Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1000

Shen Lang didn\'t answer, but turned his wrist and spread his palm upward.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

On Shen Lang\'s five fingers, there was a completely different light, just like burning five different flames.

In the middle of these five different flames, that is, in the palm of his hand, the chaotic power that Mo Ge saw just now!

Rosefinch divine fire, yellow spring Qi, evil energy, water spirit power, thunder power!

Five kinds of energy surge at the fingertips, and the palm is chaotic power!

Immediately, under the gaze of Mo Ge, the chaotic power in Shen Lang\'s palm began to rotate rapidly, driving the five kinds of energy on his five fingers to rotate wildly!

In addition to the power of the water spirit, the other energy itself has been extremely terrible. This rotation makes Mo GE\'s eyes stare round and his face show a look of horror!

So many different energies are so powerful that they gather together without conflict, then merge and rotate... Before this fist is issued, the prohibition arranged by the surrounding Shen waves has already shown signs of collapse!

Shen Lang showed it a little and immediately took back all these forces.

"The five emperors\' Dragon boxing, as the name suggests, is a skill I created by integrating the unique skills of the five emperors."

Fortunately, Mo Ge is in front of him. If someone else had changed, he might not have been scared crazy, and he should have been scared silly.

"Now I\'ve reached the fifth move of this boxing, but as I continue to deduce it, every time I have a clear understanding and progress, the power of the previous moves will increase by more than ten times."

Mo Ge was not interested in even the "Vientiane demon" skill.

But hearing this, Mo Ge showed his crazy eyes for the first time.

This fist technique is against the sky!

It can not only integrate a variety of energy, and then stimulate the power ten times and ten times, but also make the power rise madly with the later understanding!

This is even more terrible and abnormal than the magic skill of "Vientiane demon"!

"There are only five moves in the \'Five Emperors\' Dragon boxing\' for the time being, but any move requires you to spend a lot of time and energy to understand. Once used, any move is extremely powerful."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang paused and looked a little trance.

The emperor of war was extremely talented. He practiced countless powerful skills, and even mastered all professions such as refining utensils and medicines. Finally, he integrated these thousands of skills and instilled all the understanding of the road of heaven and earth into them. Only then did he create this unpredictable boxing. How amazing and rebellious!

Unexpectedly, unconsciously, I even deduced the fifth move!

"The first move of the \'Five Emperors\' Dragon Fist\' was a startling blow, and the gods and ghosts were afraid, and the five dragons gathered in the sky;"

"The second move is to disrupt the situation and break the vast heaven and earth!"

"The third move is to stir up the clouds and kill the world of mortals."

"The fourth move, the fist melts thousands of Dharma ideas like a knife, only I respect you forever!"

"The fifth move, the wind with the fist, such as crazy palm rotation, static and high spirited!"

"Each move has nine movements, integrating ten thousand palm techniques, fist techniques and capture methods. Each one contains infinite changes, wind, thunder, earth fire, landslide, earth crack, tsunami, Tianwei... All kinds of combination, killing intention is surging, and the nine movements are connected. It is difficult to meet the enemy!"

Shen Lang said, urging his fist with both hands to show Mo Ge all kinds of mysteries of the "Five Emperors dragon fist".

"The sky is empty, the earth is empty, and the avenue is in it!"

"Fist without fist, meaning unintentionally, unintentionally is the true meaning!"

They talked, listened, and thought together. It was dawn before they knew it.

"For many people, the cultivation of this skill may not be able to understand much even if they have spent their whole life. It is very demanding for talent and effort." Shen Lang said with no fatigue on his face, "I have explained these to you. Many things need you to ponder before you can really understand and continue."

"Stop for a while. Finally, there is something about how to cultivate and use the power of gods and demons."

Shen Lang stopped Mo Ge from understanding.

In terms of martial arts, Mo Ge is definitely a martial fool.

He, who has been secretly called "stone" by the people of xuandaozong, has completely changed his appearance and become a little crazy.

If he hadn\'t been awakened by Shen Lang, it is estimated that he would have been immersed in this crazy state of cultivation day and night.

When Mo Ge raised his head, Shen Lang said, "for the time being, this is not a skill, but a direction of cultivation."

"Why did the strong man in the devil Kingdom seal your divine power and only let go a little to you?"

"It\'s not that I\'m afraid you\'ll destroy the balance of the devil Kingdom, but that your body is too weak to withstand the impact of the power of the gods and demons."

"In the past, your physical strength was more than seven or eight times stronger than the peak warrior in the ordinary Lingwu realm. After the black phoenix Lin Yafeng promoted you to Wang Wujing, your current physical strength is much worse than that of the ordinary Wang Wujing."

"If you want to maximize the power of gods and demons in your body, you should remember these points."

"First, try every means to improve the strength of the body, that is, forging. I will guide you how to do this later, and there will be specific arrangements;"

"Second, after I untie the loose seal, you should start to understand the rules of the power of gods and Demons... Any kind of power contains the power of one or more rules. After understanding it, you can really become its master and make the best use of this power;"

Mo Ge nodded and wrote it down one by one.

Shen Lang continued, "as for the second point, I can\'t help you for the time being. You can only understand it by yourself."

"As for the first point, I will use a variety of forging potions to help you forge and teach you the skill of forging... These external means will not be mentioned for the time being."

"The key I want to say is something completely different from what you know about forging."

"The general martial arts forging is nothing more than washing essence, cutting marrow, consolidating meridians and quenching bones."

"But what I\'m talking about is a deeper level. Maybe no one has really realized it, and no one has realized what to do."

"A human body is composed of 60 trillion cells. If you use divine power or other forces to quench this cell and awaken its potential, every cell can have the power of a divine beast."

"If you wake up, you will turn the tide, devour the stars, subvert Yin and Yang and turn the world around."

This is actually the cultivation method of chaotic divine body.

But even if Mo GE has no chaotic divine body, the direction of quenching cells and forging body is also correct.

Mo Ge was stunned: "cell?"

Shen langdun said, "it\'s just a title. You can also change it into particles. Anyway, it\'s the particles that make up life."

"Ordinary strong people can only see Danhai or Danying and see meridians."

"But from now on, you should try to see deeper cells. You should find them, and then consciously use the power of gods and demons to quench them, and let the power of gods and demons be stored in this cell, not in Danying or the sealed power group."

"On the eve, when the lonely city controlled me with the unique skill \'Shura soul binding technique\' of the night family, I easily broke his soul silk because of the unpredictable power stored in all cells."

"Because the source of power of ordinary martial artists is Danying, and the way of power walking is meridians; therefore, the \'Shura soul binding technique\' of Yejia is to use soul power to seal Danying and meridians, so that your power can\'t operate and hold your life and death in his hands."

Shen Lang said, his palm spread out, and suddenly a completely disordered chaotic light appeared everywhere, such as his fingers and palm.

"My really powerful power is not stored in the pill baby, but in all the cells. Any cell, just like a pill baby, can store unpredictable power and even soul."

"A dynamic thought, these forces can be released without passing through the meridians."

Shen Lang began to tell Mo Ge in detail about his method of refining chaotic divine body.

Although mogo has no chaotic gods, these cells in the human body are exactly the same.

Even if the cells in Mo GE\'s body do not have the virtual shadow of ten gods and beasts, it is 100 times stronger to use the power of gods and demons or other means to stimulate and refine than just refining the meridians and bones.

Relatively speaking, the hardening of meridians and bones has become relatively low-level.

Finally, Shen Lang uses the power of chaos to help Mo Ge open the seal gap!

Cultivation is just the Mo song of Wang Wujing\'s triple heaven. It has completely changed!

His whole body was wrapped by gods, like a demon attached to the body, killing God down to earth!

Even the prohibition arranged by Shen Lang suddenly shook, and there was no instant collapse under the control of Shen Lang\'s spiritual power!

At this time, Mo Ge finally returned to the fear of the demon royal family in the demon domain.

He has the power to turn over rivers and seas in an instant!

Once it breaks out, the mountains will collapse!

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "in terms of power control, you are still too weak. If you release your breath so recklessly, I\'m afraid you can\'t do anything in this troubled world."

With that, Shen Lang began to tell Mo Ge about the method of controlling power, and then passed on Mo GE\'s method of hiding breath.

"Although the power of the gods and demons on you is strong, if you can\'t completely take it as your own, it\'s not your own power, not your own power. No matter how powerful it is, it\'s limited."

"From now on, you should try to understand the rules in the power of God and devil, then completely control it, and use the power of God and devil to quench every cell."

Mo Ge nodded slightly, "I understand."

"What I sent you today is enough for you to ponder for a while." Shen Lang said and stood up: "that\'s it. Come to me again if you have any questions. I\'ll go to songduofeng hall."

Shen Lang is very satisfied with Mo Ge.

In addition to the trust that seems to come from a previous life, Mo Ge is undoubtedly a gifted genius.

These talents, combined with the power of gods and demons, Shen Lang\'s means and Yuan force fragments, I\'m afraid that in a short time, xuandaozong will have another strong quasi emperor martial mirror!

His future development is like Shen Lang seeing his own shadow. He can expect amazing progress!

If Shen Jianfeng had an adventure, there was a possibility of achieving the imperial martial mirror;

Then Mo Ge, after Shen Lang\'s guidance and teaching, has the possibility of surpassing the great emperor!

After all, Mo GE\'s starting point is different from others. What he has is the power of gods and demons!

At present, Shen Lang is the only one who knows about surpassing the great emperor!

Shen Lang is looking forward to Mo Ge.