Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1002

"Xue Longqing, is Fengsheng company really in this building? I don't think there's something wrong here. "

Shen Xingyun, the queen of Jinghua, who walked with Lu Shaoqian side by side, saw the mess in front of Fengsheng company, and even the glass of the building was broken. She didn't know that there had just been a world war. She always felt something strange.

"Sister Xingyun, it's really here. I just came here last month. But how come the glass of the whole building is broken? And on the way, those landscape trees were uprooted. Has a typhoon just landed? "

After taking Lu Shaoqian's tranquilizing tea, Xue Longqing, who had been scared mad by Longma, also recovered his original dandy appearance.

But as long as the thought of that terrible frost white flame, Xue Longqing's heart is still a burst of hair.

Even more, he tugged at Lu Shaoqian's sleeve and murmured in a low voice:

"brother Shaoqian, let's go back first. What if the monster spitting fire is in the company? Tell me, I'll hire some people from the road and let them come to Fengsheng and tie song Shuling

Shen Xingyun, who was about to step into the gate of the building, slapped Xue Longqing's face with a merciless slap on her face, and said with a gloomy face:

"you can lead the way. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will cut your tongue first, and then gouge out your eyes!"

In the past, Shen Xingyun, the beautiful queen of Beijing, had a coveted son Xue in his heart. After fully seeing this woman's heart, he can't imagine any more.

The silent Xue Longqing nodded repeatedly as the chicken pecked at the rice. He was afraid that he would nod slowly. This beautiful woman with a vicious heart would cut her tongue.

After pressing the elevator on the 21st floor, Lu Shaoqian, Xue Longqing, Shen Xingyun and the cloth clothes guard took the elevator and went straight to the floor where Fengsheng company was located.

At the moment when Xue Longqing stepped into Fengsheng gate, Long Ma, who was lying on Song Shuling's desk, suddenly woke up.


This little fellow is familiar with the smell of visitors.

Yesterday, I was in love coffee shop at first sight. If Long Ma didn't arrive in time, I was afraid that Su Da beauty would never escape Xue Longqing's claw, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

In Longma's cognition, this human should be frightened by his own flame and dare not do evil again. Why dare to come to the door in a flash?

From the office desk to fly out of song Shuling's office, along the corner, quietly to the office hall to slip out.

"Hello, welcome to Fengsheng company. Who are you looking for

The two front desk beauties in the company's uniform show the elegant smile of the signboard style and politely open their mouth.

Xue Longqing glanced at Fengsheng's office hall at will, then said with disdain at will: "ask song Shuling to come out to see me."

Seeing such insolence, the two beauties at the front desk looked at each other and asked, "do you have an appointment? If there is no appointment, song will never meet anyone. Please come back. "

Xue Longqing, who had been oppressed by Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun, dared to talk to himself like this at the front desk of this small broken company. He slapped him in the face and roared: "blind your dog's eye!"

"Listen to me! Ben Shao is Xue Longqing! This is Lu Shaoqian! The young director of Lu's group