Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1014

On the road to the people's Hospital, Su Fangfei saw a cross-country jeep with the license plate of Jiangbei military region on the road to the people's hospital!

The muscle man driving the jeep is obviously not very good at driving. This cross-country jeep is born to the level of professional racing car, and overtakes all kinds of cars in the downtown area!

Even in the face of the intersection patrolled by traffic police, it is a grand red light rush!

Even so, the muscle man's ear is still constantly sounded to urge, "drive faster! What time is it! In any case, we should catch Liu Sheng and piaoyue before Luomen's men arrive! "

Ning Feixuan a pair of sky blue beautiful eyes, as if there is an arc jumping, killing the idea of awe inspiring.

She was cheated by Chen Ziyang. She did not know that Liu Sheng was lying dead. The only few people left in the six giants of Luomen, including the Lord of Luomen on the table, thought Liu Sheng was buried in Taihu, Wuzhou.

Now living in the south of the Yangtze River, facing the special departments searching for them, it is too late to hide their whereabouts. How can they go to Beijing to rob Liu Sheng piaoyue?

Gao Junwu, who was urged all the way by Ning Feixuan, wants to cry without tears. He has been captured by the surveillance camera dozens of times.

Just now, I was overtaking in the center of the downtown area and running the red light. If it wasn't for the military district license plate hanging on the jeep, I'm afraid that the traffic police in Jinghua City would be chasing after themselves.

Contrary to the concerns of Ning Feixuan and Gao Junwu, Chen Ziyang, who is planning various plans to kill Liu Sheng and piaoyue in his mind, only waits for the opportunity to come.

Chen Ziyang doesn't believe that the old man suspected of martial arts myth can always stay by Liu Sheng's side.

With his current skills, he can kill Liu Sheng piaoyue quietly as long as he has a chance!

The three men with different thoughts did not seem to notice that within 100 meters behind them, an old Audi A6 had been following them for more than ten minutes

"Mr. Lin, did you ever feel that ningfeixuan could be in the car ahead?" Wan Chengzhi, sitting side by side with the old man with white hair, asked in his heart.

At this time, Lin Lao, who was urging Zhenyuan to feel the fluctuation of genuine Qi a hundred meters away, slowly opened his eyes.

"Young master, there are three people in the car. One of them is Gao Junwu, the master of martial arts in special departments. One of the remaining two is indeed a woman, and there is no real fluctuation in her body. I think she is not a martial artist. I have eight points to confirm that she is indeed captain Ning. "

"It's really Feixuan beauty coming! Ha ha ha, I'm worthy of being the fiancee of the crown prince. I can meet the prince in this small city of Beijing. It seems that immortal daoxuan is right. The fate between me and Feixuan is really predestined! "

"Oh, by the way, who is the third person in the car?"

"The man It's nothing. He should be a member of the special department, too. "

Hearing the news from ningfeixuan, Wan Chengzhi was in a hot mood. He didn't notice the strange look on Lin's face when he mentioned the third person in the jeep.

"It's strange that this son clearly has the breath of Heavenly Master Tao. Chen Ziyang, the beloved disciple of daoxuan immortal, is undoubtedly. Why can you even notice my peeping at him with his simple accomplishments? "

Mr. Lin can be sure that just when he was exploring the jeep with his genuine Qi, Chen Ziyang's body obviously had a violent fluctuation of his true Qi!