Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1003

Xue Longqing was like a street slut. His voice was so loud that the whole office hall could hear it clearly.

After hearing the names of Xue Longqing and Lu Shaoqian, they couldn't see it because of Xue Longqing's beating. A group of white-collar workers in the company who wanted to come forward to help them suddenly stopped. They were silent and did not even dare to breathe.

In the whole office hall, only Zhao Laner, a little beauty who has just come to the company for internship, stands in front of the beauty at the front desk and shouts angrily:

"no matter who you are, it's not right for you to hit people first! If you make trouble again, I'll call the security guard! "

Xue Longqing was stunned at first. Obviously, he didn't expect that someone would not be afraid to hear his name in this Beijing city.

But when Xue Longqing swept Zhao Laner's charming body full of youthful breath, Xue Longqing immediately put his arms around his chest and looked at Zhao Laner's pretty face with great interest and said with a bad smile:

"little beauty, have you just graduated? With your figure and beauty, you will not have any future if you stay in the company. Go to Xue's group with Ben Shao, and be a close secretary to Ben Shao? "

As he said, Xue Longqing stretched out his salty pig's hand in the habit of learning. He ignored the people's eyes and seemed to wipe some money on Zhao Laner in public.

Zhao Lan'er's crisp chest trembled slightly under the uniform, and stepped back several steps in succession. He even yelled: "security! Security

Soon, three security guards armed with electric batons, majestically rushed in from the corridor.

"Assistant Zhao, what's going on? When the brothers heard the sound, they came to the scene immediately. Are these bastards making trouble? "

Among the three security guards, the leader was still a fitness coach in private. His muscles were clear and powerful, and his security uniform was bulging. One arm was thicker than Xue Longqing's thigh.

Especially at the moment, he was holding the electric wand and full of ferocity. If he had changed the ordinary troublemaker, he would have been scared out of his wits.

"These four people come into our company to make trouble. Arrest them!" Zhao Laner points to Xue Longqing four people, anger way.

Hearing this, the security captain immediately turned around. The electric stick in his hand crackled in his palm. He threatened with a smile: "son of a bitch, I don't want to know whose territory is here? If you dare to go wild here, you can't bear to live... "

However, without waiting for his words to finish, people felt a cold wind blowing on their faces and hair on their backs.

Then, there was a crackling sound of fists and feet. In less than three seconds, the three majestic security guards were lying on the ground, moaning and groaning.

In front of them, a middle-aged man with long hair tied up at random with hemp rope stood with positive and negative hands and a cold face.


The white-collar workers who saw this scene were scared and yelled.

However, ordinary people have never seen master Wudao's terror. Seeing this man in cloth like cutting melons and vegetables, he knocked down the security guard to the ground. They were all shaking with fear.

"How are you, little beauty? Now you know what your brother is like

Xue Longqing laughs and walks to Zhao Laner, who has already forgotten about Meng ran.

"You Don't come here

Zhao Lan'er can't help but feel that her legs and stomach are convulsing, but she has already retreated to the wall and can't be withdrawn.


At this time, the dragon and horse hidden in the corner of the office hall could not be hidden. Suddenly, he roared angrily and then opened his mouth to urge the frost and cold flame to burn the scum to ashes!