling offended Zhuang Shubin, a senior political official in Beijing.

Song Shuling, who did not want to offend these celebrities in the south of the Yangtze River, forced down her worry about Aizi and welcomed her with a smile.

"She is the biological mother of Meng ran, the boss of Fengsheng company, song Shuling?" While song Shuling looks at the three people, Shen Xingyun is also observing song Shuling carefully.

What makes her heart slightly Leng is that Meng Ran's biological mother does not have a trace of martial arts breath. It seems that she must be a layman who has never been exposed to martial arts!

But Shen Xingyun can't understand why Meng ran didn't teach his mother one and a half moves to defend himself, since he was absolutely superior to China?

"Well! She gave birth to Meng ran, that bastard! The beauty around her is Meng Ran's cousin, Su Fangfei! "

Xue Longqing, with a pair of colored eyes, walks upstream of Su Fangfei's perfect body. Last time, he made every effort to deceive Su Da Meiren into the coffee shop. He was trying to completely occupy Su Fangfei. However, the good thing was that he was accidentally mixed up by Long Ma.

Now there are Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun coming forward. Xue Longqing wakes up to Su Fangfei again. He is already thinking about how to hook Su Fangfei to bed.

"Xue Longqing! Pay attention to your words

Seeing Xue Longqing dare to insult Aizi in person, song Shuling's smile is no longer, and her face is suddenly gloomy.

Seeing this powerful woman angry, Xue Longqing shrugged his shoulders and said with a defiant face: "Song Shuling, you are hard to protect yourself now, but your temper is still so big."

Song Shuling's eyes narrowed, and she vomited out a word:

"get out!"