Strongest Immortal Reborn In City

Chapter 1001

After the war, there was a mess within a few miles. The only relatively intact building was the office building of Fengsheng company.

The energy generated by the self explosion of Yuan Shen, the Lord of Luomen, is so terrifying that it can wipe out the whole city of Jinghua.

On the earth, there is only one mysterious girl who can eliminate this kind of energy that can destroy the earth and the sky.

But although the mysterious girl's cultivation is strong, she can't give full play to her power after being suppressed by the power of the whole star.

Otherwise, let alone the power of the Lord of Luomen to explode himself. Even if the whole God of Luomen exploded himself, the destructive power produced would hardly hurt Meng siran.


Meng siran, whose body shape is trembling, spurts out a large mouthful of golden blood in the void, and then the whole person looks pale, which is obviously severely damaged!

"The old man really knows that taijigong can't dissipate the power of Yuan Shen." Meng siran murmured in a low voice.

The reason why Meng siran wants to resist this force with body protecting Jinlian is that she is not willing to use taijigong.

But taijigong can only dissipate the tangible and qualitative real yuan mana, but not the invisible divine power.

It is reasonable to say that, in addition to Yin Ping, the master of Tai Chi, only Meng siren is aware of this.

Even if the master of Luomen is immortal for thousands of years, he will never know the secret of taijigong.

In this way, there is only one possibility!

"Hundreds of years ago, the mysterious disappearance of Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Taiji, must have something to do with the old man named Xu!"

Meng siran has already seen the truth of the matter.

"Well, first suppress the injury. Besides the old man, I also need to investigate the matter of adoptive father."

After a word, Meng siran sits in the cloud, and the healing secret moves forward

At the same time that Meng siran, the initiator, was healing, the high-level departments of China had already exploded.

I'm familiar with the Defense Department of Jiangning province. I'm familiar with the number of the defense department in Jiangbei. I'm familiar with the number of the defense department in Jiangbei.

"Ning Wenbin! What happened to the UFO that just attacked Yanjing! I want you special departments to eat dry food! Do you know, the head of Yanjing was so angry that he patted the table at me

The person who called was the general secretary of military affairs of several provinces around the eldest son river. Ling, Liu Chengwu!

Liu Chengwu, full of anger, came up to the old friend Ning Wenbin mercilessly scolded.

Two minutes later, when Liu Chengwu's anger subsided, Ning Wenbin said with a wry smile: "my old friend, our special department is in a fog about this matter. I, as a minister, have just learned about it."

However, Ning Wenbin did not say that it was OK. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was scolded by Liu Chengwu.

"You don't know? You don't know who knows!? The enemy's missiles have exploded to our capital! "

Ning Wenbin hehe a smile, counter asked: "who told you is the missile?"

Liu Chengwu on the opposite side of the phone wrinkled his thick eyebrows and was dumbfounded in an instant. He seemed to think of something. His voice was trembling with three points, and he was scared by seven points:

"is it not a missile? Is Is it a warrior? "

In addition to Liu Chengwu and Ning Wenbin, almost all the high-level military region and political ministers in China are discussing what the UFO is.

For the terrible force that can wipe out the whole city of Yanjing, these senior officials have no joy of survival, but only fear

This is enough to frighten a country's invincible power!

About 20 minutes later, Meng siran, sitting in the cloud, opened his eyes slowly.

"The body is not a big problem, but I just tried to bear the power of Yuan Shen's self explosion, resulting in the damage of my own mind and the negative creation of the original God. I'm afraid that I can't use the skill of returning to the source in a short time."

At the time of Meng siran whispering, suddenly feel a line of four people into Fengsheng company.

"Well? It's them! "