Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 999

"Demon soul possessed? Previous life?" Mo Ge was stunned.

Shen Lang said again, "I have observed you with a powerful pupil technique, and I have not found any gods and Demons attached to you for the time being. Then, it can only be the second situation. Your previous life may have been a God or a demon."

"Moreover, it may have something to do with the demon who sealed your power... Of course, even if it doesn\'t matter, any demon will be moved if such a powerful divine power is placed here."

"Now that he has discovered the power of gods and demons in your body, the demon ancestor naturally doesn\'t dare to easily move you."

"The devil didn\'t dare to touch you, so I had a chance to read the God of the devil to seal."

"That\'s what happened."

Mo Ge was still a stone face and said faintly, "I am not interested in the so-called previous life. No matter how powerful the devil I was in the previous life, now I don\'t even have the power to survive in this troubled world."

"Not to mention guarding others."

"Powerful gods and demons do not exist forever. Without power, life and death are in the hands of others."

"So I want to be strong. I urgently need strong strength!"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "take it easy. You haven\'t understood what I mean."

"Do you think I\'m talking to you about the devil\'s ancestor, the devil\'s God, and the power of the gods and demons on you?"

"I tell you this for several reasons."

Shen Lang drank water, moistened his throat and continued, "first, let you know the context, where you are, what you can do and what you want to do in the future."

"Second, the direction is the direction you become stronger."

Mo Ge was stunned: "the direction of becoming stronger?"

Shen Lang nodded and said, "yes, now you also understand that your previous life is likely to be a powerful God and devil, and the power you urgently want to unlock the seal is the power of God and devil."

"The so-called power of gods and demons is the power used by those \'gods\' or\' demons\' in the highest planes of heaven or demon world, which contains the power of rules."

"This power is completely different from the spiritual power we usually use."

"If you don\'t understand this, even if you untie the seal on your body, if you use the power of God and devil, it\'s like a reckless man waving a hoe, not a supreme swordsman waving a long sword."

Mo GE\'s calm eyes became a little hot: "how should I release this seal, and how should I use this power? How should I practice in the future?"

Shen Lang didn\'t answer Mo GE\'s words, but asked, "you said before that you could use this power before, right?"

"Yes." Mo GE\'s answer was very brief.

Shen Lang said a little strangely, "you used to be able to use this power because the existence of the one who transcended the demon ancestor in the demon domain deliberately left a hole in the seal. It\'s like a reservoir with a small hole, and the power flows out from that hole."

"And I found that although this hole was sealed again, the seal at this place was not reliable."

Before Mo Ge showed his joy, Shen Lang said, "even if the seal of this place is not reliable, it is still not something that the strong in the world can untie, including the strong in the imperial martial mirror."

"But I\'m an exception."

Shen Lang said, his wrist turned, and a chaotic light appeared on the palm of his right hand.

This chaotic light is completely different from the light released by psychic power.

This light is not noticeable, nor is it particularly surprising.

But when Mo ge used his power to look at the chaotic light, he was stunned to find that he saw the birth and destruction of the world!

"Is this?" even Mo GE\'s mind was surprised to see such a strange thing.

Shen Lang grabbed it gently, took in the chaotic divine power, and then said faintly, "this is also a divine power, but I\'m still studying the difference between this divine power and the ordinary divine power."

Mo GE\'s eyes became crazy: "you can also use the power of gods and demons, so, a flaw in the seal..."

"I can open it with a little effort at most." Shen Lang replied directly.

Immediately, Shen Lang gently breathed out a breath and said, "I\'ve made such a big circle. In fact, I don\'t want to express much."

"In addition to letting you know some truth about the demon ancestor and the demon family, I want you to recognize yourself, understand what you are doing and what you will do in the future."

"You said before that your trust in me is just like my trust in you. This is a very strange feeling. I felt it when I saw you at the first sight. Maybe we were brothers in our previous lives."

"But my ugly words are ahead. I can help you release this power, and then teach you how to use it and how to become stronger..."

"But if you take this power to commit crimes, or threaten my relatives and friends, I will kill you first."

Although it was a threat, Shen Lang\'s tone was still very calm.

But the killing intention contained in this calm is surging.

Mo Ge didn\'t speak, just nodded gently.

"The power of gods and Demons contains the power of rules. As long as it is power, it can be used. It\'s just to use the skills of the human world to urge the power of gods and demons, just like a three-year-old child waving a heavenly artifact, it\'s difficult to really give full play to its real power."

Shen Langyou said, "I once swallowed up the ghost of the demons who wanted to die on cangxia mountain, and thus gained more than ten real magic skills in the memory of the ghost of the demons."

"Unfortunately, although these magic skills can maximize the use of the power of gods and demons, each kind of cultivation takes a long time, often tens of thousands of years, which is not suitable for you."

There is one thing Shen Lang didn\'t explain, that is... With the heavenly book on him, no matter his previous qualification, the speed of cultivating this magic skill is as easy as a palm of his hand, and it\'s almost to the extreme!

But Mo GE has no heavenly book.

Shen Lang continued, "there is only one skill, which is the simplest and most effective."

As soon as the voice fell, Shen Lang\'s figure trembled slightly. When Mo Ge saw a flower in front of him, he saw more than ten Shen waves in the whole room!

Every wave sits as like as two peas on a chair.

Even there is no difference in the induction of Mo GE\'s divine thoughts!

"This skill is called \'Vientiane demons\'." all Shen Lang said at the same time, "when I chased the demons in the magic array of the gate of life and death, the demons used this move to escape."

"This skill is similar to the \'blood escape method\' of the devil\'s way. It is to instantly stimulate countless separate phantoms for escape."

"But different from the blood Dun Dharma, the power consumed by the \'Vientiane heavenly devil\' is much greater than the \'blood Dun Dharma\', and it needs the power of gods and demons to urge, but it will not have any impact on the body."

"The use of the \'blood escape method\' will consume a lot of accomplishments and cause great damage to yourself."

"In short, as long as you have sufficient power of gods and demons in your body, you can use this\' Vientiane demon \'without restriction and has no effect on your body. It\'s the same as any common skill you use now."

"The greatest advantage of this\' Vientiane demon \'is to walk the breath of the Buddha among all illusions. In fact, each illusion is an entity, transforming between virtual and real, just like you incarnate thousands of people."

"Even the strong in the early days of the imperial martial mirror can\'t see through my true self when I use the \'Vientiane demon\'... Of course, it\'s just that. With my current cultivation, if I use the Vientiane demon to escape, the strong in the imperial martial mirror will slap me and instantly crush all the illusions within a thousand miles. I\'m also dead."

"If you want to make the most of this Vientiane demon, it depends on your speed and the abundant power of gods and demons in your body."

Suddenly, the dozens of illusions converged towards Shen Lang\'s original position, and finally only Shen Lang was left.

Shen Lang pointed at Mo GE\'s forehead: "let go of the mental method of knowing the sea and accept the \'Vientiane demon\', as well as several other mental methods."

Mo GE\'s mind moved, immediately dispersed the sea defense and began to receive the information transmitted by Shen Lang.

He really didn\'t expect that the first skill Shen Lang taught him now was to escape!

After introducing several other skills into Mo GE\'s mind, Shen langcai said, "the skills are expensive and the essence is not expensive. I know thousands of powerful skills, but up to now, only a few skills have been used after taking time to practice."

"You have learned the \'Thunder God\'s formula\', which is the most powerful thunder skill known in the world. You can find out how to use divine power to urge you."

"In addition to the \'Vientiane heavenly devil\' just passed to you, there are two other schools. One is the \'magic knife formula\' of the supreme Sabre skill of Tianqing sect, and the other is the \'Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing\' that I haven\'t finished yet."

"Although the \'magic Sabre formula\' is not the most powerful Sabre skill of Tianqing sect, it is also a first-class Sabre skill in the world. The emperor level Sabre skill cuts out, breaks nothingness and destroys everything. Although there are only three sabres, each Sabre has tens of thousands of changes, which is a sabre skill that even the emperor dare not despise."

"I see that you like swords more than swords. Then focus on the Dao and practice it to the extreme."

"The first knife, the water magic knife, divides the sea and breaks the sky;"

"The second Dao, the earth magic Dao, burns the sky, boils the sea and twists the universe;"

"The third knife, heaven devil knife, destroy heaven and Jedi, God death devil destroy!"

Shen Lang said, palming the knife, releasing the meaning of the knife and telling Mo Ge the profound meaning and subtlety of the three knives.

In addition to the understanding of the magic Dao formula from Zuo Wentian, many of them were deduced by Shen Lang himself, which is definitely a rare secret of Dao in the world.

Mo Ge looked attentive and carefully wrote down every word and word Shen Lang said. He thought it over and over again as he wrote it down.

"As for the \'Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing\', when it comes to change and power, it\'s still on the magic knife formula. Unfortunately, it hasn\'t been completed yet. I\'m still reasoning."

"Not finished yet?" mogoggi said.

An unfinished fist technique is even more powerful than the "magic knife formula" created by the legendary sword emperor Zuo Wentian?