Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1004

"The voice? It's The monster

At first hearing the roar of the dragon and horse, Xue, who was originally rampant and arrogant, suddenly froze and dare not move!

This voice, to see his own hands, by the frost white flame burning to ashes, Xue Longqing, it is like a magic voice!

Xue Longqing, whose forehead and back are already full of cold sweat, looks up mechanically and follows the reputation. Finally, he sees the foal in a corner of the office hall!

"It is! This is the monster! Brother Lu, run Xue Longqing pointed to the dragon and horse like a fat cat and roared desperately.

Is desperate to escape!

However, he has been scared to break the courage, at the moment, even the courage to lift his legs, legs keep shaking, like cramps in general, do not listen to.


The white-collar workers, who clearly heard Xue Longqing's cry, looked at each other in a daze. When they saw the white foal on their desk, they were all amazed, as if they had seen a new species.

No one was afraid of this seemingly harmless foal.

Even a few female white-collar workers in the sales department covered their mouths and said with a sly smile: "the eldest son of Xue's group is a coward. He is even afraid of such a cute little guy."

As soon as this speech came out, there was a burst of laughter in the office hall.

Lu Shaoqian and Shen Xingyun take a look at each other. They are surprised and puzzled and look at each other in the eyes.

"Xingyun, what do you know about this little beast? Does it really blow fire? " Although Lu Shaoqian did not believe that long Ma was the culprit of destroying love at first sight.

However, Xue Longqing's expression did not seem to be a pretence at all. In this way, Lu Shaoqian was somewhat uncertain.

"Brother Lu, this monster can really breathe fire! All of my ten men were burned to death by it

Xue Longqing almost cried, that kind of frost white flame like ghost fire was a nightmare he could never forget.

Shen Xingyun's eyes have been looking back and forth on Long Ma's body. As one of the Shen family's double Shu, Shen Xingyun also cultivated her internal skill.

However, compared with the ancient auspicious beast Longma, it is as tiny as a mole ant.

With Shen Xingyun's accomplishments, we can't see the power of dragon and horse, which is comparable to martial arts myth.

But Shen Xingyun and the cloth clothes middle-aged man, are in the dragon horse body to feel a kind of terror breath!

Even if the dragon and horse are deliberately hidden, the invisible suppression on the innate blood also makes these two warriors like enemies!

Shen Xingyun, born in a martial arts family, is not too surprised that there will be many strange things on earth.

Especially in association with Xue Longqing's fear of this little guy in front of him, Shen Xingyun already believes that this seemingly harmless creature is the culprit who destroyed the coffee shop!

"Something's wrong! Don't be humble and go back

Shen Xingyun yelled, holding Lu Shaoqian in his jade hand, and retreated violently!


Just back to the door, two people heard the dragon horse neigh again!

Then I saw a dragon horse spit, like a white flame in its mouth!


Seeing this scene, Xue Longqing collapsed on the ground.

Just when he thought that he was about to turn into a mass of ashes just like his subordinates on that day, he suddenly saw a drop of golden blood falling from the sky!

The dragon and the horse come straight!


The dragon and horse, who felt the fatal threat, hissed and tried to fight against this drop of God's blood with the help of frost and cold flame.

In a flash, there was a cold girl voice in Longma's mind:

"give up the struggle, it's useless. This blood will seal you for ten days. After ten days, your strength will be restored as before, and it can also help you to heal your body injury. "

Language down, the golden God blood immediately into the dragon horse body!

Accompanied by a lament of dragon and horse, this ancient auspicious beast, which is beyond the control of the dragon and horse, has been sealed all over his body!